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Old 09-28-2012, 10:56 AM   #31
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Hey JDB....your post accusing me of being concern of earth's resources being finite...respect!!!! Thanks so much for playing into my hand, again.

No I am not, as a matter of fact, one of my cars is an SUV that drinks gas almost as fast, as you blow out wasted hot air

Your losing streak, in terms of being consistently wrong and totally out of touch continues..."F" to the Johnnie Wayne wanna be

I will now officially acknowledge ya, as a clueless wonder, lol....and just another sign that you continue to confuse your ridiculous and completely simple-minded assumptions for facts

Just because you fulfill all the typical sterotype requirements, that one would suspect....does not mean the rest of us do....lesson taught mr teacher.

But at least you are consistent...absolutely rich....thanks for playing along!!!!
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Old 09-28-2012, 11:00 AM   #32
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Steamy, although we have a disagreement, I will say that at least you appear to be someone wanting to have a discussion, rather than some of these other "teachers or preachers".

Running late for dentist appt...but will respond later...friendly yanking the chain back at ya, lol

side note: wiki stated that the official percentage for Muslims in UK is at 3%, but a better % taking into acct illegals put the amt to 10%, just thought I would add that
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Old 09-28-2012, 07:47 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by vkmaster View Post
Steamy, although we have a disagreement, I will say that at least you appear to be someone wanting to have a discussion, rather than some of these other "teachers or preachers".

Running late for dentist appt...but will respond later...friendly yanking the chain back at ya, lol

side note: wiki stated that the official percentage for Muslims in UK is at 3%, but a better % taking into acct illegals put the amt to 10%, just thought I would add that
Thanks and no im not a teacher or preacher, but if i can provoke a thought then im good.. At the end of the day everyone on here is gonna think what they want to, im sure as hell not gonna convince them.....
1. The majority of Muslims really do believe theirs is the only religion. Alot of them are pissed about whats been done to them for the last 100 years, just my opinion. They have an agenda to spread the gospel ... I wish they would go to China and convert them.... I actually worked for a few Middle Easter gentleman and spent a bit of time there over the last 20 years, trust me when i say they have an agenda and they are taking it where ever they can.... One country, one town, one village, one block at a time....
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Old 09-29-2012, 11:11 PM   #34
JD Barleycorn
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Okay, I finally found this post again. For VK, I never said that you were an environmental wacko. I just asked the question and you came back very defensive.

Here is the point of the question (which I promised Randy's Candy); I find it remarkable in many ways that the people who support the idea that the earth's resources are finite are not of the same opinion of the United States. As someone who has studied history (not that I teach history) I can say with certainty that all countries can come to an end. Many times that end happens within one lifetime. I see the United States threatened from without and within. Muslim terrorism, Chinese expansion, and the Russian recovery are external threats. Massive, unsustainable debt, lack of leadership, and a dependent population of government are internal threats. Why do some of the people here get upset when they believe the earth is threatened but are blissfully unaware when greater threats are coming after our country?

Don't you feel embarassed now? You should.
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Old 09-30-2012, 10:07 AM   #35
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Do you actually read the links you post?

The Sun is not exactly a liberal newspaper. But the report is quite clear it is a very fringe group, totally bananas.

I like this quote:

The radical — an electrician called Trevor Brooks before converting to Islam — said last night:

From the cbn link:

"The idea of bringing Sharia here is total non starter. It's nothing but a publicity stunt," the imam said.

"Most Muslims, the vast bulk of law-abiding productive citizens in this country, do not wish to have Sharia law here," he said. "If we wanted Sharia law, we would go to a country that practices Sharia law."

The BBC link is actually the most interesting. It is clear that Sharia law is being used to "help resolve family, financial and commercial problems in accordance with Sharia principles"

This seems to me to be perfectly acceptable, it is a local community advice service, I think the jewish community has a similar system, the jamaican community sort out disputes over a game of dominoes.

It is in no way replacing the legal system in the UK. It is more like a 'citizen's advice bureau' (which are common, you go to them for advice on anything from debt to divorce to alcoholism), but adapted to a local communities needs.

This is absolutely nothing to do with stoning etc etc etc aspects of sharia law, which the vast majority of muslims in the UK (and in the rest of the world) are against.
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Old 09-30-2012, 12:26 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
A confrontation is coming and it will be between the west and islam. Do you believe in Sharia law or do you want to live under Sharia. I am very interested in the answers of the ladies.

I ask because we have a president who refers to the pedophile prophet of Islam as the Holy Prophet. Funny I have never heard him say anything about Jesus. Even the Reverend Wright admitted that he is not sure that Obama really converted which would indicate that Obama was something else before he was a christian...if he truly converted. If we don't have a Muslim president like Madonna thinks then we have a hard core sympathizer.

So ladies do you want to be second or third class citizens? Do you want to be beaten for not covering your hair, walking alone, or speaking to a man who is not your husband. Do you want to be stoned to death for adultery? It is not a pretty thing.
JD let me educate you because you are apparently very ignorant. How many christians have you every heard use the word "Holy" in front of Jesus?
Also, do you know how old the Virgin Mary was when she had Jesus- in your small mind you perhaps may think she was in her late 20's- but back in those days- Women married around the age of 12- the Virgin Mary by scholars estimate was between 12 and 15. So was God a pedophile also?
Also, not all Muslims follow Sharia law- in fact majority do not follow Sharia law. Also, pick up your Bible and read it- do you know where Sharia law originates from? Are you aware in Jesus's days the penalty for adultery was stoning to death? Do you realize in Jesus days the penalty for blasphemy was stoning to death as well? Also, the tradition of a woman covering their hair dates back to Moses days and it's quite obvious in the Bible: open your Bible and read JD: 1 Corinthians 11:6 : For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should
cover her head
JD it's Bible chest pounding republicans like you who try to embrace that you are so holy- when in fact I can point out about 100 things the Bible says to do or not to do that you don't obey. For the most part Christians do not follow everything written in the bible. Do you work on the Sabbath JD? Do you fast?

Here are several sites where Obama expresses his faith in Jesus and Christianity: http://hotair.com/archives/2012/04/04/obama-when-i-struggle-i-just-think-of-jesus-agony-in-the-garden/
In this audio Obama referred to Jesus as a Son of God: http://bluecollarphilosophy.com/2012...he-mean-audio/ If you knew anything about Islam- you can't be a Muslim and accept Jesus as a Son of God or even accept Jesus being crucified. Although Muslims believe Jesus was a great prophet- they don't believe he was divine or is an intercessor.

Funny, how you want to question Obama's religion or faith yet the GOP candidate follows a cult with people who wear magical underwear???

Since you like to make fun of Islam- and for the record I am a God fearing Christian- but let's look at some beliefs of Mormons- here's a list of 100 beliefs:

1. Polygamy is still doctrinal in heaven and included in LDS scripture. See D&C 132
2. Sports should not be played on Sunday
3. TV or movies should not be viewed on Sunday (except Church or "happy" media)
4. Children should not be allowed to play with friends on Sunday
5. Working on Sunday is strictly discouraged and really only not looked down on if you're an emergency response personnel, or other on-call emergency type jobs (doctors, police, firemen, nurses etc)
6. Rated R movies should be strictly avoided
7. 10% of your gross income (tithing) needs to be paid to the bishop/church before you pay for any other financial obligations, bills, food or other purchases
8. Coffee and tea are prohibited even though they aren't specifically referenced by doctrine
9. For some families, all caffeinated drinks and sodas are prohibited
10. If you have dark skin and convert to Mormonism, your skin will begin to lighten/whiten
11. You become a God/Goddess and are given powers to create your own worlds without number
12. You should not be alone in a room or car with a member of the opposite sex to "avoid even the appearance of evil"
13. Beer is prohibited even though it is scripturally allowed (D&C 89:17) "...and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain" Beer was openly consumed in Utah by Mormons until Prohibition made it unpopular and the practice ceased.
14. The Garden of Eden was in Missouri when Adam and Eve were kicked out
15. All saints are to return to Missouri before the final arrival of Jesus for the Second Coming. Some believe this exodus back to Missouri would be on foot.
16. Two LDS Elders or Missionaries will stand and protect the city of Jerusalem during Armageddon, as spoken of in Revelations and D&C 77:15
17. Native Americans are the descendants of the Lamanites spoken of in the Book of Mormon
18. The LDS Temple marriage is considered superior to all other religious marriage ceremonies and must be obtained if you want to be with your spouse in the after life. Not married in the temple? Too bad, no spouse/partner in the after life.
19. Love isn't as strong between couples and families who are not LDS
20. Follow the prophet or leaders even if you think they are wrong
21. Criticism of prophets or leaders will lead you towards apostasy
22. Don't use Ouija boards, face cards or tarot cards. They are of the devil.
23. The US Constitution will hang by a thread and be saved by LDS Elders before the 2nd coming
24. Women were discouraged from wearing pants up until the late '60s or '70s
25. 3 Nephites still rome the Earth from Christ's visit to the America's, blessed by Him to not experience death until his second coming
26. The moon will literally turn to blood during second coming crisis
27. Heavenly Mother/Goddess exists, but she/them are too sacred to discuss and cannot be worshiped or prayed to
28. Only Mormon's can go to the highest degree of heaven, which is why proxy ordinances are done in LDS temples for as many dead people as LDS Inc can get their hands on
29. Kids or babies who die before reaching 8 years old are perfect and automatically get into heaven
30. Missionaries can curse people by dusting their feet off as a witness to them rejecting the gospel
31. Satan has power over the oceans, lakes and rivers which is why LDS Missionaries are not allowed to swim
32. Satan can't read your thoughts so praying silently can help keep some of your secrets from him
33. Dating is strictly prohibited until you're 16 and then only group dating is allowed or encouraged until you can marry after your mission or marry a return missionary
34. Doctrinal polygamy gives the 1st wife authority to reject any prospects she doesn't like. This was never really practiced though.
35. Women who fail to marry in the temple during their life will be assigned a worthy spouse in the hereafter and likely as a sister wife with a harem of women
36. Black people bear the curse of Cain and were born black because they were less valiant in the pre-existence (pre-Earth life) and sat on the fence as to whether to follow Satan/Lucifer or Jesus
37. Cremation will make being resurrected harder, having to recollect all of your atoms/molecules from where ever they were spread
38. God the father is only one of millions or endless Gods who are all basically relatives, fathers, brothers, grand-gods and so forth to our own God. If we're worthy, we get to join the God club too.
39. From the polygamy days, a man had to have at least 2 wives to get into the highest degree of heaven
40. A woman's purpose in heaven is solely to birth endless babies to populate the worlds created by their husbands. Billions and billions of babies!
41. Gestation is still 9 months in heaven
42. You are better off dying trying to fend off a rapist than to survive as a victim of rape, your virginity forever stolen from you
43. Temple garments or underwear will protect you from physical harm or the grasp of Satan
44. Girls can only have one piercing in each ear. No piercings allowed by boys/men.
45. Tattoos are a big no-no and should never be allowed to defile your bodies. If you have tattoos when you convert, you may be encouraged to pay for laser removal at your own expense.
46. Flip-flops are not to be worn in the church building
47. All forms of birth control (condoms, pills, etc) are discouraged and the couple should allow as many children into their home as God decides to send them
48. The Earth was not created by God, but by Jesus and Michael/Adam as taught in the LDS Temple endowment ceremony
49. Secret hand shakes, keywords and signs are provided in the Temple endowment as passwords and keys to get back into heaven, like a kids club where only those with the secret passwords can get in
50. The church partners with Boy Scouts of America for the development of males but does not endorse nor partner with the Girl Scout programs or similar female development programs
51. The Holy Ghost is threatened or turned away by bars, clubs and "dirty" places so will not protect you or guide you if you choose to enter such filthy places
52. Mormon Garments must be worn day and night, only removed for sex, showering and some sporting activities
53. Women must wear their bras and panties over their garments, as the garment should be the layer closest to the skin for maximum protection
54. If you're not a Mormon, or are unworthy without a temple recommend, you get excluded from the Temple wedding ceremony of loved ones, kids, siblings or best friends
55. Mormon's do feel there is something special about them, or that they are better than non-mormons. Having the ultimate "truth" does that to people.
56. Masturbation is a sexual sin/transgression and seen as cheating on your existing or future spouse
57. Sexual transgression is a sin next to murder in God's eyes
58. Jesus atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, not on the cross
59. Jesus wasn't born of a virgin. God had natural sex with Mary to impregnate Jesus
60. You can't get into heaven without Joseph Smith's permission
61. You can visit loved ones in lower kingdoms, but you cannot visit higher kingdoms of heaven if you didn't merit it yourself, though they can visit you (see D&C 76)
62. You can tell the difference between a good angel, bad angel or resurrected being by their willingness or ability to shake your hand
63. No rainbows shall appear during the year before Jesus' second coming
64. If you've had a sex change, you cannot ever hold any callings/jobs in the church and only get baptized at the express permission of the First Presidency/prophet
65. Role playing games, like D&D, are also evil
66. Dinosaur fossils are to test our faith, and likely came from matter left over from past destroyed planets that were used/recycled to create Earth
67. When a prophet or leader errors, it was because he was acting as a man and not as a prophet. There's no indication until after the fact as to whether he was acting as one or the other, so you should always presume he's acting as prophet until proven otherwise
68. Free agency and choice is revered, but don't make the wrong choice or we will judge, look down on and guilt you until you either stop making said wrong choices
69. Once the prophet or brethren have spoken, the thinking has been done. Don't question it.
70. When someone leaves the church, it is God's way of separating the wheat (good mormons) from the chaff (bad, evil apostates)
71. Jesus was supposed to come in the year 2000, that is until he didn't
72. God is a resurrected, extra terrestrial, exalted human male who lives on a planet near a star called Kolob. See Book of Abraham, chapter 3 in Pearl of Great Price
73. Even though Jesus had a beard, we aren't allowed to have facial hair while attending the Lord's University, BYU, and are discouraged or flat out not allowed to have facial hair in high up leadership positions, despite early leaders all having beards
74. The LDS Temple questions somewhat encourage the shunning or disassociating with anyone who is anti, apostate, or against the church. This may include family members, close relatives or best friends if they end up leaving the church.
75. The "Inspired" Joseph Smith translation of the bible is more correct than the KJV
76. Joseph Smith's money digging and glass looking were actually God's way of preparing him for his role as a prophet and revelator.
77. Our dead relatives and angel friends can see us when we sin, and so even when alone, it is not safe to masturbate or do anything "bad".
78. The Holy Ghost goes to bed at midnight, so all dates, sleepovers, or other activities by youth or single people need to end by midnight or else you won't have protection or guidance against the temptations of the devil
79. Hoard enough food, water and fuel to survive 3-12 months or more
80. Women must wear modest clothing that extends to the floor while kneeling down (shorts, skirts etc) and that covers the shoulders and upper arms, no revealing of the midrift, no bikini swim suits, no tank tops, no spaghetti straps etc
81. Satan's real name in the Pre-existence is Lucifer, even though that name is only used once in the Old Testament
82. The ancient Jews were the only people who would kill Christ and therefore the most wicked people in the universe
83. So long as the US/America's stay righteous, aka, primarily Christian and God fearing, they will not be attacked by foreign powers or enemies (stems from the tradition laid out in the Book of Mormon that righteousness equals protection from enemies by God etc).
84. The Earth is a living entity that must also go through ordinances, death and exaltation. The Flood of Noah was the Earth's baptism. The fire and burning at the 2nd coming will be the baptism by fire and immediately after, exaltation to a perfect sphere of glass
85. The Earth was once in orbit around Kolob, but was expelled when Adam fell from the Garden of Eden. It will again return to that orbit after the millennium.
86. If you don't make it to the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, you will be gender-less in the after life. No sex or sex urges for you in the Terrestrial and Telestial kingdoms.
87. When people leave the church and can't leave it alone (despite being psychologically and emotionally damaged by it), it is called "kicking against the pricks", and is fulfillment of prophesy.
88. There are people living on the moon. LINK They dress much like Quakers and they are tall, many standing seven feet tall or more. One day we will send missionaries to teach them the gospel. There are also people living on the sun. Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 217
89. Brigham Young (2nd LDS prophet) taught that Adam was the literal God of the Earth and Earth's family
90. If you serve valiantly as a missionary, you'll be blessed with a beautiful and righteous spouse when you return
91. If you hold your right arm to the square and invoke the power of the priesthood, you can cast out devils, divert floods and lava flows, and baptize others
92. Women covenant in the temple to "observe and keep the law of the Lord and hearken unto the counsel of your husband as he hearkens unto the counsel of the Father"
93. All covenant in the temple "to sacrifice all that we possess, even our own lives if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God"
94. We covenant to "avoid all lightmindedness, loud laughter, evil speaking of the Lord's anointed, the taking of the name of God in vain, and every other unholy and impure practice"
95. More, we covenant in temples to "accept the Law of Consecration as contained in theDoctrine and Covenants, in that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion"
96. Garments represent the garment God/Jesus made and gave to Adam when he discovered his nakedness in the Garden of Eden
97. Women are most valued when in the home, rearing children and taking care of domestic affairs (laundry, dishes, house cleaning, etc)
98. In the temple marriage covenant/ceremony, women "give [themselves] to [their husband] to be his lawful and wedded wife" and men "receive her unto [himself] to be [his] lawful and wedded wife for time and all eternity"
99. If a widow remarries a man for time only, and bears him children, those children will belong to her first and sealed husband in the eternities
100. Before a woman can remarry in the temple for eternity, she must first get a temple sealing annulment, which can only come at the approval of the First Presidency, and will likely not be allowed if the first husband is deceased
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Old 09-30-2012, 03:10 PM   #37
JD Barleycorn
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Wow, some wild ass assumptions. I am not a bible thumping anything. At best I am a deist at worst I am a hopeful agnostic. I don't follow any religion. By my lifestyle I have been accused (is that the right word?) of being a Mormon, a Jew, and a Catholic. Take your pick. I guess that comes from having an education.

As some words used; I do hear Christians preface the name Jesus with "our lord and savior", or "our lord" but those people are usually DEVOUT Christians. That is the rub (do I have to explain that word?). When Obama talks the christian talk he does not say such things but when he talks the Muslim talk...you've heard him yourself. He says things like "the Holy Prophet". Things a devout Muslim would say. Kind of like a devout Catholic giving the sign of the cross when they mention Jesus. Now the only thing that I have not heard Obama say is "Allahu Akbar". Maybe after the election when he has more flexibility.

As for your other comments (Luther only had 95 theses); Other than that is a cut and paste, Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels in order to overcome them. That includes saying saying all the proper things about Jesus. The Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet but only a prophet. By the way, Polonius said that brevity is the soul of wit and you have demonstrated yourself as near witless.

Since you find yourself to be bigoted towards Mormons I'm sure you will be forgiven...

My problem with this religious battle is that one person is honest about his religion and I have no fear that Romney will convert the country but Obama is not honest. He denied taking Muslim training when he did. He denied being a Muslim which he had to be to go to school in Indonesia. He denied hearing anything of consequence listening to the Reverend Wright for 20 years. We now have Wright saying that he converted Obama though he never says what from and we can only guess. Wright wasn't even sure that it took. So we have a man who has lied about his god, abandoned his god, and took up with another god...if he is being honest which is hard to imagine.
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Old 09-30-2012, 03:19 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Funny, how you want to question Obama's religion or faith yet the GOP candidate follows a cult with people who wear magical underwear???

Both Odumbo's religious faith and education (Odumbo purports to be a “Constitutional” lawyer) are called into question when he cannot properly recite the preamble to The Declaration of Independence from a teleprompter:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. Endowed [Long Pause: "by their Creator" omitted] with certain inalienable [sic: unalienable] rights: life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” September 15, 2010, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute speech

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, endowed ["by their Creator" omitted] with certain inalienable [sic: unalienable] rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That’s what makes us unique.” September 22, 2010, New York fundraiser Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that each of us are endowed ["by their Creator" omitted] with certain inalienable [sic: unalienable] rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee October 18, 2010.
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Old 09-30-2012, 05:13 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Wow, some wild ass assumptions. I am not a bible thumping anything. At best I am a deist at worst I am a hopeful agnostic. I don't follow any religion. By my lifestyle I have been accused (is that the right word?) of being a Mormon, a Jew, and a Catholic. Take your pick. I guess that comes from having an education.

As some words used; I do hear Christians preface the name Jesus with "our lord and savior", or "our lord" but those people are usually DEVOUT Christians. That is the rub (do I have to explain that word?). When Obama talks the christian talk he does not say such things but when he talks the Muslim talk...you've heard him yourself. He says things like "the Holy Prophet". Things a devout Muslim would say. Kind of like a devout Catholic giving the sign of the cross when they mention Jesus. Now the only thing that I have not heard Obama say is "Allahu Akbar". Maybe after the election when he has more flexibility.

As for your other comments (Luther only had 95 theses); Other than that is a cut and paste, Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels in order to overcome them. That includes saying saying all the proper things about Jesus. The Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet but only a prophet. By the way, Polonius said that brevity is the soul of wit and you have demonstrated yourself as near witless.

Since you find yourself to be bigoted towards Mormons I'm sure you will be forgiven...

My problem with this religious battle is that one person is honest about his religion and I have no fear that Romney will convert the country but Obama is not honest. He denied taking Muslim training when he did. He denied being a Muslim which he had to be to go to school in Indonesia. He denied hearing anything of consequence listening to the Reverend Wright for 20 years. We now have Wright saying that he converted Obama though he never says what from and we can only guess. Wright wasn't even sure that it took. So we have a man who has lied about his god, abandoned his god, and took up with another god...if he is being honest which is hard to imagine.
Hmmmm I guess you must know Obama's inner spiritual feelings- did you even listen to the audio- Obama has disqualified himself as being a muslim by merely accepting Jesus dies on the cross or celebrating Easter. Can you name me the Mosque Obama has attended? Did he attend the Mosque and Rev Wright's church at the same time?
Here is something quoted by Obama: From an Easter Prayer Breakfast on April 19, 2011 at the White House

"I wanted to host this breakfast for a simple reason -- because as busy as we are, as many tasks as pile up, during this season, we are reminded that there's something about the resurrection -- something about the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything else in perspective.
So now you are saying he has dual religions? Also, let's play devil's advocate- WTF is was a muslim- there re 1 billion muslims- the 2nd most popular faith- I have more respect in Muslims than I do with an Agnostic idiot like yourself who despite all the evidence can't believe it's a higher power.

If you are an AGNOSTIC then why even bring up a religious thread??????
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Old 09-30-2012, 08:50 PM   #40
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I put Deist first but you don't really know what a deist is do you? As it says in the Koran, a faithful person can lie to infidels. That lie includes straight lying or doing things to confuse the issue. You have read Obama's book haven't you? He went to a madrassas while living in Indonesia. He was listed as a Muslim on the school forms. You can't believe your own lying eyes then?

I guess you're just another religious bigot.

I look at what a religion stands for but you just don't like some religions period. They are too different and weird for you bigot.
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Old 09-30-2012, 09:03 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I put Deist first but you don't really know what a deist is do you? As it says in the Koran, a faithful person can lie to infidels. That lie includes straight lying or doing things to confuse the issue. You have read Obama's book haven't you? He went to a madrassas while living in Indonesia. He was listed as a Muslim on the school forms. You can't believe your own lying eyes then?

I guess you're just another religious bigot.

I look at what a religion stands for but you just don't like some religions period. They are too different and weird for you bigot.
Indonesia is 98% Muslim jackass- it has the highest Muslim population of any country. The Pharmacy school I attended is a private Catholic University and I am not Catholic. Name the Mosque he attended when he lived in Chicago???? I can name many people who attended a certain religious school but do not belong to the faith- Bill Maher- a known and proud Atheist attended catholic school- so what's your point?
Are there any pictures of Obama going to Mecca- which every Muslim is supposed to attend- and trust me Obama had the financial means to have traveled to Mecca.
Also, what does the Koran say about Muslims who leave the religion and accept Christianity? Are than any audio of Obama saying:" There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet?" If you can't produce any of those things than STFU!!!
I see you haven't addressed the beliefs of John Smith - is he true prophet????
I assure you the Bible and the Koran have more in common than the Bible and the Book of Mormons!!!!!
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Old 09-30-2012, 09:27 PM   #42
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The idiots claiming Obama is a Muslim is just code! They really mean something else!
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Old 09-30-2012, 09:54 PM   #43
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So true bigtex!!!
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Old 09-30-2012, 10:02 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
The idiots claiming Obama is a Muslim is just code! They really mean something else!
I am curious what else would that be.
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Old 09-30-2012, 10:38 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Indonesia is 98% Muslim jackass- it has the highest Muslim population of any country. The Pharmacy school I attended is a private Catholic University and I am not Catholic. Name the Mosque he attended when he lived in Chicago???? I can name many people who attended a certain religious school but do not belong to the faith- Bill Maher- a known and proud Atheist attended catholic school- so what's your point?
Are there any pictures of Obama going to Mecca- which every Muslim is supposed to attend- and trust me Obama had the financial means to have traveled to Mecca.
Also, what does the Koran say about Muslims who leave the religion and accept Christianity? Are than any audio of Obama saying:" There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet?" If you can't produce any of those things than STFU!!!
I see you haven't addressed the beliefs of John Smith - is he true prophet????
I assure you the Bible and the Koran have more in common than the Bible and the Book of Mormons!!!!!
Corrections that should have been Joseph Smith- this will be the first time in U.S History than a political party has had 2 people seeking office that were not Protestant(Romney- Mormon) and Ryan(Catholic).
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