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Old 09-18-2012, 11:27 AM   #46
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Skylar, is the shit Joe. Don't count her out. She's extremely intelligent. She's literally one of my very favorite providers, ever ever.

And as far as Romney saying that, well DUH. Everyone thinks it already. 36 million to 49 million on food stamps in Obama's term? It's slavery. Most of you would agree with me if you had any idea what being in the system really meant. How many folks that take aide, just do it because that's all they know?

I agree with his statement, making allowance for the percentage being off when he's just talking to folks. An enormous percentage will vote obama just because that's what they are told will keep their aide, even though Romney isn't going to take away the aide from folks that REALLY need it. It doesn't matter who's in, entitlements will HAVE to be cut.

And WTF, no matter who invented space travel, it will have to be carried to the next step by private industry. I sure hope it's American private industry. Thanks Obama. What a guy.
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:27 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post

The debt we are in IS NOT THE RESULT OF ENTITLEMENT SPENDING! Where did we waste milliions in the last 10 years? WARS!!!

You can't even pretend to be honest until you look at all the spending that occurred under GWB. Between the wars he started and the AGENCIES HE CREATED we are broke! How can you believe this garbage you spew?
The creation of The Department of Homeland Security was pushed by Democrats. Bush was pressured into going along.

From CNN.Com

The department is a direct result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, which exposed security lapses and intelligence failures, and led to calls for sweeping changes to the nation's defense, intelligence and law enforcement sectors. (Fact sheet)
Bush initially resisted the idea of a new department, which had been championed primarily by Democrats in the wake of the attacks. But Bush embraced the concept in June and used the issue effectively on the campaign trail this past fall, criticizing Democrats who differed with him over the issue of labor rights within the new department.

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Old 09-18-2012, 11:29 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
I notice Joe tries to resort to sarcasm when he is exposed for how wrong and ignorant he is.

Not enough sarcasm in the world to counter that ignorance!
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:31 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
. But Bush embraced the concept in June and used the issue effectively on the campaign trail this past fall, criticizing Democrats who differed with him over the issue of labor rights within the new department.


From your own post. Did Bush veto the bill? No. Did he embrace it later? It does appear so.
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:48 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Romney just said what every conservative knows. The freeloader vote is locked in. They don't pay taxes. They don't give a damn that we're going bankrupt. The welfare parasites will suck the government teat until it runs dry.
Joe here's a chart that shows what States pay the least taxes- can you tell me what these states have in common- i.e- which Party do these states traditionally lean towards?

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Old 09-18-2012, 11:54 AM   #51
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Hey BigTex, Louie, WTF and TTH I noticed WhirlWay has yet to comment on this very important political mishap-hmmm I wonder why????????
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Old 09-18-2012, 12:08 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
Skylar, is the shit Joe. Don't count her out. She's extremely intelligent. She's literally one of my very favorite providers, ever ever.

And as far as Romney saying that, well DUH. Everyone thinks it already. 36 million to 49 million on food stamps in Obama's term? It's slavery. Most of you would agree with me if you had any idea what being in the system really meant. How many folks that take aide, just do it because that's all they know?

I agree with his statement, making allowance for the percentage being off when he's just talking to folks. An enormous percentage will vote obama just because that's what they are told will keep their aide, even though Romney isn't going to take away the aide from folks that REALLY need it. It doesn't matter who's in, entitlements will HAVE to be cut.

And WTF, no matter who invented space travel, it will have to be carried to the next step by private industry. I sure hope it's American private industry. Thanks Obama. What a guy.
I don't doubt her intelligence. There are lots of smart liberals, just like there are lots of smart conservatives.

I think the primary difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals tend to make decisions based on emotion instead of reason. That doesn't mean that liberals aren't capable of reason. It means, that most liberals tend to let their emotions overide reason, in the decision making process, at least when it comes to politics.

Women are just as smart as men. However, women do tend to be, more liberal than men. The reason that women tend to be more liberal than men is that typically, women are driven more their heart than by their head. Women tend to be liberal because they are more likely to let emotion overide reason.

Women are designed by nature, or God, to be the primary care givers to children. This means that women are instinctively more nurturing and more tender hearted. It stands to reason, that the Democrat nanny state is more appealing to women than men.
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Old 09-18-2012, 12:37 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
women are driven more their heart than by their head. .

Is that like being driven by your dick in men?

And you know that sucks..... I believe I should make it or not based on my own merit. I also am very willing, and do often, give every single thing I have to someone else. I get ridiculed daily about being someone center right....... I just had a thought for a thread.
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Old 09-18-2012, 12:47 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou View Post
Careful don't say fuck, you will hurt JB's fragile sensibilities.

You gotta speak to JB as though he was a southern debutant and add a few "I do declare"s in the mix if you expect him to reasonable and competently answer a question.

why Miss Skylar, I do declare, I think youre right

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Old 09-18-2012, 12:49 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post

And WTF, no matter who invented space travel, it will have to be carried to the next step by private industry. I sure hope it's American private industry. Thanks Obama. What a guy.
WTF do you mean no matter who?

It was government inspired and funded! Just like the internet.

There is something called Economy of Scale you silly SOB's need to learn. It is the same with the Chevy Volt.
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Old 09-18-2012, 12:51 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Joe here's a chart that shows what States pay the least taxes- can you tell me what these states have in common- i.e- which Party do these states traditionally lean towards?

The Republican states pay lower taxes partly because they tend not to have state income taxes. They don't need state income taxes because they tend to have less government; that's a good thing.
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Old 09-18-2012, 12:54 PM   #57
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This whole thread is an example of the problem. Obama supporters look at isolated facts and claim to be correct. Republican supporters do the same. The reality is both parties have proven incompetent. The entitlement programs ARE a major problem since they were not funded properly from the inception. On top of that Congress has spent every penny collected so that the surplus is no longer available and hidden that by including the surplus in the total budget so that the public could not see how badly they were overspending for decades. This has been going on for 60+ years and is now getting ready to blow up in our faces.

I will vote for Romney this time simply because the democrats have proven for the past 5.5 years that they have controlled Congress and the last 3.5 years in the presidency that they will not address the financial disaster we are facing. Raising taxes on the rich will not solve the problem and they have no other solution. They have proven they are unwilling to spend less. For the most part I agree with them on the social issues but they really do not matter at this time. My fear is that the republicans will use this financial crises to get elected and then continue avoiding the hard issues because they want to get reelected. I really wish there was a third choice but there is not. As long as the voters want hand outs or are worried about who gets married or smokes pot the libertarians have no chance.

The media has also proven to be totally incompetent and lazy because they are not critically analyzing the proposals of either party. As Clinton stated most of this is simple arithmetic. Unfortunately it appears that most people, including himself, don't bother to apply it.
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Old 09-18-2012, 12:56 PM   #58
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The states that have no state income taxes are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. And the map depicts the states that have the highest percentage on Non-Payers not the state with the least taxes overall.

So what excuses do the other states have?
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Old 09-18-2012, 01:02 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou View Post
The states that have no state income taxes are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.

So what excuses do the other states have?
Without this new found oil , Texas would be in a world of hurt.

States that do not invest in education , steal other states grads that do. Our system is way more complex than a few sound bytes can digest.

I agree with Laz for the most part, though I'd never vote for a piece of crap like Romney. SOB is a vulture disguised as a Dove.
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Old 09-18-2012, 01:03 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post

I will vote for Romney this time simply because the democrats have proven for the past 5.5 years that they have controlled Congress and the last 3.5 years in the presidency that they will not address the financial disaster we are facing.
Pause, so your solution is to put the party that had the white house for 8 years and the congress for 6 and caused this mess back into power?????

That makes no fucking sense at all.

And Clinton DID use Arithmetic, that's how he created the surplus that the republican's squandered.

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