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Old 09-18-2012, 08:50 AM   #16
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Romney is just digging a bigger hole. See this is how he really acts with his rich friends at a $50,00 dollar per plate fundraiser when he thinks no one is watching.

It's not the 47% percent of people who don't pay taxes do it intentionally, they can't file taxes because they are not eligible.

I have a table of minimum income requirements on the link below.

If they make below the listed amounts then they are not eligible to file taxes. That could include high school students working minimum wage jobs and retired seniors who are unemployed . So for Romney to make this broad jump and say anyone who doesn't pay taxes is a selfish freeloader, who will suck on Obama tit no matter what- is making a fool out of himself.

Alot of people right now are taking whatever job they can get, that means alot of over qualified people are working in retail and fast food and most of those jobs that are barely over minimum wage and their yearly accrued wages might barely make them eligible to pay for taxes. He shouldn't be talking down about these people he should be looking for ways to empower these people, not just give up on them and just focus on the "self reliant" part of America.

He pretty much saying "I only believe in half of America- the other half can go fuck themselves, I am done trying to appeal to them"

You know you have a shitty candidate when bible belt voters would rather have someone they acknowledge as a "Muslim" over some billionaire "Mormon" .

(Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.
So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.

More stupid shit he said at the party:


Now we will wait for someone to claim that the speech was fake and Romney was set up.

Edited to add more techincal shit:

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Old 09-18-2012, 09:02 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
You are wrong Joe as usual.

I am an Obama voter.

I dont see myself as a victim
I dont think the government owes me food
I PAY TAXES, (at a higher rate than Romney i might add)
I take total responsibility for my life.

Romney is clueless and is going to lose because of this attitude. Guys like you will wake up when you have lost the white house AND the congress.

Good luck Joe, just do not delude yourself about us Obama voters.

And disrespecting have the country is NOT a winning strategy. If he felt he was so right, he wouldnt be in damage control mode now.

You conservatives think you know us, and you dont have the slightest clue.
Obviously, not all Democrats are freeloaders. Romney's statement was a generalization. The truth is, that the upper ten percent pays seventy percent of the taxes and the lower fifty percent pays two percent of the taxes. The current system is not sustainable.

You can't penalize people for working and reward people for not working. Eventually, fewer and fewer people will work and more and more people will freeload. At some point the system collapses; we are approaching that point.

“The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”
Margaret Thatcher
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:13 AM   #18
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You continue to be one of the most worthwhile posters on here. Thanks.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:24 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
You can't penalize people for working and reward people for not working. Eventually, fewer and fewer people will work and more and more people will freeload. At some point the system collapses; we are approaching that point.
No we aren't. I'm really tired of conservatives crying about the sky falling because they are being asked to pay more taxes and invest in their country.

And what is the is crap about "not working". Most democrates and Obama supports work! I know I do! You are perpetuating this idea that the middle class and working poor are freeloaders which is bullshit.

It's liek the "don't tax the job creators" crap. What jobs have Mitt Romney created with all his untaxed money? NONE, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.

Remember the Clinton years, lets go back to those tax rates, the rich will still be rich and the system will not collapse. All this over the top rhetoric is not getting us anywhere. It certainly is not helping Romney.

And yes Skylar, your posts are right on the money. Let me know when you are in nyc so we can fuck and celebrate Obama's second term.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:28 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

You continue to be one of the most worthwhile posters on here. Thanks.
Why thank you Old-T.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:29 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Obviously, not all Democrats are freeloaders. Romney's statement was a generalization. The truth is, that the upper ten percent pays seventy percent of the taxes and the lower fifty percent pays two percent of the taxes. The current system is not sustainable.
Completely agree with that part. The problem is that both sides focus on who pays how much, and what is a "fair share".

We spend far too little time on what is a long term way to shrink the bottom rung--allow them to move up the ladder and not need support.

Education: both sides have turned it into a political chit and both sides have failed us.
Welfare: Again, both sides have made it a vote issue, and both have very different but very bad "solutions"
Medicine: See comment on welfare and education.

I have a good friend who is desperately trying to get OFF welfare. She lives in a rural area--no jobs. She put herself through school with no fed money, no gov't aid. She got support from some friends, worked when she could get some that paid more that what she would have to shell out for child care, and got thrugh. She tried to do it "right" and spent her last penny doing so.

Now she has a wonderful choice:
--Work 2+ jobs and bring home less than the cost of transportation + child care + rent
--Move closer to where the jobs are and put her kids in a school that has 12 y/o kids having knife fights in the halls
--Leave her young kids at home alone so she can work that second job and part time 3rd job (anyone here pay late night child care recently? Ain't covered by min wage, or even double min wage).

She doesn't want a handout for years and years, but the Reps have slashed all the REAL support that allows the working poor to work: public transit, child care, well baby clinics, etc. It is the local Reps who say they want to get people off welfare but refuse to fund the things that allow it. One really swell representative in her area has been quoted (and talking with him I completely believe he said it), "Let a few of their kids starve to death and maybe the'll just go back where they came from". Too bad in that area most of "them" aren't immegrants--legal or otherwise--but generations old Americans who are exactly where they "came from".

j-b, I don't disagree with your statement of the problem, I disagree with the viewpoint that if we close our eyes and wish real hard it will all go away. I often think too many of the conservative ilk really admire the Dickens England.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:33 AM   #22
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Default Of course it is going to hurt Romney,

Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Romney just said what every conservative knows. The freeloader vote is locked in. They don't pay taxes. They don't give a damn that we're going bankrupt. The welfare parasites will suck the government teat until it runs dry.
joe is still clutching to his guns and religion

joe blow, who the fuc do you think the Defense Industry depends on? A segment of society that votes GOP?

We all depend on government , so of us are just to incredible stupid to realize it.
Now run along and go start another homo erotic thread about Sodomy, you are in over your head on political threads.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:36 AM   #23
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Not to mention the irony that Joe is posting his rants on the INTERNET.

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Old 09-18-2012, 09:36 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
. The truth is, that the upper ten percent pays seventy percent of the taxes and the lower fifty percent pays two percent of the taxes. The current system is not sustainable.

I thought lower taxes were good for the economy?

Make up your mind.

Are lower taxes good or bad?

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
. I often think too many of the conservative ilk really admire the Dickens England.
I think they love the Dick but hate the ens.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:44 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
No we aren't. I'm really tired of conservatives crying about the sky falling because they are being asked to pay more taxes and invest in their country.

And what is the is crap about "not working". Most democrates and Obama supports work! I know I do! You are perpetuating this idea that the middle class and working poor are freeloaders which is bullshit.

It's liek the "don't tax the job creators" crap. What jobs have Mitt Romney created with all his untaxed money? NONE, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.

Remember the Clinton years, lets go back to those tax rates, the rich will still be rich and the system will not collapse. All this over the top rhetoric is not getting us anywhere. It certainly is not helping Romney.

And yes Skylar, your posts are right on the money. Let me know when you are in nyc so we can fuck and celebrate Obama's second term.
Restoring the tax rates to "the Clinton years" wouldn't even come close to balancing the budget. Without massive cuts to entitlement spending, we will go bankrupt.

Obama is using the idea of increasing the tax rate for rich people as a politcal tool; it's class warfare.

The proposed Buffett Rule or Millionaire's Tax is popular with simple minded people. In fact, the so called Millionaire's Tax would raise approximately 47 billion dollars over ten years; that's approximately five billion per year. The current federal budget is approximately ten billion per day. Obama's soak the rich plan would pay for one half of one day in federal spending.

It's shameless demagoguery to pretend that our current economic crisis is the result of tax rates being too low. It doesn't matter how high we raise the tax rates, the government will always spend more than they take in. There will always be another program that has be funded, another agency that has to be created. At some point, we have to say enough is enough; the government is big enough; we can't continue to grow the government forever.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:47 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
No we aren't. I'm really tired of conservatives crying about the sky falling because they are being asked to pay more taxes and invest in their country.

And what is the is crap about "not working". Most democrates and Obama supports work! I know I do! You are perpetuating this idea that the middle class and working poor are freeloaders which is bullshit.

It's liek the "don't tax the job creators" crap. What jobs have Mitt Romney created with all his untaxed money? NONE, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.

Remember the Clinton years, lets go back to those tax rates, the rich will still be rich and the system will not collapse. All this over the top rhetoric is not getting us anywhere. It certainly is not helping Romney.

And yes Skylar, your posts are right on the money. Let me know when you are in nyc so we can fuck and celebrate Obama's second term.
Yes! We will be popping some Welches Sparkling Grape Juice that was purchased on food stamps because - of course- every Obama voter has food stamps!
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:49 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post

It's shameless demagoguery to pretend that our current economic crisis is the result of tax rates being too low. It doesn't matter how high we raise the tax rates, the government will always spend more than they take in. There will always be another program that has be funded, another agency that has to be created. At some point, we have to say enough is enough; the government is big enough; we can't continue to grow the government forever.

The debt we are in IS NOT THE RESULT OF ENTITLEMENT SPENDING! Where did we waste milliions in the last 10 years? WARS!!!

You can't even pretend to be honest until you look at all the spending that occurred under GWB. Between the wars he started and the AGENCIES HE CREATED we are broke! How can you believe this garbage you spew?
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Old 09-18-2012, 10:11 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

You continue to be one of the most worthwhile posters on here. Thanks.





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Old 09-18-2012, 10:18 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by markroxny View Post
Not to mention the irony that Joe is posting his rants on the INTERNET.

The internet was created here, by the private sector, not the government.

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Old 09-18-2012, 10:20 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
The internet was created here, by the private sector, not the government.

Wrong. The internet existed as far back as the 60's.


"The origins of the Internet reach back to research of the 1960s, commissioned by the United States government in collaboration with private commercial interests to build robust, fault-tolerant, and distributed computer networks."

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