I think I stepped on Smithlane's toes, and I wanna make a public announcement to personally apologize (already sent him a pm) and put him up on a pedestal! He is the nicest guy, new to eccie and I just want to welcome him. He has been polite to me and hopefully he will call me and make an appointment. Let the bodyslide commence, baby! It's gonna get hot on my table when he walks thru my door, hopefully. I wanna be his first review (hopefully positive). sorry for highjacking the thread, I just wanted to inject a little niceness into this snippy exchange. Let's all just forgive and forget and if you can't be with the provider you want, then enjoy the provider who is waiting in the wings for you.

I cannot tell you how many times I have not been able to see a potential client, due to circumstances of whatever. Making a man feel personally rejected is not good for anyone, and as providers we ladies get our share of rejection/comparison/complaint so gentlemen please try to remember it happens to everyone no matter what. It's sort of like dating, there has to be chemistry. Just my two cents, thanks.