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09-12-2012, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You think Christie is a conservative??? Yes, you are a New Yorker. What do you want? experience, values, pizzazz? I think Herman Cain, Sarah Palin or Rubio would have the experience, values, and pizzazz to be great candidates. You probably disagree with two of the three but you probably spent a lot of time watching MSNBC. I don't think you were here in Kansas City when with 48 hours notice Sarah Palin brought out 10,000 people in a rally for Sarah Steelman in Clinton, MO. I don't think Master O could have pulled that off without bussing in his union pals.
Yes. I do think Christie is a conservative. Don't you? If not, tell us why not.
I rarely watch MSNBC, I more often watch Fox and CNN. I mostly read the web. So there goes another of your assumptions.
I value experience and values over pizzazz. But that is not the way the average tool pulling the lever in this country thinks.
Palin has no experience. A half-term in Alaska doesn't mean shit. Couldn't she at least have finished her term?
Palin has no values. Everything I've read about her (not just from the liberal press) indicates she was a venal politician who used her political powers once she got in office to settle scores with anyone who opposed her.
Palin has no values, especially dignity. She showed that when she let her personal life be the subject of a reality show that was nothing more than endless self promotion and myth making. She showed that when she encouraged her daughter, a 20-something unwed mother who got knocked up in high school to go on Dancing with the Stars and have her own short-lived reality show.
Palin has no values, other than self promotion. Her resume is a bunch of lies and half-truths. And she is a hypocrite on a hundred different levels.
She may have pizzazz. A lot of carnival barkers do. I don't care if she can get 10,000 people in Missouri to show up at a rally. How many people would have shown up if she wasn't there? 9,950? And they were probably Bible-thumping creationists out to stop the homosexual hordes from taking over the US and making our children wear Uggs. I don't want them voting either.
Let's face it, her family is dysfunctional trailer trash. At least one of her daughters got knocked up as a teenager. And by Levi Johnston, no less - the town layabout. Even Todd got on some reality show. That's like 4 TV shows altogether. They are entertainers in the same way the Jersey Shore crew is.
Why on earth do you think she is leadership material?
Herman Cain doesn't have pizzazz. He has pizza.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One memory I have is from 1985. The Royals and the Cardinals were both in the World Series. They were on the cover of USA Today. I watched one guido pick up a copy, shake his head, and say that the series didn't matter without a real team playing.
LOL. That could have been me, except I'm not a guido. Baseball didn't count unless the Mets were in it.
And we all know Cowboy fans NEVER lose interest in the NFL once the Cowboys are knocked out right? Cause that would make the swine, right? Or should I say "Hawgs"?
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09-12-2012, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by ExNYer
Palin has no experience. A half-term in Alaska doesn't mean shit. Couldn't she at least have finished her term?
Palin had vastly more experience than Odumbo, and Odumbo didn't finish his term as Senator; hence, by your logic, it's evident that you've consumed a lethal dose of Obama's Kool-Aid.
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09-12-2012, 07:40 PM
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Kissing Palin's ass again, guess you didn't see the part where if there was anything important they asked Todd.
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09-12-2012, 07:42 PM
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If Romney had not already lost the 2012 election prior to today, he has lost it now!
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09-12-2012, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Palin had vastly more experience than Odumbo, and Odumbo didn't finish his term as Senator; hence, by your logic, it's evident that you've consumed a lethal dose of Obama's Kool-Aid.
No, actually, I haven't
In 2008, I didn't think Obama had enough experience. And I didn't like most of his policies. Which is why I voted Libertarian.
But it isn't 2008 anymore, is it? And we now have nearly 4 years of executive experience to judge him by. And while I still don't like most of his policies, the world has not turned to shit, despite the ravings of the lunatic right wing fringe. i give him mixed reviews.
And I do have to give Obama credit for not quitting as Senator after a half term. Moving up to the Presidency is not exactly quitting.
So, given the choice between the devil I know (Obama) and the devil I don't (Romney), I'm taking Obama - assuming I don't vote Libertarian again or don't vote for President at all.
And how exactly did Palin have "vastly" more experience than Obama? She was mayor of a small town in Alaska, then did 2 years as governor. Obama was a Illinois state legislator and then did 2 years in the US Senate. Those look like comparable levels to me.
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09-12-2012, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Palin had vastly more experience than Odumbo, and Odumbo didn't finish his term as Senator; hence, by your logic, it's evident that you've consumed a lethal dose of Obama's Kool-Aid.
Palin's experience was executive experience. It's widely believed that being governor is better preparation the presidency than being a senator. Also Palin has the added benefit of not being an America hating Marxist; that's always a plus.
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09-12-2012, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by ExNYer
So, given the choice between the devil I know (Obama) and the devil I don't (Romney), I'm taking Obama - assuming I don't vote Libertarian again or don't vote for President at all.
Then you are a fool. If reelected Odumbo will appoint another Kagan or Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. If reelected, Odumbo has promised to be even more recalcitrant in ramming his socialist agenda down the throats of Americans.
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09-12-2012, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Then you are a fool. If reelected Odumbo will appoint another Kagan or Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. If reelected, Odumbo has promised to be even more recalcitrant in ramming his socialist agenda down the throats of Americans.
In another thread I said I favored voting for Republicans in House and Senate. so there is no way he can ram though anything. He will have to work with them and they will have to work with him.
That is the best hope for cutting both defense and entitlements and raising taxes the minimum amount necessary to get us closer to a balanced budget and, hopefully, start paying down the national debt before it sinks us.
I'm not happy about the Supreme Court, but I can live with it if we can restore fiscal sanity. I don't care about stopping gay marriage because I think they should be allowed to marry.
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09-12-2012, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Palin had vastly more experience than Odumbo, and Odumbo didn't finish his term as Senator; hence, by your logic, it's evident that you've consumed a lethal dose of Obama's Kool-Aid.
Palin quit being governor. To be the President of the United States?
Not hardly.
She quit to sell books.
She was at a small town municipal level for 8 years. She has 12 ½ years in elected office. She resigned from both state level jobs.
President Obama has @16 years in elected office. 8 years at the state level and 8 at the national level. And oh yeah, @ 4 of those as President of the US
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09-12-2012, 11:02 PM
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I see you couldn't wait to attack Palin. Nary a word about Christie but almost all about Palin....curious. All that about a woman with more executive experience that the man you voted for in 2008.
Come on Waleed (Munchie) you have to compare what Palin was to what Obama was in 208. Two years of national experience versus eight years of executive experience. There is more to life than elected experience as well. Palin-Cain, now that would be a ticket.
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09-12-2012, 11:13 PM
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Whirly said;
He doesn't have to "coordinate" with others; his opinion pieces, his journalism is part of his social activism............he doesn't write his columns in a vacuum. He writes them for a purpose, with an objective in mind....he shares the same values as Obama... Hence it is coordinated, to the goal of electing Obama and social changes that Sullivan favors. Do I have to post a definition of coordinate for you ?
It looks like you need a definition for campaign. So its time to put up or just be the regular full of shit whirly. If only you had gone with “promote” instead of campaign. You’d still be wrong but you could have argued it better.
Since all of his columns are not about Obama, what proof do you have that his purpose or objective is to re-elect Obama? Where did you find a list of his values? Analysis has never been your strong suit.
But who gives a shit one way or the other. You’re using your standard tactic to deflect the course of the discussion away from romney’s words and action over the embassy issues.
Rather than jump in with empty tough talk, he could have “coordinated” his effort to show America has a united front (just between you and me the idea of a united front couldn’t happen unless we let you and yours be our spokesdouches. And I just don’t see that happening.)
There is no other way to characterize his actions besides politics. Your guy almost certainly just decided the true undecided voters.
Even John Boehner knew when to stay with the subject at hand.
/kæmˈpeɪn/ Show Spelled[kam-peyn] Show IPA
Military .
military operations for a specific objective.
Obsolete . the military operations of an army in the field for one season.
a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose: a sales campaign.
the competition by rival political candidates and organizations for public office.
Jd says;
Lets get this out of the way. Obama was elected to lead. He has failed at every turn and he is still failing. Lives have been lost again. I expect a statement from him before anyone else. Even today, he put Hillary out front (to take the arrows???) before he came out. I don't think much of a man who hides behind a woman political correctness be damned.
Once again my contempt for you has hit a new benchmark
As for you being from New York, while you are all being so sophisticated on the coast we have to put up with all your bullshit. It starts in NY and CA and spreads like vomit. If you want to live in the west, midwest, or Texas then I guess you have to get used to people looking at you very funny. Have you been asked if you know Seinfeld yet? I don’t agree with everything ex- new york guy says but his statements are thought out and address the issue at hand. Since I’ve lived in the west, the mid-west and Texas I can say he would be accepted as a neighbor long before you. One birther word out of your mouth and the people would line up to help you move. Because you’re so much more than a birther.
No reason to apologize for you either You have shown more anger towards the administration and eccie board members than you have to the actual attackers. Add to that you saying to vote for a candidate in our national election displays hate for America
I don't think Romney said anything that was stupid. I'm smart enough to ignore the mainstream media and their games. Every one knows what, when, and how he said what he said. How about a link to…..Every one knows you too. Maybe you haven't heard, a hot mike picked up a CBS news woman colluding with another journalist on just how they wanted to make Romney look at the press conference. They are protecting Waldo....I mean Obama. Anecdotal or a lie? A link would sure help clear that up. You don’t want clear, you want mud.
You still haven't answered the question, who is the conservative that should be president.
Thanks for answering mine. You don’t care about any aspect other than him being a conservative. A term you have stolen from real conservatives to give to birthers, etc.
Who should be President? The winner of the election; not the whiner.
CJ says;
lets get this out of the way too
JDSL, youre a bilnd partisan idiot
I thought I told you to stop messing with my bitch!
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09-12-2012, 11:20 PM
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Isn't it odd that Obama released a statement criticizing Romney for what he said, before he issued a statement criticizing what the terrorists had done?
Romney has to know the media is opposed to him, as proven by the press coordinating their questions to make him look bad, but Romney did the right thing, and said what needed to be said.
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09-12-2012, 11:50 PM
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Hey Munchie, here's a link to the "journalists" coordinating their attack on Romney. Now I have to warn you, they include a transcript of the tape, so you may want to find someone to read it to you.
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09-12-2012, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I see you couldn't wait to attack Palin. Nary a word about Christie but almost all about Palin....curious. All that about a woman with more executive experience that the man you voted for in 2008.
Come on Waleed (Munchie) you have to compare what Palin was to what Obama was in 208. Two years of national experience versus eight years of executive experience. There is more to life than elected experience as well. Palin-Cain, now that would be a ticket.
I love how you phrase being mayor, a part time job, of a town of less than 8000.
First, bite me.
Second, I was updating the experience files. You have stated how you view those jobs and I've stated how I view them.
The mayor (3 years ago) first said how her office prepared her to be vice president. She told how they had nothing to do with education or social services. She then could only tell 2 things she did every week. A Monday staff meeting and on Thursday she signs checks. I know you think that’s alot. We'll leave it at that.
BTW The reason I responded was the Obama resigning from the Senate, thing.
You know, no mention Palin resigned from last 2 state jobs or the obvious reason he resigned.
They were headed in opposite directions. Reality TV for her and the Presidency for him.
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09-12-2012, 11:55 PM
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Unable to connect with the masses, but he is able to insult and piss off everybody he addresses.
Romney was a bad idea, Republicans, but you already knew that, didn't you. You put every douchebag you had up against him. At the end of the day, Rich White guy always wins among GOPeeers.
and you guys are promoting the further spread of ignorance and intolerance by quoting blogs as legitimate sources. How fucking stupid is that?
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