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Old 09-12-2012, 05:23 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So you are more concerned with what Romney said and when he said it than the fact that two acts of war have occurred and Americans have died?
No. Where did I ever say that? Please point to ANY post I made that said or implied that I was more concerned about Romney's statement than Americans dying.

I made the post to point out that Mitt Romney did something foolish.

Just because I made a statement about X, it doesn't mean I don't car about Y. That's a logical fallacy. Stop reading things into posts that just aren't there.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You are a low life piece of work X NYr. Get thee back to your birthplace.
Nice. Real intellectual retort that.

In another post you wrote "snick" after referring to me as a NY conservative. Are you in 8th grade? Do you think that Texas roots makes some kind of arbiter of what is and is not a conservative? I think not.
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:30 PM   #32
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:31 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
By the way, your timeline is wrong.
My timeline isn't wrong because I don't have one.

Reread my original post.

I think you have me confused with other posters.

My criticism of what Romney said applies whether it was said after the riots, but before the deaths, or after the deaths.

And your emphasis on a timeline is useless by the way. Whether or not Romney's first statement came before or after the embassies were invaded and our people were killed is a moot point.

Because later in the day Romney REPEATED the stupidity AFTER both attacks:

"We join together in the condemnation of attacks on the American embassies and the loss of American life and join in sympathy for these people. It’s also important for me — just as it was for the White House, last night by the way — to say that the statements were inappropriate, and in my view a disgraceful statement on the part of our administration to apologize for American values... "

So you can stop pointing to timelines to try to bail Mitt out.

After an attack on Americans, you keep your mouth shut and express condolences. After a week or so you can release measured statements questioning the judgement of the administrations policies and how they may have led to the attacks. But NOT while the bodies are still warm.
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:34 PM   #34
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So the Democratic Underground didn't like Romney's comments. I'm shocked. I thought he did a great job, and I don't praise Romney much.
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:34 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I went and looked it up, the Romney statement was made ten hours after the Cairo embassy was invaded and the flag burned. It was released two hours later. So twelve hours after an act of war occurred Romney made his statement but Obama was no where to be found. Does that tell you something?
Yes, it tells me Obama was being careful. He didn't jump up his horse and ride off in every direction.
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:52 PM   #36
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Lets get this out of the way. Obama was elected to lead. He has failed at every turn and he is still failing. Lives have been lost again. I expect a statement from him before anyone else. Even today, he put Hillary out front (to take the arrows???) before he came out. I don't think much of a man who hides behind a woman political correctness be damned.

As for you being from New York, while you are all being so sophisticated on the coast we have to put up with all your bullshit. It starts in NY and CA and spreads like vomit. If you want to live in the west, midwest, or Texas then I guess you have to get used to people looking at you very funny. Have you been asked if you know Seinfeld yet?

I don't think Romney said anything that was stupid. I'm smart enough to ignore the mainstream media and their games. Maybe you haven't heard, a hot mike picked up a CBS news woman colluding with another journalist on just how they wanted to make Romney look at the press conference. They are protecting Waldo....I mean Obama.

You still haven't answered the question, who is the conservative that should be president.

LOL, I 'm watching a clip from 60 Minutes where Waldo was saying that Romney shot first and aimed later. This from "...the policeman acted stupidly..." and "...if I had a son he would look like Treyvon...".
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:55 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
So your defense of "Sullivan is a Conservative" hinges on the definition of "campaign" ?

"a series of coordinated activities, such as public speaking and demonstrating, designed to achieve a social, political, or commercial goal ⇒ a presidential campaign, an advertising campaign".
I guess you missed the word "coordinated", huh? When Sully posts a blog entry and states his opinion or goes on Colbert Report to make commentary, who is he "coordinating" with? Obama? The DNC?

Thank you for proving my point.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
By definition Sullivan campaigns for his point of view every time he writes an opinion piece....and the fact that he wrote and spoke repeatedly during the 2008 campaign, in favor of voting for Obama confirms it.
Apparently NOT by definition, since he is not coordinating with others, just giving his opinion.

Opinion writing and speaking on talk shows is not campaigning. Talk to me when he starts organizing Obama rallies or speaking at Obama campaign events.

But Sullivan, like most commentators on the right and left, does not do that. They deliberately stay as outsiders to campaigns.

Like I said, words have meaning. And opinion writing doesn't constitute campaigning just because you wish it to be so.

Bill Clinton campaigns on behalf of Obama. Elizabeth Warren campaigns on behalf of Obama.

Sullivan does not. Even if he prefers Obama to Romney.
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:57 PM   #38
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lets get this out of the way too

JDSL, youre a bilnd partisan idiot
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:02 PM   #39
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He doesn't have to "coordinate" with others; his opinion pieces, his journalism is part of his social activism............he doesn't write his columns in a vacuum. He writes them for a purpose, with an objective in mind....he shares the same values as Obama... Hence it is coordinated, to the goal of electing Obama and social changes that Sullivan favors. Do I have to post a definition of coordinate for you ?
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:02 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
So no, Romney didn't disgrace himself; he distinguished himself.
Usually i attempt to use a more subtle means, maybe even relying on heavy sarcasm to get my point across.

Not here. You are one dumb bitch.
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:08 PM   #41
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You betcha OH !

Romney looked Presidential; he stood up for American values and took press questions, while the other guy ran away.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post

Romney didn't disgrace himself; he distinguished himself.
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:33 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
As for you being from New York, while you are all being so sophisticated on the coast we have to put up with all your bullshit. It starts in NY and CA and spreads like vomit. If you want to live in the west, midwest, or Texas then I guess you have to get used to people looking at you very funny. Have you been asked if you know Seinfeld yet?
Clearly you have a chip on your shoulder about folks from NY. So, I'm not even going to bother to reply. If you hooked on stereotypes about people from different parts of the county, nothing I say will do any good.

One question though: How exactly does vomit spread? I thought it just kind of lays there.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You still haven't answered the question, who is the conservative that should be president.
i don't know. I paid most of my attention to the actual announced candidates and they sucked, for the most part.

I thought Huntsman was better than the rest of the announce candidates, but he was condemned just because he was an ambassador during the Clinton years. And, oh yeah, he was a Mormon, so that was Strike 2 as far as the Bible thumpers are concerned. He got about 3% support in the polls.

I liked Senator Lamar Alexander, but he is a bland as cardboard, which make him unelectable. Senator Marco Rubio seems good, but he is still something of an unknown quantity, maybe too green, and may just be flavor of the month.

Governors are probably better sources of leadership than Senators. I think Gov. Chris Christie is a good conservative, but he is too gruff, which make him unelectable. Gov. Mitch Daniels would have been a better candidate then nearly all of the above. But he refused to run because of the merciless treatment his personal life would have undergone. And that is tragic. He and his wife had a big falling out TWENTY years ago when she left him. He took her back and they seem to be happy since then. But the savages in the liberal press would have had a field day with digging up all that dirt. He did not want his wife and his life to be fodder for jokes and cheap shots on the Bill Maher Show and the Huffington Post. And I do not blame him.

Now, tell us who YOU think is a good conservative. Surely you don't think Mitt is the best the GOP can do?
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:38 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
He doesn't have to "coordinate" with others; his opinion pieces, his journalism is part of his social activism............he doesn't write his columns in a vacuum. He writes them for a purpose, with an objective in mind....he shares the same values as Obama... Hence it is coordinated, to the goal of electing Obama and social changes that Sullivan favors. Do I have to post a definition of coordinate for you?
Yes, you should post one. So you can read it and learn what coordinated means. Apparently you don't

By the very definition, you posted he DOES have to coordinate with others to be campaigning.

How exactly does one person "coordinate" by himself? Is that anything like the sound of one hand clapping?

Coordinating requires concerted, planned efforts to work WITH OTHERS. It is not a solo activity. No matter how much you desire it to be.
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:39 PM   #44
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You think Christie is a conservative??? Yes, you are a New Yorker. What do you want? experience, values, pizzazz? I think Herman Cain, Sarah Palin or Rubio would have the experience, values, and pizzazz to be great candidates. You probably disagree with two of the three but you probably spent a lot of time watching MSNBC. I don't think you were here in Kansas City when with 48 hours notice Sarah Palin brought out 10,000 people in a rally for Sarah Steelman in Clinton, MO. I don't think Master O could have pulled that off without bussing in his union pals.

FYI, I spent four years stationed up there and even marched in the 4th of July parade in New York City. One memory I have is from 1985. The Royals and the Cardinals were both in the World Series. They were on the cover of USA Today. I watched one guido pick up a copy, shake his head, and say that the series didn't matter without a real team playing. A number of people around agreed with him. Pigs. or maybe I should make that more sophisticated; Swine!
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:39 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You betcha OH !

Romney looked Presidential; he stood up for American values and took press questions, while the other guy ran away.
Yup, he looked Presidential alright.

Almost looks to be enjoying the whole thing.

And yes, i got this from Andrew Sullivan, whom i've been reading ever since i thought he was an A-Hole for celebrating Bush's march into Iraq.
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