Originally Posted by Laz
First, good riddance to a worthless asshole.
Second, where is all of the liberal outcry over assassinating a terrorist and his potentially innocent companions without giving him a fair trial. When these assholes were insulted, embarrassed, made very uncomfortable, etc. there was incredible outrage at Bush. Obama kills them and total silence. The inconsistency is amazing.
I am not sure who you are referring to but I have been very consistent since the spring of 2003. Ask anyone who was hanging around the Pig Pen at the time. I repeatedly stated then and I still believe today that the US should have remained focused on OBL and his wayward band of thugs rather than starting a stupid assed war with Iraq.
You can't blame the war in Iraq, the 4500+ American lives lost and a $1 trillion unpaid for war on Obama. That belongs to Dubya and no one else. He was and still remains the most unpopular (and incompetent) President in modern US History.
There I feel better now!