Club Management is Astounded and grateful and wants to extend their Thanks to each and everyone of you that took the time to make an appearance....

The three ladies that waited on us also want to express their gratitude for your patience and understanding as we outgrew the staged area and some delays were experienced. You guys did a pretty good job of liquoring them up!

You have my sincere appreciation as well since turn-outs like yesterday make it easier for me to negotiate for other events as well.....

There seemed to be a few things come up missing that I'm curious about..... Maybe I forgot to make my policy of "Leave a deposit... Please Return" known.....
I recall 3 different ladies I introduced folks to that vanished for much of the afternoon......

Two vanished completely....

I received 4 apologies so far today from Sky at Sugars, Angel at Sugars, Stacy from Palacios and one I can't name that did NOT make it and are sorry they did not.
Rules for the future Parties are that Women will be disqualified from winning the Door Prize..... The young lady that snagged the VIP Card that the club gave us to give away could never begin to put it to the use that one of you mongers would manage. Upon review she seemed to have multiple entries as well since some of the guys visiting chose to write her name down since they did not figure they would get any use out of it!
I had several conversations with her throughout the day and it has been a lot of years since I met someone as young as her, with not just the looks and talents but also tremendous business acumen she is displaying. I introduced her to a friend that is a bit shy and with a tremendous amount of class she escorted him and my favorite young lady to VIP and bought HIM a dance!
For the Gentleman that brought her, I would like to extend an invitation to Lunch or Dinner and a few drinks and I will make it up to you with a personal introduction to a lady that will surely strike your fancy....
To those of you I personally know and get to share drinks and adventures with from time to time.... Thanks for being there.... before... during... and afterward.....
Thanks Again... I hope everyone had fun..... The next one will be sooner... with a couple of Club Crawls along the way.....