Rossboss, BEWARE - There is a commonly re-occurring Scam on BP involving Webcams and instant messaging (e.g Yahoo)!
They want you to join and add
x amount of dollars to your account, then "copy and paste the line showing your account balance has the agreed amount to prove
YOU are Ok" Meanwhile, that line is actually a hyperlink that jumps to your account and allows them to change your password so YOU can't get in (and
they can) AND they can just click the "Add Money" button and drain your associated credit card....
Some stupid dude impersonating a SUPER Hot chick tried to snare me in it but when "she" asked me to paste my balance line,

I said, "F'k YOU Scammer!" cause I could see this was going somewhere illegit!
Also, to confirm my suspicions (before I blasted the Scammer) I pasted the line, NOT in messenger, but in Microsoft Word so I could see if it really was a link and where it went when
I clicked it. Yup, straight to my account page like I suspected!
I actually paid $5 to post an ad right after "her" next post to warn others what would happen (this was pre-eccie days for me).
The only reason I even tried it out is because this ad was on BP nightly for weeks... I figured it couldn't be a scam it wouldn't have lasted so long. But it was. Needless to say, my first (fake) cam experience sucked....
Be careful, the ocean is beautiful mostly but sometimes F'n Sharks swim by!