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Old 08-29-2012, 07:53 AM   #1
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Default How to end a session?

Well...now that we've put the crap behind us, happily and forever, I thought it might be interesting to talk about something else, ANYTHING ELSE. If you feel inclined to bring up the events of the past few days in this thread, please excuse yourself, then go whip your ass until it bleeds.

I saw an interesting thread in the national forums.


The crux of the issue for many of the ladies is they feel letdown after a particularly good session when the hobby's NSA nature kicks back in. I just thought WOW!, then WTF?! It made me wonder, what are some good ways to end a really good session so that we preserve the NSA and don't come off like jackasses.

Personally, some nice convo while dressing, a kiss at the door, and that's usually it for me. Sometimes I'll text a "thank you" afterward - my best "left something in your room...my heart...see you in 3 weeks!" Opps - nevermind, that relationship ended really badly with boundaries being TOTALLY ignored by both sides.

Ladies...Gentlemen....Your thoughts?
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Old 08-29-2012, 07:57 AM   #2
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Great post. I'll be interested to follow the comments. It can be an awkward moment. Multi-hour sessions that the gentleman chooses to end early often experience that moment. She's expecting to stay longer, you're done and wish to gracefully get on about your day.
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Old 08-29-2012, 08:03 AM   #3
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I like a nice hug and a kiss. I think that after the climax, everyone is different. If you had smoking hot sex, some people are like Kermit the Frog and they jump up, get dressed and are ready to go out the door. For us "more seasoned" hobbyists, I like a little down time, caressing, light chit chat, you know the old after glow stuff.

We are all adults here and their are no illusions. But, we are also human, and what is provided is one of the most intimate acts that two people can have. You can't help but give a part of yourself, I don't think that you can do this and not be connected in some way. I just can't believe that their would be this big disconnect, but then again, I am not on the giving end.

For me, once all is said and done, as I said, a nice hug and a kiss and I then look forward to the next time.
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Old 08-29-2012, 08:08 AM   #4
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I rarely have a gentleman leave the appointment early, but if they want to jet, it isn't a big deal to me. I'm very easy to talk to, I really am great at conversation, and I really try to have a lot of fun in my sessions! I'm one of those ladies that luckily has the gift of being very easy to get along with, gentlemen just seem to be comfortable with me very quickly - it may come from all those years on the road as a featured exotic dancer, and I may do something unconsciously to put them at ease, it may just come "naturally" for me now and I might not even recognize what I do. I certainly can't remember a time when the OP left my company prior to "quitting time" . . . HA!

However, many men do instinctively have a "flight" response that kicks in shortly after they have completed, it is common and it is primal - and way too many ladies take advantage of it to attempt to "train" their clients to get up and leave as soon as they are done. With me, your time is your time - use it! Unless there is something pressing at work or IRL, if you visit me, you're more likely to stay the entire time than not. Am I right, BigH? But, if you are a gentleman that prefers to leave, I won't make you uncomfortable.

Bottom line, if the client leaves before their time is used, I don't press them as to why - and I certainly don't take it personally! I have a 85%+ client return rate, which is why I have such limited new client appointments available, even the ones that "come and go", generally always return. I don't take it as I have done something wrong, I communicate well with my clients - communication is key!

Like I said, I believe it is something primal, like a self-preservation thing that kicks in with many men . . . left over from when they would need to protect themselves, not wanting to be "caught". That said however, I can certainly be empathetic to how a more inexperienced Escort or provider may feel when it happens, as they may quickly internalize the experience negatively. I suppose that a few words of reassurance from the client would go a long way in that instance - a lot of ladies are unwilling just to simply ask their client as they feel it may be "them" or something they may have done. I've learned it is more than likely just a "man thing" - LOL.

Great thread! I too will be anxious to hear other opinions!


- Jackie

EDIT: I just had a thought that some ladies may suffer the possibility of retaliation by a pimp or handler (or even a naive S/O) if the gentleman leaves early, a lot of people inexperienced in the endeavor don't understand when this happens, and a lady may fear it will signal to her handler that she has done something wrong . . . I've never been in that situation, but it just occurred to me that may be an issue at play here also.
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Old 08-29-2012, 08:34 AM   #5
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Wow, I like this thread!

My first time with Michko was one of the most awesome encounters I ever experienced with a provider. It was summer time and we met up in the middle of the afternoon. When I finally left the room and made it out of the hotel, it was pitch black outside. It was suppose to be an hour long session, but after five or six attempts at leaving and making it to the door, she kept dragging me back for more. It was six or seven hours of total bliss except for the many recuperative times that were required. Damn, I love that gal!

Nowadays, after the nut, I tend to skip pillow talk and fly quickly after the cleanup. Need to get back to the hunt to round out the day. A number of times I have needed to call the gal back after leaving to let them know I left my bottle of Astroglide on the night stand and I need to swing back to pick it up, lol.
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Old 08-29-2012, 09:09 AM   #6
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I chit chat in the beginning while I'm touching and just getting warmed up. But after I'm done I'm ready to leave. That's why I generally like half hour sessions. Now for the girls that clean you up and then start touching you again and/or invite you back to the bed I'm likely to stay the whole time but most imo seem like once they make u cum they are ready for u to leave.
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Old 08-29-2012, 09:12 AM   #7
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I tend to follow the lead of the provider, or what I consider their lead. It seems most all providers will immediately jump up after and get something to help clean up. If they come back to the bed and lay back down and assist in the clean up I know they don't mind pillow talk after. If they don't I clean up, dress and am soon out the door. Now days it seems to me most providers are in the latter category, but maybe it's just me. Since 99% of the time I'm good for only one nut I have no problem with that. Maybe after I lose 40 or 50 pounds I'll feel differently.
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Old 08-29-2012, 09:30 AM   #8
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IMHO, if you're feeling shoved out the door prior to your time ending just because you finished a certain activity, as a client, you may want to consider looking for a better experience. After all, you've negotiated / paid a fee for her time, not for a specific act (as that would be illegal ) . . . if you're the type of person that would like to stay, you should speak up and say you'd like to stay. If she would like you to go, then you should let others know that she pushes you out early.


- Jackie
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Old 08-29-2012, 11:22 AM   #9
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When I have a connection with a provider I have to make sure I leave on time. I'm a talker at the end of a session (hell sometimes I talk the whole damn time - huh Jackie!) and would happily stay, but barring an outright invitation (way to go Nash!) it's a kiss, a hug, and a door closing behind me.

Jackie - a gentleman never quits before quitting time! LOL
BTW - if a gentleman has made an arrangement for an hour or two, the sesson went REALLY well, and then he starts to exercise his primal urge to leave - I see nothing wrong with the lady pointing out there's still time and she is really enjoying his company. Then if he says, I gotta go, sorry to run...let him and it go.
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Old 08-29-2012, 11:35 AM   #10
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If the gent wishes to leave before his time is up, that's his decision. But, I will say something like, "You know you still have time left, there's no need to rush out the door if you don't have."

I've never been one to rush a gent out the door and I will always make sure the gent is clean before he leaves my bed...unless he wishes to shower afterwards, in that case I don't mind joining him if we have time.

If his time is up and he doesn't realize it, I will give him subtle hints.....and then slowly start to dress.

I always give a hug, kiss on the cheek and say that I hope to see you again.

Now, I have a question for you guys..........what should a lady do if a gent goes over his time, realizes that he's going over his time and doesn't apologize, doesn't offer up a tip and doesn't think he did anything wrong?

Keep in mind that if a lady says something, she'll be labeled a clockwatcher more than likely.
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Old 08-29-2012, 12:07 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Now, I have a question for you guys..........what should a lady do if a gent goes over his time, realizes that he's going over his time and doesn't apologize, doesn't offer up a tip and doesn't think he did anything wrong?

Keep in mind that if a lady says something, she'll be labeled a clockwatcher more than likely.
Well, Ms. E, this is just a suggestion, but when the allotted time is up, you might say something in a kind manner like, "Oh no! I was so enjoying our company, but the hour is up!" or "I only had you down for an hour, so that's all I scheduled. I hope you'll tell me next time if you want to stay longer! I so enjoy our time together." I think tone and attitude carry the day here.

It is MHO that "clockwatcher" is really more applicable to a provider who won't stop checking her phone, looking over at the clock, waiting for a call, whatever. I would certainly never begrudge a provider for telling me that our time was up, unless she was nasty about it.

As for the original question, I like to tell the provider "Thank you." Or sometimes I say, "That was amazing." Or, "You're an amazing woman." Or "Can't wait to see you next time." That sort of thing--though only if I mean it, of course. A hug and kiss at the door with a parting compliment is always nice, methinks.

And sometimes, I reach into my pocket and put extra green on the counter, or nightstand, saying, "That was outstanding." I think often a vote with the green stuff is the best compliment you can give.
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Old 08-29-2012, 12:23 PM   #12
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I see nothing wrong with a lady saying "Hey, we've been talking for almost 45 minutes. How do you wish to spend the remainder of our time together? " Guys if you go over your time be sure to tip the lady accordingly and be sure to thank her. Ladies if he goes over and does not tip, be sure to take that into account when considering whether or not you will see that client again.

To me a nice hug and kiss is the perfect way to end a nice session. One of my favorites always asks me to call or text her to let her know I made it home safely after a late evening appointment. This really means a lot to me!

Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Now, I have a question for you guys..........what should a lady do if a gent goes over his time, realizes that he's going over his time and doesn't apologize, doesn't offer up a tip and doesn't think he did anything wrong?

Keep in mind that if a lady says something, she'll be labeled a clockwatcher more than likely.
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Old 08-29-2012, 12:25 PM   #13
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I think the ending usually is a connection of the session. If it goes well you tend to linger awhile with conversation. Normally a session that goes well is the one that goes over on time a little also. If it goes a little rough then both parties usually want it to end as soon as they can. There are the providers that have the day lined up so tight that an extra 15 minutes will get them off schedule so they tend to remind you of the time. I don't mind that if it's done with class. I think just a little conversation at the end keeps it nice.
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Old 08-29-2012, 01:03 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
Well, Ms. E, this is just a suggestion, but when the allotted time is up, you might say something in a kind manner like, "Oh no! I was so enjoying our company, but the hour is up!" or "I only had you down for an hour, so that's all I scheduled. I hope you'll tell me next time if you want to stay longer! I so enjoy our time together." I think tone and attitude carry the day here.

It is MHO that "clockwatcher" is really more applicable to a provider who won't stop checking her phone, looking over at the clock, waiting for a call, whatever. I would certainly never begrudge a provider for telling me that our time was up, unless she was nasty about it.
Darlin', I know what to say....I'm a business woman. I asked what a lady should do.

The term clockwatcher has many different meanings. Some guys use to it to describe a lady who ends the sessions on time and some don't. I'm not a clockwatcher, but I refuse to allow a guy to take advantage of my generous nature.

You sure seem to know a lot for your three months in the hobby. You did say three months right?

Originally Posted by huskerguyomaha View Post
I see nothing wrong with a lady saying "Hey, we've been talking for almost 45 minutes. How do you wish to spend the remainder of our time together? " Guys if you go over your time be sure to tip the lady accordingly and be sure to thank her. Ladies if he goes over and does not tip, be sure to take that into account when considering whether or not you will see that client again.

To me a nice hug and kiss is the perfect way to end a nice session. One of my favorites always asks me to call or text her to let her know I made it home safely after a late evening appointment. This really means a lot to me!

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Old 08-29-2012, 01:09 PM   #15
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Default Well, so much for moving on.

Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Darlin', I know what to say....I'm a business woman. I asked what a lady should do.

The term clockwatcher has many different meanings. Some guys use to it to describe a lady who ends the sessions on time and some don't. I'm not a clockwatcher, but I refuse to allow a guy to take advantage of my generous nature.

You sure seem to know a lot for your three months in the hobby. You did say three months right?
Thanks for the correction, Ms. E.

You know, if there is something you have to say about my time in this hobby, I wish you'd just say it.
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