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Old 08-24-2012, 06:12 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
Ok, pay attention Safire...

- mandatory seat belts were legislated to protect dummies from themselves and to protect the rest of us from the medical costs of the idiots who didn't wear them.

- no smoking laws in the workplace, bars, stores, etc., were put in place to protect us from dummies who smoke.

- DUI laws were put in place to protect us from people who drink and drive and kill people.

It is not unreasonable to expect a government to regulate the other major killer of innocent victims - guns. The data exists. The only obstacles to solving this problem is NRA money and lack of balls with our elected representatives.

So back to you... please answer my original question that you referenced... or stop referencing it.

As stupid pours out of your mouth if you believe this then the government should ban gays all together because HIV was transmitted more by gay men than heterosexual people.

Lets ban alcohol all together because it causes liver disease and other health problems that cost us medical cost, more people die from alcohol than smoking. Wait I think they tried that and it did not work.

Let's ban all porn it can cause problems like rape, child molesting, prostitution, STD's marriage brake ups, and other things.

Lets ban candy and cake's look at all the obese people out there it makes people lazy and look at the medical cost from that.

Lets ban cars and trucks that run on fossil fuel that hurts the world and this pollutes more than smoking does, with all the wrecks on the roads that causes more medical cost than smoking.

Do you get the point about government control or can you open your mind up that much.

Here's the problem you want the government in your life so much and them telling you what you can and can't do why don't you move to Russia they have all kinds of government control.

If I thought like you then all gays should be BANNED in which I don't, what I have said all along is I don't believe in gays but people can do what they want. I don't think gay marriage should be aloud, With your thinking on other government control why do you think gay people should have any rights at all?

As for gun control you have no idea what your talking about, In WW2 the only reason Japan did not attack use with soldiers on our land was because of so many citizens with guns, this is what the generals of the Japanese army's said. This is also the reason no other county will attack us on our land.

If you think gun control will get all the guns out of America you are a lost and uninformed person. If they try that it won't be long we will be like Mexico were the only guns are the criminals and the private citizens are at the mercy of the police in which they are helpless. With citizen having guns it has made criminals and other countries to stop and think before they try and take over our county. I think it is switzerland that encourages citizens to take gun classes and to arm themselves and the burglar rate and other crimes are almost none existing.

If they do take guns away I give it less than two years and some nut case county will send troops and or there citizens over here to attack us on our soil like the Muslim idiots. Then people like you will be crying for somebody to protect us we can't because we don't like guns.
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Old 08-26-2012, 03:50 AM   #77
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yes but if CFA is a privately owned and operated company...i.e. do not accept federal funds then he can contribute whatever funds he wishes to any organization he wishes...if it is a publically trade company then as long as the stockholders do noy dissent or challenge the practice then the company is perfectly within its rights.
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Old 08-26-2012, 08:12 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
No, I'm not in a corner.

We need more gun control because too many innocent victims are getting killed because of the free availability of guns. This is like seat belts. Seat belt laws were passed because too many dumb asses refused to buckle up and were killed. How stupid do people have to be to not understand that? How many deaths?

As I stated, I don't think PETA is ok at all. You aren't paying attention. Wake the fuck up and read my last post. I think animals are our prey until they turn the tables on us.

Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
No, I'm ok with many groups that I disagree with. I'm opposing a community that actively works to suppress the legal rights of those that they disagree with based on religious grounds, which goes against the protections we are guaranteed by our constitution.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Like I said, painted yourself into a corner. Gun rights are not constitutionally protected but marriage for all is protected?

Sorry, but your argument is disingenuous and your continued statements of "why don't you get it" are weak. I get it. I get that you are ok with people going after our rights if you are cool with the agenda. You can't separate what is should be protected versus what agenda you agree or disagree with.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:12 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
No, I'm not in a corner.

We need more gun control because too many innocent victims are getting killed because of the free availability of guns. This is like seat belts. Seat belt laws were passed because too many dumb asses refused to buckle up and were killed. How stupid do people have to be to not understand that? How many deaths?

I guess what I'm saying is that whatever the issue of the day, however compelling or dubious the statistics might be, governmental control over individual liberty is almost never the right answer... and history shows it almost never ends well.

I don't want to live in a dictatorship, not even a benevolent dictatorship. I believe that as an adult, I'm uniquely qualified to know how I should live my life. And perhaps naively, I believe it ought to be my life to live.

Yes, we need rules-- to protect us from government and even from each other... but not from ourselves.

Despite our alignment on gay rights, we obviously arrived from two very different places. I believe everyone is entitled to their individual liberties. You and Dan Cathy (each with reams of persuasive data in hand) quibble only about which ones to take away first... and from whom.

I got your vote: screw the dumbasses... and the Bible thumpers.
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Old 09-13-2012, 02:09 AM   #80
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Sorry for the delayed response. Have been traveling to Mars and back to make sure the Explorer landed safely! The return trip was a bitch!

I love everyone here - especially Safire/Hobbyfun. Let's not hate.

I've made my point and I'm done. Dan Cathy is a homophobic asshole. If you still want to buy his product and fund his hate groups, so be it. This is a free country.
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:00 AM   #81
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(I love everyone here - especially Safire/Hobbyfun. Let's not hate.)

Stupid just pours out of your mouth, I don't understand why you think that I'm Safire or what you problem is with me, but one day when you pull your head out of your ASS you might be able to see clearly I am not Safire, with that being said you keep on thinking what you want but I believe after some on the things you have posted here I'm not the only one that thinks you have a couple of wheels slipping in the sand.
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