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Old 08-26-2012, 02:50 PM   #1
Fast Gunn
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Exclamation Romney's Campaign Strategy

Does anyone really understand Mitt Romney's campaign strategy for the election?

He appears to want to distance himself from his role as Governor, saying repeatedly that he served only four years, but "did not inhale".

He seems to prefer to focus on his business career, but success at Bain Capital does really translate into success at running a country.

. . . What is this man thinking and what is this business about "not inhaling"? Does he think he's running against Bill Clinton?

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Old 08-26-2012, 03:00 PM   #2
JD Barleycorn
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Really quite simple.

1. Romney is not Barack Obama
2. The economy sucks.
3. Romney has a five point plan to fix the economy.
4. Paul Ryan is the man.
5. Joe Biden (insert joke here).

Your choice is simple; Obama or Romney? Now tell us why Obama should be reelected?
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Old 08-26-2012, 03:02 PM   #3
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Really quite simple.

1. Romney is not Barack Obama
2. The economy sucks.
3. Romney has a five point plan to fix the economy.
4. Paul Ryan is the man.
5. Joe Biden (insert joke here).
Item # 1 is enough for me.
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Old 08-26-2012, 03:15 PM   #4
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Exclamation Deflecting

You gentlemen are not responding to the question, but obviously only deflecting the thrust of the serious inquiry.

Is that all you've got?

The fact is, that I can give you reasons aplenty as to why President Obama would be a vastly superior leader than Mitt, but that is not the topic of this conversation.

. . . The fact is that, historically more Governors have won the White House than business men so why would Mitt want to dismiss his role as Governor of Massachusetts and keep joking about "not inhaling" during his four years in office?

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Old 08-26-2012, 03:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

Your choice is simple; Obama or Romney? Now tell us why Obama should be reelected?
Because the profits of the large multinational corporations are higher now than ever in history.

Whats good for business is good for America. Corporations are people, my friend.
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Old 08-26-2012, 03:39 PM   #6
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Ryan is the man indeed.

this man will balance the budget in 2040-50 ... apparently his timeline for the destruction of this country differs quite a bit from the republican talking point version ...

his Path to Prosperity is more like a trail of bread crumbs taken out of some fairy tail than it is for fixing the economy.

Here are a few little-known facts about Paul Ryan's supposedly slash-and-burn budget plan.
  • Government spending increases almost every year over the next decade.
  • Tax and other revenue rises year after year.
  • The 10-year deficit is still $3 trillion.
The fact that Ryan's spending plans grow the federal budget over the long term is one that could easily be lost in the political melee underway in the wake of his selection as Mitt Romney's running mate.

To be sure, Ryan is proposing major changes to Medicare and taxation that Democrats see as problematic.
But claims that Ryan is slashing spending don't quite square with the numbers. Those claims are convenient Washington shorthand for what Ryan's plan actually proposes -- which is to slow the rate of budget growth, but still allow the budget to grow.

Under the latest Ryan plan, the budget would grow from $3.6 trillion this year to $4.9 trillion in 2022. The only years in which spending would dip are 2013 and 2014.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012...#ixzz24gtjuiLA
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Old 08-26-2012, 03:57 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
Does anyone really understand Mitt Romney's campaign strategy for the election?

He appears to want to distance himself from his role as Governor, saying repeatedly that he served only four years, but "did not inhale".

He seems to prefer to focus on his business career, but success at Bain Capital does really translate into success at running a country.

. . . What is this man thinking and what is this business about "not inhaling"? Does he think he's running against Bill Clinton?

Yes we have a strategy
"not inhaling" is a inside joke.
Bill who?
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Old 08-26-2012, 04:06 PM   #8
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
You gentlemen are not responding to the question, but obviously only deflecting the thrust of the serious inquiry.

Is that all you've got?

The fact is, that I can give you reasons aplenty as to why President Obama would be a vastly superior leader than Mitt, but that is not the topic of this conversation.

. . . The fact is that, historically more Governors have won the White House than business men so why would Mitt want to dismiss his role as Governor of Massachusetts and keep joking about "not inhaling" during his four years in office?

First you ask if anyone knows Romney's campaign strategy. Then you say you can give us reasons aplently as to why Obama would be a vastly superior leader.

Do you want to talk about Romney's campaign strategy or reasons why we think he would be a superior leader?

I'll answer the latter question.

Reasons Aplenty Why Romney Would be a Better Leader than Obama

1) Built an enormously successful business, and yes he DID build it

2) Not raised by Marxists

3) Did not have a childhood mentor that was card carrying, dues paying, enthusiastic member of Communist Party USA

4) Never a member of the socialist New Party

5) Not a citizen of four separate countries (Kenya, Great Britain, Indonesia, and possibly America)

6) Believes in American exceptionalism

7) Never taught Saul Alinsky seminars

8) Never worked for ACORN

9) Does not believe it should be legal to kill newborn babies

10) Not married to a woman who "has never been proud of America, her entire adult life"

11) Ran a successful Winter Olympics, that was in chaos before he took over

12) Has never used illegal drugs

13) Did not choose a moron as a running mate

14) Can not recite the Muslim call to prayer in perfect Arabic

15) Uses his own Social Security number

16) Has only had one name

17) Does not let his own brother live in dire poverty, forcing him to accept charity from conservative journalists

18) Does not eat dogs

And last, wants to restore America to its former greatness not fundamentally transform it into a socialist hellhole.

Additional reasons why Romney would be a superior leader are available on request.
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Old 08-26-2012, 06:07 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
First you ask if anyone knows Romney's campaign strategy. Then you say you can give us reasons aplently as to why Obama would be a vastly superior leader.

Do you want to talk about Romney's campaign strategy or reasons why we think he would be a superior leader?

I'll answer the latter question.

Reasons Aplenty Why Romney Would be a Better Leader than Obama

1) Built an enormously successful business, and yes he DID build it

2) Not raised by Marxists

3) Did not have a childhood mentor that was card carrying, dues paying, enthusiastic member of Communist Party USA

4) Never a member of the socialist New Party

5) Not a citizen of four separate countries (Kenya, Great Britain, Indonesia, and possibly America)

6) Believes in American exceptionalism

7) Never taught Saul Alinsky seminars

8) Never worked for ACORN

9) Does not believe it should be legal to kill newborn babies

10) Not married to a woman who "has never been proud of America, her entire adult life"

11) Ran a successful Winter Olympics, that was in chaos before he took over

12) Has never used illegal drugs

13) Did not choose a moron as a running mate

14) Can not recite the Muslim call to prayer in perfect Arabic

15) Uses his own Social Security number

16) Has only had one name

17) Does not let his own brother live in dire poverty, forcing him to accept charity from conservative journalists

18) Does not eat dogs

And last, wants to restore America to its former greatness not fundamentally transform it into a socialist hellhole.

Additional reasons why Romney would be a superior leader are available on request.
19) Iam a pure bred PARTISAN HACK that doesnt really care about anything Romney does or would do in the future, including ignore the economy, increase spending, or anything else I CONSTANTLY bitch about Obama doing.
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Old 08-26-2012, 06:22 PM   #10
Fast Gunn
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Exclamation Emotions

It's funny how the emotions suddenly get stirred up in politics.

The problem with emotions is that when they run wild, you lose your objectivity.

. . . No one has answered the basic question I posed yet and maybe it's just because you have no answer!

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Old 08-26-2012, 07:20 PM   #11
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The answer to your original question, FastGoon, is no. Romney should be winning in a walk, but he acts like he's determined to lose. We'll see.
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Old 08-26-2012, 07:44 PM   #12
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Exclamation Clown

Romney is a clown.

Why should he be winning and "in a walk" at that?

. . . Does he think he's supposed to be auditioning for a gig with Ringling Brothers?

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Old 08-26-2012, 08:25 PM   #13
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FastGoon, you're too far gone for any reason to sink in, but you are entertaining.
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Old 08-26-2012, 08:48 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
It's funny how the emotions suddenly get stirred up in politics.

The problem with emotions is that when they run wild, you lose your objectivity.

. . . No one has answered the basic question I posed yet and maybe it's just because you have no answer!

This is what Joe just did to you...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVZBqVNqXqs
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Old 08-26-2012, 09:06 PM   #15
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I think a few of us answered your original question, do we understand the Romney strategy? Yes, we do and we told you what we understood. Now, the question seems to be can you understand the answer?
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