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Old 08-16-2012, 01:01 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post

I know I love to taste myself on my clients kisses

Yes you do
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Old 08-16-2012, 03:42 AM   #47
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I honestly had no idea how many people would chime in with me...not just ladies either.
Look at all my "old tymers" that have popped in!

Mods, you all as a collective, do you see this?
Why isn't more done about it?
I believe it keeps chicks like me from watching the ISO's and remembering who actually replies to things they are good candidates for...so when they aren't around I can suggest them.

Yes Shyster...I have even...uh um...suggested Deejah in the weeeeeeeeeeeeeee hours of the morning when I wasn't available. I didn't go all out with my suggestion. More of a, "Well, she says in her ads that she is 24/7...you could give her a shot. Check her reviews & go from there." Because all in all, many men did like her, and she WAS really available at those odd hours.

I want to suggest the right gals to clients. Not just guys that would never see me, but even to my own. When it boils down to it...I WANT to make my clients happy. They will remember that, time & time again. Even if it wasn't me screaming, "ME! ME! Come see me!"
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Old 08-16-2012, 11:51 AM   #48
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I forgot to mention that the "last minute" available thread was discussed in the Ask a Mod forum and the answer then was that people need to hit RTM and the staff has already mentioned more than once to only reply if it fits the purpose of the thread.

That was part of my reason for suggesting the posts not adhering to the thread purpose be moved and not deleted.

Right now, they are left in place so even if a provider is warned, she still benefits from her bullshit garbage spam post being left in place.

Heck, using basic vbulletin thread tools, a staff member could spend probably less than 10 minutes and move more than half the spam posts from the last minute thread and the .60 blowjob thread into a garbage/spam thread and that will keep those spammers posts from having the visibility they desire.

Here's where Tinman originally discussed the thread and note that he gives a shout out to Chipper for trying to keep it in line:

BUT keep in mind the staff are not mind readers and even though things like spam in those thread might frustrate some, there really are more important things for the volunteer staff to keep on top of such as outings, approving reviews, correcting ads that violate the rules that the owners have put in place to avoid issues and don't forget, assigning reviews to the proper provider when discovered or editing and correcting reviews when improper information such as private contact numbers are posted.

Sure this is an issue but in the big scheme of the board, don't expect the staff to magically fix things without someone letting them know something is wrong.

The 2 big threads right now that are having this problem are the Incall provider short notice thread:

And the long running .6 B&G thread that was started almost a year ago!

Hit the RTM if you feel a post is spam and help the staff in their efforts to moderate the site.
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Old 08-16-2012, 12:51 PM   #49
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The girls who struggle with literacy will never respond to this post because: a) They can't read the post. b) They can't read/spell to begin with so they don't know if they are illiterate (Ignorance is bliss).
I always think it's lame to recommend yourself "Me! Me!...Come see me!" I've never done it. I want my potential clients to know what type they're looking for and choose to see me instead of putting an ISO to see just anybody who happens to be available without knowing/doing extensive research on the girl's personality/type/reviews/postings.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:05 PM   #50
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Angie, glad you brought this up. It also happens in some of the Alert threads and NCNS threads in Coed. Providers saying I am sorry that happened to you, contact me next time, blah blah blah. They really have no clue whats going on. Last year a stalker was after a provider and after it was determined the guy was a stalker and the provider's location was given out, comments were continually made by providers saying "I am so sorry" to the OP.. ARGH!!!!!! Ladies, please take the time to read all the comments in a thread before posting.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:20 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post
our types of boards have always existed to be a source for girls who are above the standards of a typical street encounter or VIP room
Really? If the raison d'etre of P4P boards were as you describe, then I would expect several things to be quite different. Either the owners/staff are incredibly incompetent at achieving what they want . . . or perhaps they have a different goal than yours. Personally, I thought P4P boards have mostly existed to make money for their owners. I believe in capitalism, but the biggest successes do tend to aim at the lowest common denominator. Wal-Mart beats out Neiman Marcus. So, many P4P boards tend to create an atmosphere that will best support that objective. Not so strict that it will drastically limit the volume of members; not so loose that it will detiorate to the point of driving too many people away.

Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post
The ISO section is a mess. Best answer is to simply avoid it.
There's an ISO section?

Yours is one approach, and of course it can be applied much more broadly than to the ISO section. My guess is that it's the approach of a very large (but unvocal) majority.

The vocal minorities (several different, sometimes conflicting, perspectives represented) are more inclined to try to change the environment. Sometimes by making the environment unpleasant for, or shaming, those with other viewpoints and hoping they will either leave or change their behavior. Sometimes by trying to persuade the owners that their particular perspective is very widespread and therefore the owners should modify the environment to keep the bulk of their clientele happy (by encouraging others to either leave or change their behavior). It rarely (or never) seems to have the desired effect, in part because for every advocate of a perspective like Angie's there's an advocate of a contrary perspective.

But what the hell, everyone's entitled to tilt at a windmill now and then. It can be painful and/or disappointing, but a world without an Alonso Quijano or two would be drab, n'est ce pas? We spectators salute you!
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:45 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by samantha thom View Post
I want my potential clients to know what type they're looking for and choose to see me instead of putting an ISO to see just anybody who happens to be available without knowing/doing extensive research on the girl's personality/type/reviews/postings.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:46 PM   #53
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I dig hairy chicks!
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:33 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Chevalier View Post
Yours is one approach, and of course it can be applied much more broadly than to the ISO section. My guess is that it's the approach of a very large (but unvocal) majority.
I assure you that my comment was the product of the windmill attempts first. I have made my vocal minority stance, in public and private.

I even agree with you as to the reason that the vocal minority has a lack of efficacy. If the ownership willed it to change, it would. They have indicated the desire for it to remain as it is. ThreADs are OK. As annoyed as some of us get with it, it's not changing.

Seems that ignoring is what's left.
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Old 08-16-2012, 05:15 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post
ThreADs are OK. As annoyed as some of us get with it, it's not changing.

Seems that ignoring is what's left.
With regards to this issue the OP is addressing, this is quite different than the threAD situation.

The types of posts being discussed are more of a hijack (which is prohibited) that those same providers trying to come up with their own threAD about some topic in the COED area.

They are hijacking an ISO request. And some are spamming the last minute availability thread,

Spamming and hijacking can be addressed.
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Old 08-17-2012, 12:04 AM   #56
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What? You think that hijacking happens only in ISO?

That is one of the most subjective and difficult things to try and moderate. It's only "hijacking" when the OP complains. (usually) In my mind, every "+1" and "Look I'm under provider Saucy Twat!" and other non-contributing post is a flavor of hijack. Hell, post #53 on this very thread is hijack, IMO.

I really don't think "more moderation" is the solution to this issue. Members not supporting it might be. If moderators go in there, torches and pitchforks out, to "stop the crazy," we'll just get bashed for being heavy handed. If people don't support the crazy, it might just go away. The Wal Mart analogy above is pretty spot on. People still shop there, because there's always a market for cheap and convenient.
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Old 08-17-2012, 07:15 AM   #57
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If I was a provider and needed business I would respond to every iso too, the goal is to make money not friends.
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Old 08-17-2012, 09:11 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
If I was a provider and needed business I would respond to every iso too, the goal is to make money not friends.
True, to an extent. Their way of trying to make money in ISO & my way is completely different.

Mine is long term, repeat biz from potential & current clients as well as the providers. When we do work together, usually karma treats us pretty well. It's not always about "making friends". Honestly, I don't like many people, they stab you in the back in a heart beat...but it doesn't mean you can't run your biz well and have good biz associates.

Now again, regarding this "friends" thing: we unfortunately at times "have" to get along with the other girls, even ones we may not even want to really communicate with, cuz not all you guys use P411. Unless we want the extremely high risk of getting into some kind of trouble for not screening.

Eventually it is still about making money. Every post a chic makes somehow is going to influence her marketing. Sometimes I turn my sig line off when I'm posting several times, because I know everyone already saw it on that page. But that's just me & my ways. Not every girl is like me or runs their biz as I do.
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Old 08-17-2012, 10:28 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post
Not every girl is like me or runs their biz as I do.
most likely why they spam the iso section

most providers are not willing or able to generate repeat business. It takes effort and good acting skills to make a guy believe you truly enjoy his company and want to have sex with him.

there is a reason the turnover in the provider pool is so high, most never figure it out.
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Old 08-17-2012, 04:54 PM   #60
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What about us illiterate fucktards? I no I luv two have my dik suked by nekid women. I here there are some luvly deers out their to do the dirty.
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