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Old 08-14-2012, 09:30 PM   #76
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I always post a link to my website on any ads where you can find detailed information. I tried to cover everything in it so there would be no need to be indiscreet in conversation. Most ladies have either a website or a P411 profile where you can find a list of services and current donations.
My website is merciannamondragon.net
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:44 PM   #77
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To solve this problem Female Condoms maybe the answer. It could be in and the guy could do the SS and both parties could have a great time and enjoy each other and he could help with the pleasure of putting inside of her. It would kill two birds with one stone. It just an idea. It maybe worth a try. Hugs and Kisses.
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Old 08-15-2012, 12:45 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by fawn View Post
No you are not wrong mercianna , you have the right to set the ground rules for yourself, .....
hahah..no she doesn't
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Old 08-15-2012, 04:44 AM   #79
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Merci, you may and some may, but not most. Those little activity things on p411 rarely mention the controversial activities like CIM and SS. And that only says what she will do, not what she won't do. It's a fine line. I'm not really complaining, just pointing out a conundrum.
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Old 08-15-2012, 05:00 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by BigOldZero View Post
Merci, you may and some may, but not most. Those little activity things on p411 rarely mention the controversial activities like CIM and SS. And that only says what she will do, not what she won't do. It's a fine line. I'm not really complaining, just pointing out a conundrum.

Maybe you have a Different version of P411 than the rest of us do..But BBBJTCCIM and BBBJTCNQNS is listed on my version..and that answers the question of CIM clearly!! So where is the Conundrum ? RESEARCH IS YOUR FRIEND !!!!
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Old 08-15-2012, 05:22 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by Texasquest View Post
Maybe you have a Different version of P411 than the rest of us do..But BBBJTCCIM and BBBJTCNQNS is listed on my version..and that answers the question of CIM clearly!! So where is the Conundrum ? RESEARCH IS YOUR FRIEND !!!!
Stripper Slide is listed as well. Interestingly, FS is listed, but CFS is not.
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Old 08-15-2012, 05:30 AM   #82
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The only thing new about Genital to Genital frottage is the name "stripper slide".

You may not like it, but please be realistic about it. If you are in business as a sexual provider, you can expect clients to ask for lots of things that you may or may nor be comfortable with. It is no big deal: just politely say no.

There is no reason to be offended if a client asks for this, and you should not try to make him feel guilty or ashamed for asking...either verbally or as in this case, whining about it in a thread.

There are lots of sexual fetishes that I don't really get, but I truly feel that if it is consensual, people should be allowed to partake without a lot of flack from others trying to impose their own beliefs on them.

If you are not comfortable doing it, then don't do it. It is that simple.
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Old 08-15-2012, 08:46 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by Texasquest View Post
Maybe you have a Different version of P411 than the rest of us do..But BBBJTCCIM and BBBJTCNQNS is listed on my version..and that answers the question of CIM clearly!! So where is the Conundrum ? RESEARCH IS YOUR FRIEND !!!!
Ah... a flippant and belittling response... I should chuckle

From my experience, you don't see those two listed all that often.(sometimes, but not always) What you usually find is simply BBBJ.

Believe me, I know about research.

Actually, CIM and SS are not really big deals to me. I was just pointing out the little catch 22 we go through. We get scolded if we ask about activities on the phone and we get scolded if we ask for activities that may not be on the menu when we arrive.

Now that we have said all that, I think it's time to go find a nice FBSM L2 NQNS (so that I don't hijack Merci's thread any further).
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Old 08-15-2012, 09:39 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by mercianna View Post
I was trying to understand my own feelings. I was sincerely asking for input and information. I didn't understand, was confused and my feelings were hurt. I felt a certain way and wanted to know if my feelings were irrational. I was at no time, in any way, shape or form judging anyone. Oh really? So when you said: "Anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of health can recognize this, and I am offended that anyone would even think that I would provide such a service. I strive to project an image of self-respect and dignity and expect others to treat me with no less respect than I give myself," the corollary that those who do provide "such service" do not also "project an image of self-respect and dignity"? Just because you say I am does not make it so.

Ricky James. I am far from being an idiot. Usually people that feel the need to insult others have low self esteem and are subconsciously standing in front of a mirror. Attempting to make another person look bad does not make oneself look any better. I never said I had a problem. Seeking to learn does not constitute a problem.

If you can't understand what the post was trying to say and instead decide to post your opinion of what you think I meant to say. Realize that's what you think and not fact. If you jump to conclusions without comprehension you might be wrong. If you have an opinion and use it to cloud your thinking and read things between the lines that do not exist...that's on you too. Assumptions rarely have merit and often cause needless problems & wounded feelings.

If some woman tells me how she feels about something, my immediate assumption is that she wants an answer, or that she wants me to solve her problem. In fact, all she wants to do is share, or show how she feels.
Fred Ward

You proceed from a false assumption: I have no ego to bruise.
Leonard Nimoy You have made a plethora of statements that demonstrate you do in fact have a sense of self-esteem which is in fact an ego. Please do not misappropriate the sayings of the great fictional character Spock. Your logic is far from infallible.

And please... If this does not apply to you, then let it fly. If it does, deal with it as it is meant to be dealt with...constructively. Think outside the box.
(I am not talking about the ss's. I am talking about some peoples propensity of stating judgmental views based on their personal opinion rather than actual truth or fact and others who seem to delight in encouraging others to do so with snarky, sarcastic and strategically placed lol's)
See comments in red.
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Old 08-15-2012, 11:29 AM   #85
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You do have a point, BigOldZero. I ran a p411 search for SS and CIM and only came up with 4 names in the entire state of Texas. I suspect that's because most women want to be selective as to whom they offer this service. I know that has been my experience.
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Old 08-15-2012, 12:29 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
You do have a point, BigOldZero. I ran a p411 search for SS and CIM and only came up with 4 names in the entire state of Texas. I suspect that's because most women want to be selective as to whom they offer this service. I know that has been my experience.
BBBJTCNQNS shows 243 providers in Texas
BBBJTCIM shows 417 providers in Texas
Stripper Slide shows 12 providers.... However, I don't remember that being listed on there a while back, so it could be that providers that offer it set up their profile prior to that "service" being listed for them to select, not sure.
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Old 08-15-2012, 12:52 PM   #87
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I probably entered the search criteria wrong. I checked all those services, and it only pulled up 4. It may have been pulling only those that offer all three, although I checked the list for each one and didn't find all three on each girl. It may be explained by still-asleep's thought on other factors.

This is a tangent that really isn't particularly relevant to the main discussion. Sorry I contributed to going down that path.
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Old 08-15-2012, 05:37 PM   #88
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I'm starting to have that "some of y'all have too much time on your hands" feeling. (TinMan excepted, of course *bow*bow*)

This truly is the most comprehensive and academic discussion of SS I've ever had the privilege to be a part of. I'll get out of the way and let you gentlemen continue. Brb - I gotta get my cigar, smoking robe, and single malt scotch.

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