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Old 08-12-2012, 05:24 PM   #31
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I hate country, goth, indy, pop, rock, music! See, its easy not to like a particular genre of music, especially if you're not familiar with it, never really listen to it, or have a preconceived notion about the genre (such as rap is about drugs, violence, and hoes, while country is about your dead dog, or marrying your cousin ). Now I didn't grow up listening to any of those genres listed above, and I sure can't listen to them around my main circle of friends ( I'll lose my "hood" pass, and be out casted), but I can tell you when I'm drunk at cowboys, you'll see me line dancing. I also found out I like randy rogers band! I'll also say that I'm not feelin' today's r&b/rap because everything went to autotune and the techno beats, but I can still feel what some of the artist are saying! I really believe the music you listen to is a product of your environment, if you've been told rap music is bad and has no substance growing up, guess what, you don't like rap music! Just like myself, I grew up a military brat, and even today I only listen to new jack swing (troop, shai, jodeci, hi-five, baby face, etc) or southern rap groups (ugk, old three 6, dsr, I stay on pt cruiser aka pastor troy, etc), without giving other genres a chance. At the same time, when I do listen to other genres, I found artist that I like! I'll "closetly" listen to the beach boys, orgy, korn, the police, the eagles (again, not openly....not risking my "hood pass"). If you sit down and actually listen to the fugees, common, wu tang, ugk and can't feel what they're saying, then you don't have the ability to broaden your mind and allow something you not accustom to, to influence your predetermined hate for it!
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Old 08-12-2012, 06:31 PM   #32
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I listened to a lot of rap until i was 22. I grew up around it and almost all of my peers listened to it. I'm familiar with all the groups/artists you mentioned. I also listened to a lot of Punk, Indie, Hardcore, 77 Punk etc. etc. I understand what a lot of the people on this thread are saying....I still stand by what i said. I used to be an avid fan of rap, hip hop and a bunch of other music that has just become non sense to me. I'm sorry....I see the appeal i guess, but don't call me ignorant. I could say the same thing for anyone who listens to a genre that objectifys women, promotes violence, talks about drugs, have racist lyrics and so on and so on. Yes i know not every single artist is the same and not all of it is like that but again i'm sorry a lot of it is.....
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Old 08-12-2012, 06:46 PM   #33
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Not a fan of new rap, with a few exceptions, but I am a huge fan of old school rap and hip-hop. The beats and lyrics back in the day were innovative and new, not just some recycled nonsense like today...

Blaming rap, or any type of music, for social decline, violence, etc... is really ridiculous in my opinion. It's a weak and lazy excuse for people to use when they should be looking at deeper issues. Just my 2 cents...
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Old 08-12-2012, 07:18 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by collegegirlforyou View Post
I listened to a lot of rap until i was 22. I grew up around it and almost all of my peers listened to it. I'm familiar with all the groups/artists you mentioned. I also listened to a lot of Punk, Indie, Hardcore, 77 Punk etc. etc. I understand what a lot of the people on this thread are saying....I still stand by what i said. I used to be an avid fan of rap, hip hop and a bunch of other music that has just become non sense to me. I'm sorry....I see the appeal i guess, but don't call me ignorant. I could say the same thing for anyone who listens to a genre that objectifys women, promotes violence, talks about drugs, have racist lyrics and so on and so on. Yes i know not every single artist is the same and not all of it is like that but again i'm sorry a lot of it is.....
Well, now since you clarified, I agree with you 100%! I'm not a fan of today's rap or r&b. Don't get me wrong...there's a few "club bangers" that I enjoy, but pretty much everything that's coming out today is straight garbage! I'll argue that point with anybody also! I remember having an argument a couple of years ago with my niece. It was the song "all I do is think of you," and she said a group called b5 did it better than my favorite version by troop. This song was a remake of jackson 5 for those who don't know. So, she basically said jackson 5 and troop couldn't compare to b5, and I wanted to smack some sense into her! Sad thing is b5 is better than most groups out today.
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Old 08-12-2012, 07:18 PM   #35
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listen to the words of this. It isnt your Drake, Lil Wayne crap you hear on the radio. Again sometimes you need to dig in and find the good stuff and forget the crap you have heard. Very few people who I have played this song for have not liked it, especially when they listen to what is being said.
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Old 08-12-2012, 11:37 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by collegegirlforyou View Post
You all are right!!! Whew i'm glad i was able to change my opinion of a genre of music just in time. I'm terribly sorry for anyone i offended with saying that i think rap music is terrible and that it takes advantage of a lost urban culture desperate for roles models. Lord knows they talk about such original and meaningful topics

I'm a changed woman. TUPAC for life!!!
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Old 08-13-2012, 01:02 AM   #37
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I listen to NPR.
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Old 08-13-2012, 01:42 AM   #38
Zabrina Sarafina
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Idk I enjoy all kinds of music except country. As for rap, I think it's f'kin sexy & very inspiring.
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:06 AM   #39
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Everyone has a right to their own opinion and taste of music. One thing we should consider about some of the rap music is...the lyrics and hardcore message behind the rap...comes from hard life experiences.

Yes, drugs...gangs...living in the hood...street life...and violence...are all tragic, but it's a REALITY and a way of life for a lot of people. Some of us are more fortunate...than others. We may not enjoy the music...but, you can't ignore the message.
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Old 08-13-2012, 06:49 AM   #40
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I don't really care for much of this generations variation on rap, but I do love me some old school rap. Easy E, Public Enemy, Run DMC, Beastie Boys..just to name a few. I was that kid in High School who had two 15" Cerwin Vega's in the back of his car, rattling your windows lol!

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Old 08-13-2012, 07:10 PM   #41
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I agree and disagree all at the same time. I grew up in the South Bronx where hip hop got started. Hip hop was a way for to let the "world" know what was happening in the urban community. If you grew up in the "burbs" then most likely you never saw racism or police brutality. You never had to walk to school and see liquor store, drug addicts and crack vials. Hip hop started out with good intentions. See KRS ONE, public enemy (remeber flava flave is a hype man, chuck d is the emcee), grand master flash, poor righteous teachers....

Hip hop then became mainstream and turned into rap music. As it evolved into an actual genre of music (most people thought it was just a fad that would blow over) people destroyed it. The music is now about glorifying drug and violence and degrading women. The music indeed keeps people ignorant. It makes people think being in the hood is cool. Which is funny b/c all these "gangsta" rappers live in burbs!

But understand that there is still hip hop music. You have emcees like sha stimuli, mickey factz, slaughter house, lupe fiasco...In short, don't judge the whole genre by a few ignorant folk.There is some good hip hop music. Music that is about dealing with life. There is some grown man shit out there...
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Old 08-14-2012, 01:08 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by collegegirlforyou View Post
I hate rap music because i think it represents a lot that is wrong with our generations of youth and it is built upon a bunch of lies meant to take advantage of the weak and keep them ignorant.

Finally i found a rap song i like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the best things I've ever seen on Charlie Rose is the night Wynton Marsalis dressed down a couple of rappers on the show by taking a blackboard and diagraming music and showing how rap does not fit the definition of music. He argued rap had poetic value but as a "musical" art form it was totally devoid of the elements required to be considered music.

The look on everyone's face including Charlie Rose was priceless! Wynton is a genius and it is hard to argue with talent like his. He is probably the greatest since Miles Davis!
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Old 08-14-2012, 01:46 AM   #43
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I am not a fan of the new artist. It is all ring tone and rap music NO true Hip Hop
But I like the below




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Old 08-15-2012, 07:00 PM   #44
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I sort of miss the old school rap. I used to watch MTV just to see the videos back then. MTV used to be awesome back in the 80s to mid 90s but now its horrible.




Okay the last one made me laugh. I found this at random...
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