Originally Posted by mansfield
There are people out there fruitbat crazy enough to say "sure no problem" so you gotta be careful with that one 
There are some OCD men out there...that are just as crazy - if not crazier than the women.
And I didn't read each post Hey, I've not been active since X-mas really. Just checked in here and there. I had so much school and real life work to do - I just didn't have time to play, or really even say hi...so I really don't know who this chick is.
Correct me if I'm wrong;
She stalks the welcome boards to see what her upcoming competition is...
Rather than being sincere and actually welcoming - she laughs at them if they have newbie/rookie pics and such, when she post in the "welcome thread" - and then uses that to her advantage in her next ad. Not a very nice thing to do to an unsuspecting person. (Me? Oh, I'm a bitch - and I full out admit it. But I try to be a bitch to those that have it coming. And when I'm wrong - fuck it. I admit it. I call em how I see em. Not going out and dishing out the crazy sauce wherever I can spew it.)
Also - from what I can tell, she tries to make herself look better in general by putting the others down on the regular. Granted...we all do this at some level. (Eccie girls feel higher up than BP girls, BP girls feel higher up than Harry Hines girls...so on and so forth...and lawdy have mercy - no one wants to admit they have a fucking pimp. But let it be known - world travels quick.)
I forgot the rest of what I was going to say - because I was mostly shocked at how so many of her posts were actually in the welcome section. I haven't seen that type of behavior from a provider before.
You would think someone who is focused on their own biz and becoming the "dream girl" for their "clients" - would work on the ISO's and the co-ed....
But eh - what do I know.
I'm just a silly lil hooker that's been round since like - oh, I don't know - getting close to 8 years now. What would I know about shit like that? I'm probably just gonna be accused of being old, jealous and spiteful. Probably fat and ugly to boot!
Let's see how that one goes.
I miss you mother fucking fuckers!