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Old 08-12-2012, 07:59 AM   #16
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I hate it too! Why? Cause think about it real hard ,,,,,,,,,, it keeps the poor where they are,,,,,,,, just talking lip aint going to get you ahead,,,,, we all need to get an education......... and set our goals......... anyway..... Awe have all heard this befor
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Old 08-12-2012, 09:05 AM   #17
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I love all music... even some rap.. but I do have to admit more often than not im listening to hard rock/ metal/ classic rock. It's normally uplifting, and upbeat.

@CG4U- Thanks for sharing that video - awesome song!!! I do think this guy has a few moments that he looked/sounded JUST LIKE eminem. You should listen to Eminem .... a lot of his songs are about coming up out of the struggle of life.

Eminem - NOT AFRAID - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5-yKhDd64s
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Old 08-12-2012, 10:35 AM   #18
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people who say they hate a genre on music are pretty close minded. While I am not a fan of many genre's I can tolerate them. There is more to hiphop then what you hear on the radio, which is garbage. Lots of great hiphop is never heard by the general populous because it doesnt get radio play. WHile a lot of people dont like rap but like eminem think hes great, many underground hiphop artist put him to shame.
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Old 08-12-2012, 11:04 AM   #19
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Rap glorifies crime and violence. It has no melody, no logical tempo, and it encourages it's mindless listeners to become wanna be gangsters. Oh yeah, it is degrading to women. Are there any other styles of music where the performers go around murdering each other. Keep that rap crap in da hood.
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Old 08-12-2012, 11:37 AM   #20
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Yo Txsunman- You have any more stereotypes to throw out there. Feel free to. You are like a lot of outsiders who have an opinion but ultimately have no idea at all what you are talking about. "it encourses mindless listeners to become wanna be gangsters" I mean WTF? Do you really believe that nonsense you are babbling about.

Just like the right wing groups back in the 90's that state video games corrupt the youth. Please share some proof. Free will and freedom of choice define this nation. It is what makes us Americans.To take rap music, ball it together and say it is all bad is just ignorant.

In fact I find this thread to be pretty ignorant as a whole. Everyone has their opinions and that is fine but unless you understand completely what you are talking about and can articulate it. Why even bring it up?

There are all kinds of rap music. Some are trying to put their thoughts, feelings and emotions into music. So what is wrong with that? Yes, there is some violent rap music out there but it is a percentage. Some rap music try and send a message, some like rap music because its emotion and flow.

If you do not like it it is simple do not listen to it.

No offense to OP but I disagree with you.


Originally Posted by Txsunman View Post
Rap glorifies crime and violence. It has no melody, no logical tempo, and it encourages it's mindless listeners to become wanna be gangsters. Oh yeah, it is degrading to women. Are there any other styles of music where the performers go around murdering each other. Keep that rap crap in da hood.
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Old 08-12-2012, 11:46 AM   #21
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Old 08-12-2012, 11:49 AM   #22
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LMAO You guys know nothing about rap hip/hop or anything else

Thought you won brownie points or something???

Nope you just look stupid no valid argument do your history on rap/hip-hop prior to "hating" a few songs you heard on the radio
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:02 PM   #23
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I'm gonna say outright that I don't know anything about Rap.

But I know there was something to Tupac. I"m just too ignorant to see what it is. The guy made a big impact regardless of the stuff outside the recording studio. And his *bad* reputation was never displayed when he did movies. I forget which one it was but the director said he was a consumate professional.

I can believe what they play on the radio is what Bruce Willis said about it in The Last Boy Scout. But there is something to the stuff that isn't so mainstream.
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:08 PM   #24
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I agree also. Sometimes we do not like what we cannnot understand. Or choose to understand. I have a problem with this thread. Tupac was not a rapper he was an artist with something to say and wanted to let others know about it.

College girl4u: You are awesome but in this instance I disagree with you.
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:14 PM   #25
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Yo Ese you be spinnin the truth like a record about Tupac.

Originally Posted by latinalover003 View Post
I agree also. Sometimes we do not like what we cannnot understand. Or choose to understand. I have a problem with this thread. Tupac was not a rapper he was an artist with something to say and wanted to let others know about it.

College girl4u: You are awesome but in this instance I disagree with you.
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:20 PM   #26
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I know many of you are saying that the criticism of rap is out of ignorance and I will agree that for the most part I am ignorant about rap music. The reason for that is I just don't like it any more than I like heavy metal. However, as I stated in this case I can respect the lyrics. In many cases with rap, that is not the case. If i could understand the lyrics of heavy metal I might say the same thing about that so, at least in my case, it is not prejudice. I just don't like it.
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:39 PM   #27
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You all are right!!! Whew i'm glad i was able to change my opinion of a genre of music just in time. I'm terribly sorry for anyone i offended with saying that i think rap music is terrible and that it takes advantage of a lost urban culture desperate for roles models. Lord knows they talk about such original and meaningful topics

I'm a changed woman. TUPAC for life!!!
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Old 08-12-2012, 01:33 PM   #28
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I dont mind the rap that has a good message but all that thug gangster crap that people spew out of their mouths is just ridiculous -- Am I against it? No because I do believe `100% in freedom of speech. I prefer to not listen to it because of the negative way of life depicted in most of the songs out there, Not to mention the lack of talent, I mean anybody can holler YEA -- WHAT -- ASS AND TITTIES ASS AND TITTIES - Im gonna pop a cap in your ass cause I think you suck -- or what ever the hell all that gangster stuff they are talking about
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Old 08-12-2012, 02:05 PM   #29
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cRAP about covers it. Pun intended.

ABQ, although I do not agree with post #20, I was able to understand what you were saying.

Good on you.

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Old 08-12-2012, 02:59 PM   #30
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IMHO...it's a lot deeper than rap music. Just look up the phrase Illuminati and the Music Industry and you will have a better perspective on whats really happening. Take a look at the people behind the scenes who are really running the music and entertainment industry perpetuating subliminal satanism, hate, ignorance and the degradation of women. How the Illuminati uses the music industry to poison the minds of a generation of young people with symbolism and satanism. Theres a reason these people don't want anything positive in our communities. There are documentaries with the likes of EMINEM and Dave Chappelle telling the truth about their experiences in the entertainment industry and why they are trying to leave. Do a little research you will be enlightened....if you want subliminal messages check out Jay Z's OTIS video and Madonna's Super Bowl performance...IMHO
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