This may not go over well lol but Im going to ask anyway
I had a less than stellar encounter with a board member which sucks bc I honestly enjoy what I do, and Im a really friendly person so burning bridges isn't something I aim to do... now the session with the board member went without a hitch but the aftermath is starting to be a handful. Bc hes acting like a big coward and baby bc I wouldn't give him his way.
Now I refuse to go into any "he say she say" bc honestly thats a waste of time but, I really wanted to know...
Guys who are members of the board, would you ever ask a provider to add the time not used in a previous session to the next session? Or add extra service + the time and when the provider kindly says no be upset at her?
And ladies, what do you do about situations like this?
Personally I feel like all I can really do, is keep doing what Im doing. Stay social, friendly, and mature and have some OUT OF THIS WORLD SEX with someone to relieve some stress!
