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Old 07-28-2012, 09:36 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts View Post
I don't mind being ignored by anyone deluded or gullabe enough to fly the American flag.

1I am not only anti-government but I am also anti-American.

I recognize that the United States stopped being a real republic when the southern states were denied their rights to self-determination, and war was made against our own people to force them into the union and to take away their rights to legislate the issue of slavery.

That was the point at which the United States became an unconstitutional tyranny, and it's spread its form of hypocritical, sanctimonious tyranny to a lot of places since. And that includes to the middle east in the last ten years, where the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan now hate the United States for what it's done there.

For a long time the United States has been loathed by most peoples of the earth.

They don't want any "liberation" from us. Not even the people of France in 1944 wanted it the way it came about, so there's no point in crying about the "American sacrifice" to save this or that people. They didn't ask to be "saved." For that matter the people of Vietnam didn't want to be "saved" from communism either. 2 They wanted to elect the communists in.
1.well as they say here in the good ole USofA

Don't let the door knob hit your ass on your way out

2.You have made some of the dumbest comments here but this maybe your best


they came in because our donkeys would not provide bullets for the South VN to defend themselves after we left
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Old 07-28-2012, 10:11 PM   #77
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tea/tae and bukkake make everybody else here seem like shining sensible down to earth stars, so i suppose they serve a purpose, but goodness knows what their families think.

tea, quick question, what makes you think the French did not want to be liberated?

I'm beginning to wonder whether Bukkake and tea are the same person, there can't surely be two such dangerous idiots in the USA. Maybe two inbreds.

I get muddled up, but I think they both think:

- Hitler was the best thing since sliced bread, and Europe would have been much better had it become the united states of nazism

- the holocaust didn't exist, and anyway hitler had nothing to do with it

- nobody under the nazis wanted to be liberated

- the allied forces were evil monsters who raped women and tortured children

- the SS were gravely misunderstood, loved littel children and women, and never committed any torture or atrocities unless in self defence

- mass murder by SS of french villages was fully justified to convince them of the benefits of living in a free and nazi society

- the nazi experiments on sub humans were fully justified and led to great advances in our medical understanding of pain and traumatic injuries

- it was a great shame the US made the bomb before the peace loving japanese and germans could do so

- if left to themselves, the russians would have led peaceful agricultural days enjoying vodka rather than invading eastern europe.

- churchill and roosevelt were quite unjustifed to look for stalin's help to rid the world of a great evil.

I think that just about covers most of tea/bukkake's views.

Oh yes, forgot one, all black males should be strung up or electrocuted, so we can take photos of them and use them as avatars to mock at.
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Old 07-28-2012, 11:56 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by essence View Post
tea/tae and bukkake make everybody else here seem like shining sensible down to earth stars, so i suppose they serve a purpose, but goodness knows what their families think.

tea, quick question, what makes you think the French did not want to be liberated?

I'm beginning to wonder whether Bukkake and tea are the same person, there can't surely be two such dangerous idiots in the USA. Maybe two inbreds.

I get muddled up, but I think they both think:

- Hitler was the best thing since sliced bread, and Europe would have been much better had it become the united states of nazism

- the holocaust didn't exist, and anyway hitler had nothing to do with it

- nobody under the nazis wanted to be liberated

- the allied forces were evil monsters who raped women and tortured children

- the SS were gravely misunderstood, loved littel children and women, and never committed any torture or atrocities unless in self defence

- mass murder by SS of french villages was fully justified to convince them of the benefits of living in a free and nazi society

- the nazi experiments on sub humans were fully justified and led to great advances in our medical understanding of pain and traumatic injuries

- it was a great shame the US made the bomb before the peace loving japanese and germans could do so

- if left to themselves, the russians would have led peaceful agricultural days enjoying vodka rather than invading eastern europe.

- churchill and roosevelt were quite unjustifed to look for stalin's help to rid the world of a great evil.

I think that just about covers most of tea/bukkake's views.

Oh yes, forgot one, all black males should be strung up or electrocuted, so we can take photos of them and use them as avatars to mock at.
We can't have a debate if you're going to mischaracterize my posts. I never said anything of the kind.

As far as the United States is concerned let me put it this way.

The America I like is the America of Madison, Jefferson, Washington and Lee [all of them slave owners I might add].

It was about two things mostly:

1.the right of people to have self-determination, and use violence to oppose tyranny

2.hostility toward government.

It didn't take long for the United States to come off the rails regarding these principles, and by the time of the Mexican-American war the US had become a warlike power.

But what happened after the election of 1860 was the total end of things. When Lincoln unilaterally and illegally asserted the power of the President to raise new armies to invade other states, and to imprison anyone without trial who voiced dissent, and then ended slavery without any vote by any legislature....

That was the end of the Republic.

And we never got it back.
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Old 07-29-2012, 01:44 AM   #79
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OK, I made a mistake, I left one out, you approve of slavery.
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Old 07-29-2012, 07:30 AM   #80
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Default Tea Party Logic 101

Originally Posted by essence View Post
OK, I made a mistake, I left one out, you approve of slavery.
He did not say he approved. What he said was that it was state's choice/right. He is a typical Tea Party guy with bigger balls I suppose. He just carries their logic back a bit further.

He is just saying what JD and COG and joe blow say ever day. They say the exact same thing about gay marriage.

They have no problem being ruled by a Governor but not a President. I personally see no difference. They think a woman's right to choose should come at the state level , not the Federal level. People like myself think it should be determined by the individual. Yet I'm the so called Liberal on here and they fancy themselves as Conservatives. They wrap themselves up in the Constitution to take away your own personal choices.

That is why I give them so much shit, not that they are not already full of it.
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Old 07-29-2012, 07:41 AM   #81
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WTF, you . . . ah, forget it. You're a waste of time. Think what you want, distort what you want. I'm glad we can provide a forum where you can feel superior.
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Old 07-29-2012, 08:15 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
WTF, you . . . ah, forget it. You're a waste of time. Think what you want, distort what you want. I'm glad we can provide a forum where you can feel superior.

Being superior to hypocritical political idiots is nothing I would brag about. But a fact is a fact. I am sure there are subjects that you are more versed than I. I just try and re-educate you, point out your hypocrisy in this field. The science shows the futility in my endeavor, so I just have fun with it. I hope you are doing the same. God Bless you COG
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Old 07-29-2012, 08:22 AM   #83
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Whatever, WDF. Enjoy your delusion.
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Old 07-29-2012, 08:27 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Whatever, WDF. Enjoy your delusion.
I believe in science, not some man floating around on clouds.

Tell me again who is delusional?

God Bless you though COG.

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Old 07-29-2012, 09:13 AM   #85
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How the hell do you know what I believe? There is your delusion. You make stuff up, and then congratulate yourself. Typical WDF hypocrisy and lies.
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Old 07-29-2012, 09:15 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
How the hell do you know what I believe? There is your delusion. You make stuff up, and then congratulate yourself. Typical WDF hypocrisy and lies.

Poor lil lo COG, hates having done to him WTF he does to everyone else! Either quit it yourself or get used to a heep more!

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Old 07-29-2012, 09:19 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by essence View Post
OK, I made a mistake, I left one out, you approve of slavery.
I didn't say that.

My point is that at the time and under the circumstances it was possible to be a moral and great man but to believe in things we find repugnant today.

My point is that just because we hold something sacred today doesn't mean that it's an absolute or applies to everyone in every situation.

My point is that you cannot think of yourself as an intelligent person if you can't accept why people do things that you don't agree with.

An intelligent person is able to understand other people's reasons if they have good will.

Besides all that....

Slavery like all issues in the republic should have been decided by legislative means, and it wasn't.

In fact the 19th amendment was ratified fraudulently and is open to challenge today if anyone would like to challenge it.

The end does not justify the means.
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Old 07-29-2012, 09:19 AM   #88
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How do you guys manage to get so far off topic on these posts? LOL

Well it is entertaining to say the least while sipping my coffee this morning.

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Old 07-29-2012, 09:21 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Poor lil lo COG, hates having done to him WTF he does to everyone else! Either quit it yourself or get used to a heep more!

I don't think I've made stuff up to make myself feel better about myself. But think what you want. I love being called a hypocrite by you. It's like being called "fat" by Chris Christie.
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Old 07-29-2012, 09:28 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by essence View Post
OK, I made a mistake, I left one out, you approve of slavery.
If I had lived in those times I would have been pro-slavery because there was no alterntive to it and all it's evils.

Lincoln favored ending slavery but sending all the freed slaves back to Africa because he believed they didn't belong in the republic. I think history showed he was right, but unfortunately he changed his mind in the middle of the war and then advocted giving the freed slave men the right to vote so that the Republicans would have a voting block in the south.

Those slaves who were returned to Africa and formed Liberia have lived in constant despotism, brutal savagry and civil war ever since. Liberia is the most hellish place on earth except for the other place where free slaves tried to make their own country....


Therefore for humanitarian reasons I would have supported the continuation of the otherwise horrible institution of slavery.

I would have steriized the slaves and then pinched off their existence at that generation. When the last of them died the problem would have been over.
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