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Old 07-24-2012, 12:57 PM   #1
Slave Guinevere
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Unhappy To SPANK... or NOT TO SPANK....:(

To the lovely women... and wonderful gentlemen of ECCIE...

I would like to apologize... for the delay... in my replies.. to not only your private messages... but also your flattering emails... I have had some challenges lately... health wise...

Without going into... too much descriptive detail... and I apologize for that... I find it hard... to discuss my private health issues...in such a public manner.. so, bear with me... if I am sort of vague on the specifics...

I am an EXTREMELY positive and upbeat person... and to say that I LOVE life... is an understatement... However, GENETICALLY... I have some challenges... and while I am very honest and up front... with all of my men... and my potential suitors... about the challenges.... I face with my disorder... Sometimes, my disorder... gets the better of me...

I had a minor medical procedure a few weeks ago... unfortunately, this was not a cosmetic one... Lol... At least with those...you have the POSITIVE outcome... of say... ending up with FABULOUS BREASTS!! LOL

Anyway, every 28 days... I have to go play in my doctors office... and via IV... they replace... what genetically.... my body... simply cannot make... However, sometimes... after these procedures... my body and the new components... simply do not play well together... and that means... that your little slave... has to wait 21 days... for my life saving treatment to leave my body... and without going into detail... let's just say... that your little slave... is a bit more tired than usual...

I TRY very hard.... to not let my challenges... slow me down... or hold me back in anyway... and the truth is... I am GRATEFUL... to have been blessed with this disorder... That may sound ODD... or even CRAZY... to most of you... BUT... I ENJOY LIFE... more than anyone I know!! I NEVER take...anyone... or anything in my life for granted... every moment for me... is a joy and an adventure... Lol... My men frequently comment on my playful nature... when we are alone... and sharing our intimate moments... and how excited I become... by what seems... like the smallest gesture... I have a complex mind... but a simple nature... Lol... and simply put... it is my choice... to have FUN... whenever...and wherever...I possibly can...

I am incredibly... passionate about LIFE... and I feel blessed... to have found our secret world... The reality is... that for the first time... in my life... I feel like I am HOME!! I love being a professional courtesan... and I take GREAT PRIDE.... in taking care of my men... and my potential suitors... and when I am REALLY LUCKY... some of the LOVELY LADIES in our sexy world...

I have been reticent... about discussing my situation... in such a public forum... and up until now... I have done a fairly good job... of keeping things to myself... Alas, I am a very PRIVATE and PROUD person... and so... I detest... any sort of pity or sympathy... and alas, I have a sensitive nature... and I must confess... that recently, I have encountered some prejudice... regarding my physical challenges... Now, that is a PART OF LIFE.... and I know that... However, whenever you are feeling tired... sick... or stressed... these things... have more of an impact on you emotionally... then they would otherwise...

I do not see my disorder as something... that HOLDS ME BACK... in many ways... it frees me up... to enjoy and live life... without the restrictions... that most people... impose on themselves... It is why... I am so accepting of everyone I meet... and why I am so excited... when my men come to see me... This world of ours... is not merely...a JOB for me... It is my pleasure..my FANTASY... my entertainment... and my REWARD... for FIGHTING back... against a disorder... that most people... have let bind them... in misery and despair...

So, last week...I finally had to cry UNCLE... and I decided to take most of the week off... and I hoped that... would be enough... to get me over the hump... However, I will need... to take a few more days this week... to simply rest... and recover... and to get caught up on all of my correspondence... and I ask... that you please... have patience with your naughty little slave... because, my intentions... are only to serve... and please you...

If you have any questions or concerns... about me... or my disorder....I am HAPPY to give you... a more detailed description... of my physical challenges... I would like to REITERATE... that my disorder is GENETIC... So, just like it would be IMPOSSIBLE... for me to CATCH your BEAUTIFUL BLUE... GREEN... OR GREY EYES... There is no way... that my disorder can harm you... in any way...

Have a WONDERFUL day... and thank you so much... for both your patience... and your consideration... I promise to do... everything in my power... to reward... your generous heart... and spirit...

Your irrepressible slave,

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Old 07-24-2012, 01:21 PM   #2
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nothing wrong to take some time off to get some rest and take care of your health....
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:12 PM   #3
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Best of luck darling and if ur doing infusions i know personally how they can be very draining .. well u take care hun and rest up for all the naughty play !!!
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:21 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by foxyred73 View Post
nothing wrong to take some time off to get some rest and take care of your health....
Mistress Haley Rose...

Thank you so much for your sweet words... they are very much appreciated... I fear... that I have always been an overachiever... and sometimes... it is very hard... for me to accept... that I cannot... simply push through my discomfort and fatigue...

However, if I have learned anything... this last year... it is the VALUE OF PATIENCE... Lol... Which was not a trait... that I was blessed with at birth... I have always felt... like I was running three steps behind... and in all honesty... I have always LOVED the adrenaline rush... you get... when you sort of BULLDOZE your way through LIFE!!

Life is very exciting for me... but I feel better... just saying PUBLICLY... what has been going on in my LIFE... and I feel a huge relief... of pent up pressure... that has been building inside of me...

There is something... very LIBERATING about... putting yourself... your weaknesses... and your fears... out there... in that HUGE PRIMORDIAL POOL... that we call LIFE... and finally CONCEDING DEFEAT... so, that ULTIMATELY... we are able to achieve TRUE VICTORY...

Your obsequious slave,

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Old 07-24-2012, 02:24 PM   #5
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You are an inspiring woman.
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:25 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sweet Lexxxi dd's View Post
Best of luck darling and if ur doing infusions i know personally how they can be very draining .. well u take care hun and rest up for all the naughty play !!!
As alway... your generous spirit... is as beautiful... as your presence...

Your grateful slave,

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Old 07-24-2012, 02:40 PM   #7
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I wish you all the best and hope for a speedy recovery process for you, I know how hard recovery can be and I can see in your words that you will fight tooth and nail. However -- sometimes we just have to step back and take that time for ourselves, Anyone that is prejudice against you for that is just insane and self centered,

I am sending good joo joo your way
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:59 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by BoomShakaLaka View Post
I wish you all the best and hope for a speedy recovery process for you, I know how hard recovery can be and I can see in your words that you will fight tooth and nail. However -- sometimes we just have to step back and take that time for ourselves, Anyone that is prejudice against you for that is just insane and self centered,

I am sending good joo joo your way

Thank you for your sweet and supportive words... I admit that I was a bit hurt... yesterday, when I had my first encounter... with this type of discrimination... You see... this potential suitor was a physician... and to be honest... that was the LAST THING... that I expected to happen... as a result... of my candor and honesty...

My disorder is pretty complex... and so... I do understand... that for someone... not in the medical field... it can seem quite intimidating... but since I am a trained medical professional... I think I do a very good job of explaining... the ins and outs of my challenges... and there has never been a problem... my men... have always seemed to appreciate... my willingness... about my challenges... You men... are truly a GIFT FROM THE GODS!!

My time with my men... gives me an outlet... for my NAUGHTY TENDENCIES.... and it also allows me to take a break... from the seriousness of my disorder... So, thank you... again... for being such a great guy!!

Your appreciative slave,

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Old 07-24-2012, 03:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Longshot View Post
You are an inspiring woman.
Sir Longshot...

Thank you... I simply do my best... to enjoy every minute of every day...

Life was not MEANT to be EASY... There are supposed to be challenges... and twists and turns.... otherwise, as humans... we will grow bored... and we will stop appreciating... the many blessings... we have been given...

I am a MUCH BETTER person for having my disorder...

Your dedicated slave,

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Old 07-24-2012, 03:07 PM   #10
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the best to ya babe!!
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Old 07-24-2012, 03:19 PM   #11
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I wish you the best. You have to take care of your health before anything else. Wishing you a fast recovery.

Take care
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Old 07-24-2012, 03:30 PM   #12
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I wish you the best and hope you feel better soon. Feeling under the weather is no fun for anyone.
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Old 07-24-2012, 04:05 PM   #13
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SG, take care of yourself, you are a unique person with a unique disorder and a valued member of our community.

Life is too short and our moments precious, take care of yourself so that you are able to experience as many of those moments as you can.

Unfortunately some people in this world jump to conclusions (probably the only excercise they get!) before learning all the facts about someone's situation, all we can do is limit our exposure to those types of people and try to not let them get us down, a positive mental attitude is great medicine.

Enjoy every moment, Carpe Diem!
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Old 07-24-2012, 05:34 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
the best to ya babe!!
Mistress Dallas...

Thank you for taking the time... to wish me well!! I see you are traveling quite a bit this summer... be safe... and I hope you have many wonderful tours!!

Your affectionate slave,

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Old 07-24-2012, 05:36 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by bamatide View Post
I wish you the best. You have to take care of your health before anything else. Wishing you a fast recovery.

Take care

Sweetheart... you might actually be the FIRST MAN... to get me to change my NEGATIVE feelings about Alabama!! Lol... Now, before you see RED... I should tell you... Lol... That I grew up in Mississippi and Louisiana... and that I come from a family... of
DIE HARD OLE MISS FANS!! As you can imagine... I have been COMPLETELY BRAINWASHED!!

Your playful slave,

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