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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 07-23-2012, 12:35 PM   #16
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L E will do anything, anytime, anywhere and yes I have seen news reports of every kind of sting and reverse sting you can think of. I set up google alerts to send me a daily report of the top stories with the word "prostitution" in them and yes I have seen reverse stings (targeting the guys) happening a lot more lately.
If you can think of it, L E will do it! Don't ever doubt it.
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Old 07-23-2012, 03:48 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by WetNWildBarbie View Post
the police do not do stings in apartments. So see independent providers who work from their apartment like me. Police will get a hotel room and do incalls all day long!!!! thats the main way they do them. Or set up a hotel and call girls for outcalls all day long.
Not exactly right, Barbie.

This was a provider sting at a private residence (house).

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Old 07-23-2012, 05:20 PM   #18
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Seriously... The check is in the mail, I won't cum in your mouth and I have swamp land for sale in FL LOL you are very misguided sweetie, they will bust you in public or your own home.
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Old 07-23-2012, 05:23 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by gee_a_cee View Post
Not exactly right, Barbie.

This was a provider sting at a private residence (house).


They target apartments as well seen it locally and places I visited and definetly for incalls as well I got busted on a incall I beat it but still it was no walk in the park and yes main thing is definetly give no info that is unnecessary to the police ask for a lawyer from the start.
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Old 07-23-2012, 05:49 PM   #20
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the safest route to always go is stick with reviewed providers and stay away from back page and dont even think about stopping to pick up a street walker. Just get p411 and stick with eccie providers with reviews, Now say it with me screw B.P.
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Old 07-23-2012, 07:33 PM   #21
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Here is what I know. Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Tennessee all do in and out call busts. Kansas, Missouri and Tennessee will set up in an apartment and pose as a provider or hobbyist and bust your ass!! I've never saw or heard of an officer going into a private residence to do a bust BUT, Oklahoma does have a behind closed doors law. It went into effect a year or two ago. I'm not sure of the details of it.

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Old 07-24-2012, 07:40 AM   #22
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Default Yes all the time..

Originally Posted by SuperSin64 View Post
I know I am going to sound like a chump but you only get to ask a few newbie questions.

Do LE set up incall stings? Meaning they get a hotel room and try to catch Johns without any intention of going after providers.

Does LE ever do outcall arrests? Meaning that they sent a LE officer into someone elses residence or hotel room to make an arrest?

They set up in a hotel or motel and they will set up appointments with providers, sometimes trying to get more than one girl to come to them. Yes, sometimes they do have or use references (usually a lady who is no longer active, or one who has been compromised or her account compromised). Somtimes they just make random calls at girls on these boards or on Back page hoping they won't screen and just come over to them.

They also will set up ads on places like Back page and will use false pictures to lure Johns to them (I think this is more rare than trying to bust providers). They have gone so far as to set up a real looking website making it appear that they are a legitimate provider. This same website is used to con girls into thinking that their reference is valid as well.

What seems to happen most commonly on busts at incalls is they get wind of a lady or ladies utilizing an apartment or studio (sometimes just by reading the reviews on sites like eccie), or they may get anonymous complaints from neighbors or businesses who suspect something is going on and they investigate. They usually will investigate and set something up with the ladies in their incall using a handle from an escort board, or via email. 9 times out of 10 these ladies do not do their screening and get busted.

Street stings of street walkers and johns cruising are very common.

The number one thing to remember is that you don't take chances in the hobby. That means if you see these unknown providers advertising on Back page and you can't find anything about them in reviews or see that they are a member of the community and well known, you would be wise to just pass up contacting. The last thing you want is for LE to get your email request and now they have your IP address. Stick to the community and with well known well reviewed ladies. This will cut your chances down significantly on getting caught up in a possible sting.

In addition to the ladies, don't ever take a call out of desperation and not do your screening. Take the time to verify the references and if it appears to come from some unknown gal who you have never heard of, then don't make the appointment. Time after time, I read where girls get busted for not screening, or screening thoroughly. These girls take chances and they are usually the ones who are trying to set up non stop appointments with men. You will get noticed if men are coming and going on a steady basis from your incall. Stagger your appointments, take a week off etc. So that the chances of being noticed are diminished.

Something else I would like to add to this; Ladies if you use smart phones, tablet, or laptops etc. Lock it down with a password. If you have a computer at your incall you need to log it off and lock it down with a password. If you get busted the cops won't be able to get on to your computer and start searching through your personal internet web habits and such. They can take it, but they need a court order from my understanding to start going through it, and if you are busted on a simple case of prostitution I highly doubt they are going to go through all that to gain access to your computer. Only in cases of agencies, or thinking they have a so called "prostitution ring" on their hands does this occur. Lock your smart phone down. Do not save your passwords or put any sites you visit on "remember" on your computer. The last thing you want is for LE to be able to openly access your accounts on eccie or other venues and start reading your pms, etc. Memorize your passwords and do not save them on any computer device period. This includes your custom made website.
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Old 07-24-2012, 07:41 AM   #23
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Well i sure had never heard of such a sting. Point is im sure the police can contact any of these sites and pretend they are verified, and set up a sting no matter what you call yourself using. Its illegal, and some providers and some johns will be caught. Just like drug dealers, now if you have good common sense, a plan, and dont get too greedy you can probably over come alot of the obsticles. But whether we like it or not were all dabbling in illegal activities, and just like you point and laugh when a drug dealer is locked up (not saying providers or hobbyist are anywhere as dangerous or obscene as drug dealers just giving another high profit illegal underground) thats what the world does to us. Their pointing and laughing and telling the police they are doing a great job out there. Only we know that we are only giving the guys what they want. Just like the drug dealers give their customers what they want. I hope i am making somewhat sense, but point is just be as careful as you can, use your gut and your brain, and not every provider is going to get verified on eccie and p411, so those are the ones whom will likely be the victim of a sting anyways. Until they get tired of eccie and p411 being a safe haven for the Hobby and try to infiltrate it to the highest degree.
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Old 07-24-2012, 08:00 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by WetNWildBarbie View Post
. Until they get tired of eccie and p411 being a safe haven for the Hobby and try to infiltrate it to the highest degree.
LE has already managed to infiltrate these boards, and P411 as well in the past. Nothing is full proof. But you minimize your risk by getting detailed screening info from a potential client and contacting references who are well known in the hobby community. The guys minimize their risks by sticking to the well known well reviewed.

For the life of me I cannot remember the name of the website, it has been around forever but women from all over the US place their "bust" reports on it. The number one thing that pops up on all of them when asked in the form "did you screen your client"? They say no and lament that they should have but took the appointment in a rush or out of desperation for cash. There are other sites too with alerts that talk about incall and outcall busts.
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Old 07-24-2012, 10:45 AM   #25
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Yes, we all must remember, There is a risk in the hobby. If you want to participate you also have to accept that you may suffer consequences for being involved, just like any other underground unlegit world.
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Old 07-24-2012, 01:20 PM   #26
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Default screening?

Originally Posted by Sensia View Post
LE has already managed to infiltrate these boards, and P411 as well in the past. Nothing is full proof. But you minimize your risk by getting detailed screening info from a potential client and contacting references who are well known in the hobby community. The guys minimize their risks by sticking to the well known well reviewed.

For the life of me I cannot remember the name of the website, it has been around forever but women from all over the US place their "bust" reports on it. The number one thing that pops up on all of them when asked in the form "did you screen your client"? They say no and lament that they should have but took the appointment in a rush or out of desperation for cash. There are other sites too with alerts that talk about incall and outcall busts.

SCREENING???? Darn it is next to impossible to screen in DFW. I call a provider who was used as a reference, and she tells me "I see so many guys I can't remember who I see. I cant tell you." I get this over and over and over!!!! it is amazing, that the first thing everyone screams in these forums is DID YOU SCREEN? but when we try it is like a dead end. Does no one keep a record of the guys they see? Just for giving references? Many ladies say they don't even ask him his name......SO HOW DO WE GO ABOUT SCREENING?
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:08 PM   #27
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I have been in and out of the hobby for about 10 years now. I have never had a problem with getting references checked out unless it is a lady who is purposely "cock blocking" and pretending she doesn't remember even after I give her adequate info on who the potential client is. Then if you are running into that you just let the guy know that his reference doesn't remember him and move on to another client. Unless you feel comfortable risking it with him, in which case why bother screening?

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Old 07-24-2012, 02:13 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by SweetCougar View Post
SCREENING???? Darn it is next to impossible to screen in DFW. I call a provider who was used as a reference, and she tells me "I see so many guys I can't remember who I see. I cant tell you." I get this over and over and over!!!! it is amazing, that the first thing everyone screams in these forums is DID YOU SCREEN? but when we try it is like a dead end. Does no one keep a record of the guys they see? Just for giving references? Many ladies say they don't even ask him his name......SO HOW DO WE GO ABOUT SCREENING?
I for one ponied up the $$ to join and get verified on p411. Verification alone does not really mean squat so I ask my ladies shortly after a session to please give me an OK on p411. Still not 100% foolproof that I'm not JohnLaw, but close.
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Old 07-24-2012, 03:15 PM   #29
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As a rule cops don't like going into the unknown. Mainly because of safety issues. SO them busting in on you when you are seeking outcall to your hotel room is a rare happening. They like to control the enviroment so they know no weapons are in the room ect ect ect. If they come to you they throw that "safety net" out the window and risk you grabbing a firearm thinking them busting down your door is a break in or her pimp coming to rob you. They for some strange reason don't like getting shot at..
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Old 07-24-2012, 03:25 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
As a rule cops don't like going into the unknown. Mainly because of safety issues. SO them busting in on you when you are seeking outcall to your hotel room is a rare happening. They like to control the enviroment so they know no weapons are in the room ect ect ect. If they come to you they throw that "safety net" out the window and risk you grabbing a firearm thinking them busting down your door is a break in or her pimp coming to rob you. They for some strange reason don't like getting shot at..
Your speaking from a client / male point of view. True..
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