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Old 06-29-2012, 03:53 AM   #1
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Default If you have time to talk about me you must have no life

Boys I get info from several of you, and I know you have been saying some very rude things about me. It is ok you must have no life, I feel hurt and dont know why if you do not know me you have to be so trashy. I am sorry I have caused you all to hate me so much.I am sorry you do not have a life, that you need to talk about mine. I have been busy being happy.I keep getting nice men telling me what you all say. I think we should be having fun here and if it gets to where you can not maybe you need to try something else.If you hate something in life look in the mirror, you are the one responsible. you all know who you are. SHAME SHAME!!
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:34 AM   #2
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I agree with the general sentiment you are expressing (people should be more considerate, mind their own lives, make love not war, etc). And guys can certainly be rude, trash-talking dicks (me included). There is no doubt we are all going to Hell. But let me try to understand the specifics of your post.....

Guys are saying mean things about you in private - not to you, and not on the boards where the public might read and be influenced by what they're saying. Some guy who is privy to what was said tattle-tells to you, resulting in your hurt feelings. This makes me wonder what purpose telling you served. What did he hope to gain? It seems to me only he is to blame for your hurt feelings, since your detractors kept their comments private.

Plus, by admission he is betryaing the trust of others. Doesn't this very fact raise questions as to the truthfullness of what he is saying, and his motives for doing so?

As to your claim of folks having no life just becasue they discuss you: This purpose of this site is the exchange of infomation. Perhaps folks could be more sensitive in their comments, but discussion and sharing information is is what we are her for. None of us know anything about anyone else's personal life beyond these forums (except for the case of real-life firends, which I purposefully avoid on here for these types of reasons). So perhaps we shouldn't insult others' lives beyond this board. It seems the saying "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is somehow applicable here. Or maybe I'm thinking about "the pot calling the kettle black". (Damn it, now I've gone and strained my brain trying to come up with some clever saying.)

When you and your confidant are hiding behind a cloud of anonymity and generalized statements, it makes it difficult to support you and find fault with others. In particular, you confidant appears to be accomplishing nothing more than bashing others and stiring up drama - the very thing he is tattle-telling against. Perpahs he should have the courage to identify himself and be upfront about his concerns, instead of tattlng to you and hinding behind you while you complain.

I dunno, I'm just rambling. I should know better than to get involved in these things.

Anyways, the most important thing: Live your life by what's important to you, and don't let your heart be troubled by inconsequential actions of others. If folks don't like you, then fuck 'em.
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:41 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by littlejoe View Post
Perpahs he should have the courage to identify himself and be upfront about his concerns, instead of tattlng to you and hinding behind you while you complain.
He wouldn't have the guts to do so...csmf.....
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Old 06-29-2012, 10:46 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by littlejoe View Post
I agree with the general sentiment you are expressing (people should be more considerate, mind their own lives, make love not war, etc). And guys can certainly be rude, trash-talking dicks (me included). There is no doubt we are all going to Hell. But let me try to understand the specifics of your post.....

Guys are saying mean things about you in private - not to you, and not on the boards where the public might read and be influenced by what they're saying. Some guy who is privy to what was said tattle-tells to you, resulting in your hurt feelings. This makes me wonder what purpose telling you served. What did he hope to gain? It seems to me only he is to blame for your hurt feelings, since your detractors kept their comments private.

Plus, by admission he is betryaing the trust of others. Doesn't this very fact raise questions as to the truthfullness of what he is saying, and his motives for doing so?

As to your claim of folks having no life just becasue they discuss you: This purpose of this site is the exchange of infomation. Perhaps folks could be more sensitive in their comments, but discussion and sharing information is is what we are her for. None of us know anything about anyone else's personal life beyond these forums (except for the case of real-life firends, which I purposefully avoid on here for these types of reasons). So perhaps we shouldn't insult others' lives beyond this board. It seems the saying "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is somehow applicable here. Or maybe I'm thinking about "the pot calling the kettle black". (Damn it, now I've gone and strained my brain trying to come up with some clever saying.)

When you and your confidant are hiding behind a cloud of anonymity and generalized statements, it makes it difficult to support you and find fault with others. In particular, you confidant appears to be accomplishing nothing more than bashing others and stiring up drama - the very thing he is tattle-telling against. Perpahs he should have the courage to identify himself and be upfront about his concerns, instead of tattlng to you and hinding behind you while you complain.

I dunno, I'm just rambling. I should know better than to get involved in these things.

Anyways, the most important thing: Live your life by what's important to you, and don't let your heart be troubled by inconsequential actions of others. If folks don't like you, then fuck 'em.
Well said littlejoe.
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Old 06-29-2012, 12:13 PM   #5
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Thank you all, I am living life to the fullest and doing great. I am sure I am not the first provider that has had a client have concerns and care, that's what it is, I think there is a purpose for things I just do not know what that one is.
Hugs and kisses
I am not going to let this get me down.
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Old 06-30-2012, 09:48 PM   #6
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It is what it is! If you like Jax, that's what you drink! If you like Stella, that's what you drink! Guys talk about what they like and what they don't like! I know plenty who don't care for my sharp tongue and Smith's wit (or whatever it is). The lesson is you can please some of the people some of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time! Take what you can, while you can and then find another bank to rob!
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Old 07-01-2012, 03:00 PM   #7
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So, you just assuming the offending culprit is Smith. That gentle soul is always getting picked-on.
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Old 07-17-2012, 04:20 PM   #8
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Victoria, sorry you feel you're being unjustly judged...never a good feeling. The thing is...as someone said earlier...we're never going to be able to make everyone happy...no matter what we do.

There will always be the HATER PROVIDERS...and everyone else who has something to say. It happens to the best of providers...trust me! And, sometimes, small misunderstandings can either be a bridge to conquer...or one to burn. Difference is...a burnt bridge takes a long time to rebuild.

On the lighter side...

I say it was Mr. Smith...in the Conservatory...with Mrs. White...with the candle-STICK! (lol)
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Old 07-18-2012, 01:07 PM   #9
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Im sorry this happend to you keep you head up high and brush your shoulders off.. Keep being you and move forward smile and laugh it off screw the ones talking about you.
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:14 PM   #10
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They are but a spec of an issue!!
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:23 PM   #11
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Thank you Mirandalee, sometime I think instead of " Coed Discussions", it should be I am unhappy let me find any and all things to make others feel how I feel,so and so did this bla bla nlaa a abla bluuh. Anyway I am over it I tried to be a part but, I realise, I am good . I am not the first to think this just the one to say it.

I have not one thing more to say about this so ...since I said so much for you all to tear apart,that's what you do, have fun for a week or 2 figuring out mean things to say.

To the men I care about this isn't to you, Kissy Kissy , amazon Mama!!
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:34 PM   #12
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Just like most guys didn't have the courage to tell me to my face.
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:40 PM   #13
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I dont let things bother me, life is too short for this type of stress love... but good luck on everything and stay focused on your dreams and goals..
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:47 PM   #14
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Yes thank you, doing it now..likewise.
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