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Old 07-18-2012, 05:44 PM   #1
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Default It's time to do it: Quiting smoking. What's worked for you guys?

I've read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking recently and I'm doing it tomorrow. This method basically comes down to every time you have a craving you laugh at the craving and tell yourself "That's silly/cute I'm a nonsmoker, why would I do that?" Plus you get a little "programming" along the way reading the book.

So, any tips or tricks for this guy?
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:27 PM   #2
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Just dont go into a gas station for awhile. Thats how I quit. I remember when i decided i was done with it, I threw the pack away before bed, took out the trash, and woke up the next morning in a bad mood. It took a few days to get over it, and i still crave them and its been years. I have cheated a time or two as well, but I simply don't buy them when i'm in the store.
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:30 PM   #3
i'va biggen
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I think the only way is have your mind made up that you want to do it.It very seldom works if it is for someone else,or your Dr says you should. I quit smoking,chewing,and alcohol.(not all at once) but I had my mind made up.Willpower will beat the habit.The Idea you are a victim or it is something controlling you is bull. Good luck....
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:31 PM   #4
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I smoked my last cigarette back on October 12, 2011... after smoking for almost 30 years.
Now I tried to quit many many many times in the past and always started back up.
What was different this time was I followed the NicoDerm CQ program all the why to the end.
Since I was a pack and a halfer I did the 8-4-2 14 week program.
Step one for 8 weeks, Step two for 4 weeks and Step three for 2 weeks.
I also used a lot of candy*, I liked the Halls Vitamin C Drops and I also cut straws down to about cigarette size and chewed on them.

It also helped that I found a hobby and thought about how nice it was to have that extra money to spend on it.

*unfortunately now my Dentist is telling me that I need to stop with all the candy.
seems that it causes you to produce more saliva which in turn causes more acid that can get under any crowns or caps.
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
I think the only way is have your mind made up that you want to do it.It very seldom works if it is for someone else,or your Dr says you should. I quit smoking,chewing,and alcohol.(not all at once) but I had my mind made up.Willpower will beat the habit.The Idea you are a victim or it is something controlling you is bull. Good luck....
I want this. And I want it bad this time. This isn't a "I should quit moment". I actually just said screw it and went ahead and dunked my smokes in the sink, threw them, my lighter and my ash tray in the trash and put it in the dumpster. I am doing this.

Anything you find to make it easier? This book suggest I keep a stopwatch to time cravings and see that even though they feel like hours, most last three minutes. So you quit three minutes at a time.
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:45 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ElamEno View Post
I smoked my last cigarette back on October 12, 2011... after smoking for almost 30 years.
Now I tried to quit many many many times in the past and always started back up.
What was different this time was I followed the NicoDerm CQ program all the why to the end.
Since I was a pack and a halfer I did the 8-4-2 14 week program.
Step one for 8 weeks, Step two for 4 weeks and Step three for 2 weeks.
I also used a lot of candy*, I liked the Halls Vitamin C Drops and I also cut straws down to about cigarette size and chewed on them.

It also helped that I found a hobby and thought about how nice it was to have that extra money to spend on it.

*unfortunately now my Dentist is telling me that I need to stop with all the candy.
seems that it causes you to produce more saliva which in turn causes more acid that can get under any crowns or caps.
I tried the patches once, when I was in my early 20s and they gave me chest pains, doctor ordered me to quit them. Tried Zyban as well, worked for a few weeks. Mom and Dad both had horrible experiences with Chantix, so I've chosen to just do this, cold turkey.
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Old 07-18-2012, 09:20 PM   #7
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I tried Chantix..
Had to quit taking it when I couldn't handle the nightmares I was having during the day when I was awake.

It was making me think some weird ass shit.

ekim is right - the first step is WANTING to quit.

Good Luck!
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:58 PM   #8
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Just need a cigarette that smells like a stinky pussy. You'll stay far away from them then.

Look into some detox diets, after an initial jolt it helps to clear out the nicotine stored. I do a Master cleanse once or twice a year. First thing I get is a severe headache, it is from all the caffeinated products I drink. Same will probably happen with Nicotine.
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:47 AM   #9
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Cold Turkey 30 + years ago. It's tough, and I still crave the nicotine at times, but be strong. You will live longer, feel better, and your clothes won't smell like smoke. M
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:51 AM   #10
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God damn computer. Anyway, My wife used the nicoderm patch and did well. She hasn't smoked in probably 15 years. Stay away from the candy it only increases the weight. There is also a gum that I've seen on tv. Good luck, hang in there, you'll do okay. BTW I thought pussy smelled like fish???????
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Old 07-19-2012, 08:09 AM   #11
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Default It's in your Head

After a 4 way by-pass I came home and threw them out. Haven"t had one in over 10 years
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:46 AM   #12
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When I quit there was a product called One Step at a Time, a series of 4 filters that slowly decreased the amount of nicotine you got. It worked for me over 30 years ago and haven't smoked since. As others have said you really have to want to quit for yourself, not for someone else. Whatever you do, it gets easier after the first few weeks and it is worth it. Good luck!
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Old 07-19-2012, 10:40 AM   #13
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When I was younger, I tried to start because all my friends smoked, but I could never get used to the smell, taste, or the burning in my lungs when I inhaled. Tried to just puff on the cigarettes, but my friends said I was a pussy so I just quit. Now they are trying and failing to quit. I heard nicotine is more addictive than herion. I don't think I could quit if I had ever gotten addicted, but I know once you do quit for good, everyone around you who doesn't smoke likes you better.

Good luck.
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Old 07-19-2012, 10:57 AM   #14
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Have a good friend buy your cigarettes for you, and have an arrangement where he agrees to open the pack and put the tip of one of the cigarettes in his ass and then back into the pack, without telling you which one it was.

If you still smoke em, you know you're hooked for life. Otherwise, problem solved.
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:14 AM   #15
Uncle Dick
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Hypnosis. The place I went to 20+ years ago is not around anymore, but I see several alternatives when I Google Hypnosis to Quit Smoking in Kansas City.
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