Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, and UB. Just a couple questions:
1. What religion do you adhere to?
2. What makes that religion more valid than Mormonism?
3. What makes any religion more valid than Mormonism?
4. What is a "practicing Christian" doing on this board, anyway?
You have a point. " The Lilly white" comment was a bit racy. (pun intended).
Are we playing "take backs "?
1. Atheist . Don't believe in Santa or the "Tooth Fairy" either.
I make decisions on facts available. Not faith.
2. Atheism is not a religion. It's a non belief...belief.
3. They all sound like scary bedtime stories for kids.
Exception being Buddhism . They like the whole cause /effect
Thing. I can party with that .
4. That's what I'm saying. We are simpatico , abuelo

On that note.. Who was it talking a while back about
Chariots at the red sea. Proof of roman flooding.
I really can't remember... Joe, you recall who that was?
Cog, congrats on the prolific posting stats. I wonder what 10000+ post equals
In lost family time. I couldn't imagine having that much free time. Ya know,
I admire your dedication to this esteemed hooker board.
I don't always like your opinions, but I respect that you put that much effort
Into your life's work. Here.... On eccie.
I say. Goddam , Jesus Harold Christ butfucks Allah .
Still here, no lightning . To figure.
Nice to meet you, cog. Tell joe I said hi. I think I hurt his feelings.
In my defense... I didn't know he had any. Sorry .