You can only squeeze so much juice out of a turnip before there is nothing left but fiber. Love, on the other hand, is a sustainable renewable resource. You are probably scratching your head and saying "Is that all there is?"
No! That is not all there is... Paying someone who doesn't love you to squeeze just a little more juice out of the rag, or vice versa, getting paid by someone you don't love, to wring the cloth dry, is a downward spiraling vortex that speeds men to premature impotency.
You have awakened before all is lost. You know there has to be something more to sex. And there is. Having sex without a heart connection is like eating food that tastes good, but doesn't contain any nutritional value. How long could you live on cotton candy without getting sick from it and becoming repulsed by the taste?
Now you are ready to learn how to coordinate a mutual simultaneous orgasm upon command with your lover every time. But you will have to pick someone and have sex with her repeatedly, because it requires tandem intention and mutual conditioning.
Pavlov didn't train the dog to salivate the first time he rang a bell. You can pay a good actress to pretend she is coming every time you have sex with her, but you will know the truth, and get bored with the show. Or you can invest your heart in a relationship with someone who is willing to blend her energy with yours and surrender to the process of completion.
It is a death, in a sense, because basking in the energy that is ignited by a commitment to sexual enlightenment, will transform your nervous system, and you will never be the same. I have read it will relieve everyone concerned of the compelling biological urges that are frequently called "sexual addiction"...
I am speaking of a vibration that will open the star gate serving as the doorway to a state of perpetual bliss. You sexual energy is converted automatically into spiritual energy and you are living in a (subtly) orgasmic state. I could go on and on, but I don't bore you. Thanks for the inspiration. In order to have an experience of completion on all levels, you must do the work of purification on all levels. It is dangerous to attempt completion without doing the work of purification...
Take it with a grain of salt peter from a woman who was abandoned in a state of tumescence. I have lived with the intense frustration for 35 years now. I have seen the promised land, but I have yet to go there. I had to become an adult sex educator, instead of an escort, because I was out of integrity pretending that I was cumming when I was not, for fear that my clients might not be able to maintain an erection if I didn't put on a good enough show. Enduring the loss of respect that comes with being easy was the hardest part. Ahhhhh... those bragging rights!
Seems to me a lot of people, and there are probably 4 fingers pointing back at me, resent the fact that nobody loves them. But they wouldn't want to be in a relationship with the kind of person who would want to try... Another reason why doing the work of purification is so important.
Originally Posted by burkalini
Here I am sitting in my room in Vegas. I go at least once a month now. I play alot of Poker. Anyway I have a session set up for tonight and I'm not excited at all. I keep thinking this will be the same ole thing. The same things said and do the same things. She will have the same things going on in her life and I will give the same responses. Have any of you out there hobbied so much that you got to this point or am I the only idiot out here. Don't get me wrong I love the chase and the thought of a new experience. It's just seems to be repetitive lately. Maybe I need a couple of shots of my buddy Jack and sit back and get a new perspective. Thoughts????