Originally Posted by me_jucci
I dont play with flakers if yu cancel I'll never book them again. Your loss
If legitimate hobbyists adhered to that philosophy providers would be out of business. Ladies, please remember it's a two way street. Shit happens. If there's not a pattern you have to cut some slack.
I was supposed to see a gal today. She was going to be traveling. I confirmed the appointment approximately three hours ahead of time. I drove to Sport and as I got to the city limits (about 30 min before the appointment) she contacted me and said she had car trouble and couldn't make it. But she might be able to get there either tomorrow morning or seven to eight hours after our scheduled meeting. I had previously explained to the young lady that my windows were tight.
So based on the attitude in this thread I should bash her for wasting my time; having me drive a couple of hours; and then making the standard offer to "make it good next time."
Do I believe this gal? Yeah, but I don't know why. I understand a better offer can come up at the last minute. I just don't think that's the case here.
Ladies, I've never cancelled and have never even rescheduled or been late. Can all of you make the same statement?