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07-11-2012, 01:51 PM
Pending Age Verification
Yet another TAE prediction comes true
Many months ago I predicted that Romney would be the nominee, and I am being proven correct.
I am a lifelong Democrat but I deplore most Democratic politicians and Presidents, including Wilson [warmonger and tyrant] FDR [warmonger and tyrant] Truman [craven criminal] LBJ [psychopath, warmonger, craven criminal and homicidal maniac] and Clinton [sophomoric jerk]. As bad as these madmen were most Republican Presidents have been worse, including such warmongering killers as Lincoln, TR, Nixon and Bush Jr.
I will be voting for Romney.
Anyone who doubts that Obama is a complete phoney, pathological liar should watch this:
This was no small exaggeration on his part, but a very detailed confabulation of total BS about a matter of GENUINE GRIEF to many.
Obama has renegged on every "promise" he's ever made, and the reason is the man has no principles, ideology, or integrity. Sometimes I wish he WERE a communist because then he would at least have convictions or beliefs of some kind. The truth is he has none. He's incapable of empathy....a sociopath in the clinical sense. He's spent his career lining his pockets and enriching himself while pretending to be a benefactor to the disenfranchised. He is a scoundrel. It wouldn't surprise me if the birthers are right and the "birth certificate" he's produced is forgery. That would be the least of his deceptions.
What a progressive Obama is! He's just announced he's going to continue the Bush tax cuts even for people making $200,000 a year. That's looking out for the middle class! [but if you make $250,000 watch out].
btw what did he ever do in his life to earn over a million a year? Pretty good pay for a "community organizer."
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07-11-2012, 03:16 PM
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None so blind as those that won't see.
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07-11-2012, 03:39 PM
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Obama will definitely be in the books as one of the worse presidents. I don't 100% like Romney but he's a much better choice between the two.Let's hope the citizens realize the truth before November.
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07-11-2012, 04:11 PM
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think the job/ underemployment situation is bad now? Wait till the Bundler gets his hands on the reins.. His idea is that there's just too many people in the USA, that's why there's no jobs... He should know, he's responsible for eliminating jobs, shipping work overseas... but, what the hell... He's doing fine...
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07-11-2012, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
He's incapable of empathy....a sociopath in the clinical sense.
What credentials do you have to make you qualified to make this mental health assessment?
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07-11-2012, 04:54 PM
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LOL, "incapable of empathy... a sociopath...." That from a pimp? uh, I mean "manager"..
That's too sad to even be funny. Sixx.. the phrase..."takes one to know one" ... seems to come into play here doesn't it.. I guess THAT IS his credentials..
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07-11-2012, 05:24 PM
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TAE, he wrote two books. That is where his money came from. And are you really suggesting that our President has flip flopped more than Romney. I am questioning my vote for the President as well for promises not kept (gitmo, real healthcare reform, indefinite detention, etc), but to say that Romney gets your vote for essentially being more trustworthy doesn't pass the laugh test.
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07-11-2012, 05:30 PM
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They both suck ass, we're still screwed no matter who wins... Same old shit, different puppet.
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07-11-2012, 05:34 PM
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And RIGHT THERE IS THE DAMN TRUTH N.C... it's a shame in general..
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07-12-2012, 12:17 AM
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While i may agree with the general premise that Barry Soetoro is a piece of sht I have to disagree with the statement that he has no principles and/or ideology. When you dig into his family history and their pro-communist activism coupled with his association with the likes of Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Derrick Bell to name a few there is a pattern there of very strong anti-American pro-Socialism/Communism sentiment. So it just so happens that his principles and ideology differ from what he proclaimed to represent. But as the video you linked to, his comments about family serving in WW2, etc goes to show he is an habitual liar. The lie about transparency being laughable at this point.
(As an aside has congress or our court system been able to un-seal the fast and furious investigation documents that Barry used executive privilege to hide?)
As for Romney he is too late. His bread and butter was to take medium sized companies and pump them full of debt, extracting large sums of money with each new debt then collapsing the company when it could not dig itself out of debt....that’s been done already. Our POTUS (past and present) and congress have taken our country and pumped it full of debt, collected their stipend and now are watching industries I’m not sure whats left for him to do.
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07-12-2012, 09:17 AM
Pending Age Verification
Obama's life history is full of far left connections, but he merely used those people to promote his career and then threw them under the bus.
Obama doesn't govern like a socialist at all. He's governs like whoever's going to help him get power or stay in power. He's governed like Wall Street's best friend, and hasn't even bothered to revisit the 15% capital gains tax or anything any of his economic advisors tell him he must do. He crows that he's extending tax cuts to the middle class when he grants them to everyone making up to 249k [when everyone between 100k and that number are WELL ABOVE MIDDLE-CLASS]. Every decison he makes is purely based on political factors, with his legion of expert advisors left wondering why they're even there. When it suits him he'll just sit on the sidelines and not commit to anything.
The bottom line is, anyone who would make the statements he made about his uncle liberating Auschwitz and then spending six months in the attic when it never happened is a socipathic liar.....period. It doesn't take any formal certification to see that obvious fact.
Romney is a highly intelligent fighter of a guy who's boxed into supporting looney ideas he doesn't really believe. Anyone who would seek to doubt his intellect has to deal with his brilliant performance when he was a student. Contrast this to Obama's, who only got in because of affirmative action and then was a C student.
Romney may not be able to do much positive with this Congress, or within his own party, but he'll be able to at least reach some intelligent conclusions about what the problems are and what if any can be done.
If you want to understand Romney or Obama you have to go to the early life stories of each. They are like night and day, with "Barry's" sick history being the night.
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07-12-2012, 03:17 PM
Pending Age Verification
Originally Posted by il doctore
TAE, he wrote two books. That is where his money came from. And are you really suggesting that our President has flip flopped more than Romney. I am questioning my vote for the President as well for promises not kept (gitmo, real healthcare reform, indefinite detention, etc), but to say that Romney gets your vote for essentially being more trustworthy doesn't pass the laugh test.
He claims to be making almost a million a year from book royalties but it can't be true. Do you know how many books would have to be sold for that to be true? Do you know how little the writer actually gets from the sale of each book? It's peanuts.
The way writers make money is by getting advances and selling film rights. I doubt anyone gave Obama an advance when he wrote [or someone wrote for him] the two highly deceptive books he "authored." Advances go to people who are already celebrities, and he was not when his two books were published.
Even if he did get an advance it would only be for one year's income. The Obama's have been making over a million a year for many years, and it comes from dishonest business dealings in Chicago as well as their salaries for legal services. He was a limosine liberal who lived in a million dollar house in Hyde Park and would motor into the ghetto every day to ply his bogus trade of helping the poor. That's why he went to Chicago!! That's the place where that scam flourishes more than anywhere else.
When even Gordon Gekko wrote, "Swimming with the Sharks" he got an advance, and he still was hurting for money to live on.
btw Lyndon Johnson used his political career to bilk the taxpayers out of so much money it made him fabulously rich in short order. He had his personal hand in every government project he "benevolently" provided to his constituents in terms of his "New Deal" services to them.
Johnson was also a clinical sociopath.
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07-12-2012, 04:30 PM
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TAE - I used to tell people that my name in swedish meant a rock by a babbling brook, my grandfather used to tell us that, for years. I have told that to countless people, my Dad just told me the other day it was BS.
He doesn't 'claim' anything, he releases his tax returns. i am not arguing that politicians aren't mostly evil, I agree they are, most of them.
i think he would LOVE to lower the limit for the Bush tax cuts, but he knows he has no chance of passing them at anything lower than 250K, frankly they have no chance passing anyway, so all of our taxes will go. By percentage, guess whose will go up the most, the lowest bracket, and the most, the highest bracket.
The comment about going into their pasts is absurd. What is Romney, a republican or democrat, he's been both. Is he for HC reform or against it? Does he want companies to repatriate their funds or act like him and have off shore tax evading accounts (pls don't counter with the US has the highest corp tax rate, we know thats bs).
The only way Romney wins is because he has more money and, unfortunately, that is the most critical factor in elections.
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07-12-2012, 08:58 PM
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TAE, I may have to reconsider my opinion of your level of intelligence. Not that my opinion counts. After all, it's very well known that my brain is on life support. Would someone please pass the vodka!
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07-12-2012, 09:04 PM
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I don't believe they both suck.
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