Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Oh greek is the BEST when youre getting pounded at that end while giving a sloppy DT BBBJ at the other end to another...................
OoooooWeeeee I am Pornarifically AWAKE now! Lol! That visual was AWSOME!

Well,I like Greek but I would say my "mileage varies" It's something that I only do w/gents I have had previous dates with since breaking the ice a 1st or 2nd date leads up to a comfort level. Just like somebody said here,relaxing first then its not a painful but enjoyable expreience.If you have a bad experience from the first time it can take a long time to build up the relaxation to get to enjoy the sensual pleasures of doing anal play,greek,and other bedroom olympics that are not everyone's "cup of tea" I like trying new things but as I said...The 2nd or 3rd time (repeat date) makes me comfortable going to other levels and Greek being one.
I was in a relationship before and had the BEST Greek experience ever! It was probably a year into the relationship that Greek turned out to be frequent and then we tried even more things out to see if we enjoyed them too.So we kept it exciting and the comfort level made a big difference in the sexuality and more openness of going there and beyond