I'm not sure. If these delegates were elected to vote for Romney on the first round, they should do that. If the election was "rigged", they should have filed suit at the time. As it is now, there aren't enough delegates at stake to change the outcome of the nomination, so this appears to be sour grapes on the part of Ron Paul supporters.
Now I'm sympathetic to their cause. But the fact is, the main opposition to Ron Paul occurred in the media, who repeated the mantra that "Ron Paul can't get elected." The media had that decided long ago, and while Dr. Paul put up a valiant fight, a remarkable fight, actually, he was never able to fully overcome that caricature.
If illegalities occurred, then by all means, expose them and prosecute those responsible. But if this is just shouting to get attention, the time for that is over.
The Ron Paul supporters need to regroup, and find another candidate to rally around, and spend the next 4 years informing the public that it IS possible for a Libertarian to be elected, so we don't have this problem next time. Of course, if Obama is re-elected, there may not be a next time, but I digress.
They are wasting their energy on this. The Republican party will not be reformed. We have a lot of work cut out for us the next 4 years, and the work will be harder if Obama is in charge.
So suck it up guys. Get over it, and move on. If you can't support Romney, at least try to not get in his way. I know it is an awful choice, and I haven't completely made up my own mind yet. But it will not be easier to get respect for the Libertarian cause if Obama is re-elected.