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Old 06-11-2012, 03:43 PM   #1
Nikki Tylor
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Default My side of the story - Nikki Tylor

I do not post often, but felt I should tell everyone my side of the story as I am getting phone calls and messages from lots of people. It is only one review, to me no worries. But I will say what happened: I saw Reddd in late May, he called and asked me to come out, he asked for my donation rate and I replied it is listed on my website because I never quote prices on phone. He agreed. I drove to his hotel and went up. That's when I first learned he did not have my entire donation. We agreed on a shortened time, in fact I stayed about 30 minutes. I was agitated and felt he set me up, had me come all the way out there and then shorting me. Reddd was intoxicated, his speech was slurred and he wobbled when walking. I am a professional and began services. Reddd was too drunk to keep hard. He proceeded to blame me for his inability to get a hard on. He was rude to me and ugly the entire time. I left and Reddd contacted me the very next day and asked to see me again that night. I refused to see him, too rude, too drunk, and short on donation. I will not see him again. I do not know if he got angry with me because I refused to see him again, but that's on him. I am sorry he had a bad time but it really is his fault. Have the proper donation and if he had such a bad time why did he call me the next day? Ask to see me again? No, I think he set this up, he did not call me to tell me he was short on cash, he tells me after I am there. I did learn from this, I will never agree to anything less than my FULL donation. I do not do half hours, I do not give any discounts that are not advertised, I do not negotiate. I do not see people for free reviews. My mistake was to stay, I should have left. I was not offered any cancellation fee, nor did he even offer to reimburse my gas or parking, very rude and I do not deal with such people, I see gentlemen that know how to treat a lady. I was not going to say anything until I saw this thread in National Discussion that appears he did this same thing to HoustonMilfDebbie. If I knew how to post the thread here I would. If someone could help me and post it I would appreciate it. But I will say this, I am booking fast as when there is drama out there my phone rings like crazy. But I am getting calls from many of you ladies to express your concerns, thx, but really I am doing great. Reddd you know the truth and when I saw you doing similar crap to another lady, I had to post.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:29 PM   #2
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We will never know what really happened here and to be honest I don't really care. I don't see ladies cause someone else had a good time with her that doesn't mean I will have a good time and just because someone had a bad time with her doesn't mean I will have a bad time. A no review came from redd then a very good yes review came today for you (who didn't see that coming but whatever). On redds review someone else said they had a bad time with you but never posted a review. You said redd did this to another lady so you both have precedent that validates your claim against the other. So again we still don't know who to believe and the fact still remains that it doesn't matter. Nikki your hot as shit from your pics I have never met you be even after all this I would still see you because your hot as shit and that is all that matters. I'm sure other will still want to see you and you even said you have been very busy so who cares. I'm sure ladies will still see redd so all this mean nothing. Why such a big deal is always made of reviews I will never know.
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:53 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Nikki Tylor View Post
I was not going to say anything until I saw this thread in National Discussion that appears he did this same thing to HoustonMilfDebbie. If I knew how to post the thread here I would. If someone could help me and post it I would appreciate it.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:14 PM   #4
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some of you need to get your head out of your ass. first off, nikki did NOT write this. she can't even use proper comma placement and does not know the difference between "your" and "you're." looki at her damn site and her eros ad. she can't write for shit. this is clearly outdoorsman which is another issue eccie needs to address. countless times nikki has made threats for good reviews saying her bf was the da and a mod. BS. outdoorsman is not the damn da! she has several reviews on ter and on the former escorts.com talking about her lousy service to guys who she thinks do not write reviews. she is only nice to a few of you who kiss her ass. if you believe she wrote that post, i have a bridge to sell you. better providers out there who dont have to constantly dispute reviews and scream about how fucking great they are. she is known for her bullshit with a number of agencies and providers. there is a reason she was delisted from ter for writing her own damn reviews and if you notice every time she gets one that is not so great one of her obvious whitenights has to go write a shill. funny, all of the not so great review are from veteran hobbyists and the shills only have one or two within a few months of each other. drama.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:22 PM   #5
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Thank you for your side of the story.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:29 PM   #6
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:41 PM   #7
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right dude. so are these fake too. k.




her pics are also photoshopped to shit! she looks 45!

this is not a one time occurance with her, and outdoorsman is her puppet. why is he a mod allowed to shill for a girl who does this shit over and over again. just because she does not go it to guys on here often does not mean others of us are not getting ripped off. this site needs to allow alias reviews so we can tell the truth without all the drama after!

again, NOT the first time she has pulled this crap. she also has a few "average" scores which I did not even link to. bs!

and of course she got a yes review right after this. that's her fucking mo! she begged a guy on bestgfe to go update his on ter as well. not a pro at all. manipulative. why is she running specials all of a sudden if her damn phone is ringing so much. she is full of shit.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:59 PM   #8
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hair color seems to change the way you look & age
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:02 PM   #9
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nice try but uh uh babe. her old photos were accurate and that is how she looked back then when I saw her. face is weathered and she is nearing mid 40s not early 30s as she posts. new pics are bs. her ass and legs are much bigger and not nearly as toned. tits and abs near perfect now that she got the new boob job. this is not about her looks though, but for someone who brags so much about using accurate pics she is not as of now.
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:56 PM   #10
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Why would I bet a lot of bills that a handle in this thread is about to get banned?
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:02 AM   #11
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Lowgear, it is getting seriously annoying having you claim everyone who has a view not alike yous is in fact "Santa". The fact is We here at TheGFEgirls have no clue what this thread is ever about, honestly had no idea there was a connection between a mod and nikki, most likely because contrary to popular belief this site is NOT the end all be all to the industry. We simply do not care about any issues that do not effect us. We haven't time to concern ourselves with it as we have a dozen cities and over 4000 repeat clients we cater to. Please keeep your business seperate from ours and stop trying to always cause drama for us. It is childish and all you are going to achieve with it is the continued loss of any respect you may have had at all. We have existed for many years, and thru all the rumors , lies and bs from persons such as you, we still stand and continue to maintain the finest reviews and the finest providers.

I appologise Nikki in the sidetracking of your thread, however I wouldnt worry too much about the drama, the truth is nothing here in the end will harm your business, simply because todays blowhards are tomorrows ass kissers. In the end they move on to another dramam topic and all is forgotten anyways. Welcome to the power of vagina and money. I have no clue what any of this is about, and personally dont care, I hope you dont find that offensive however it should tell you just how much anyone who is actually the business part of this industry really cares about forum bs and drama. I will say keep your business from others, and remember, if all someone knows about you is a lie, they cant really hurt you, only truth can hurt you. Someone telling lies will always be shown a liar and once that happens their word is no good anymore, so let them lie and ruin any value they ever had as an honest person worth listening to. Now that being said if someones hurting you with the truth, shouldnt have done it and the best thing to do, is shut up and hope it all goes away. Either way, nobody here listens to anyone anymore anyways except the little cliques and their self appointed "awesome leaders and icons" what gets them the most upset is knowing that outside of their little group, nobody listens to them anyways.

Remember this is coming from the "most hated firm" on eccie, and yest 5yrs and 24 million dollars later, we are still in business and less than 5% of anything said on this site was ever even close. Trust me, there is a way larger world outside of the few people here who actually spend money and enjoy their entertainment and aren't posting 24/7and living vicariously on the stories of some other mans money and adventure because their cell bill this week took half their paycheck so no enjoyment for them for another 2 weeks.
Dont fall into the bs , those few "hardly ever buyers" who do all the talking here and think they are rulers of the hobby world want you to believe. Thats their game, convincing girls that without their expert guideance and approval their careers wont survive and in the end if you are trying to survivie on the tiny amt those fellas actually are able to spend, you might as well get a job at walmart. Take a step outside this site and see that the true industry is 1000 times bigger and made up of men who havent time to post and flame on some forum, because they are actually too busy getting laid. Of our 4000 repeat clients, less than 100 are members of this site, of those 100, less than 25 have ever posted except for a review. In only catering to those types, we have managed to maintain a steady position in the industry and have NEVER been effected by anything said on this site in the least. Truth be told, each time there has been drama here towards us, we gain clients, simply because its easy to spot the liars and as those anti-elfers lose their supporters we gain them. You will find this to be true, watch and see.

Good luck and keep your head up and if Outdoorsman is ur bf and gettin that ass for free, then just remember, someones always gonna be pissed about that, usually the guys who cant afford ass and are too much an asshole for anyone to give it to them free.
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Old 06-12-2012, 06:49 AM   #12
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I have to agree with a post on another thread, Santa is not all knowing and everywhere. That is fiction for kids. Rants like these have been known to cone from all over. Please respect others and do not quack or call out others without warrant. The Santa comment was premature and unwarranted. I respect your opinion but the drama here has got to stop, this is enough. Lets have fun people, respectful fun!!!
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Old 06-13-2012, 09:20 AM   #13
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Seems like when your on top everyone is trying to knock you off... I've personally seen Nikki probably 30 times, she's the only girl I play with (when you find exactly what you want there is no reason to change it) and its been top notch every time... I've never reviewed her because I've never written one and people here have a tendency to rip someone a new one if he doesn't do it the way they want him to but that's a different thread... anyone looking for top notch should definitely see her. Sure she has been a few minutes late on occasion but people have to remember that just because they are in this line of work doesn't mean they aren't real people with real life issues, sometimes things come up that are beyond your control... but she has always let me know if she was running late and always took extra special care of me to make up for it... and on numerous occasions when I was just passing through she always did what she could to accomidate me...

My point is this... she has always been an absolute pro every time I've dealt with her and I can't wait till I get a chance to see her again.

Just my 2 cents and Nikki just so you know who this is... I'm "the Guy from Florida".
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Old 06-13-2012, 12:57 PM   #14
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I have seen Nikki once and I had a really good time I wrote a review on her on this website but I was also taught if not going to say anything good about someone then just don't say nothing at all.
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Old 06-13-2012, 01:16 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Blackngold44 View Post
I have seen Nikki once and I had a really good time I wrote a review on her on this website but I was also taught if not going to say anything good about someone then just don't say nothing at all.
You just made your reviews worthless bro.

The point of the site is to research the good and bad experiences with providers.
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