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Old 06-09-2012, 07:05 AM   #16
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We know that the leaks are coming from inside the Obama administration.
Obama has stated he will "prosecute" but, we all know that it wont happen and his administration will block every attempt at a real investigation.
This has been proven with the AG over and over in the fast an furious investigation.

As far as Cj goes, leaking of this information is very important. It shows an inability of the man in charge to control his administration. Or they are doing his bidding. It is one of the two.
You decide which you want to believe. I can tell it is important because of your want of dismissal. Like the D-Day thread, it goes to character and his glaring dismissive acts towards anything that our nation's citizens have done in the name of freedom and liberty show his true colors..
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Old 06-09-2012, 08:56 AM   #17
i'va biggen
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If you can show me where you said the same thing during the Scooter Libby investigation then I will know you aren't one way. We can see if OBO finds a fall guy like Cheney did.
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Old 06-09-2012, 11:32 AM   #18
JD Barleycorn
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Ekim...did you even know that the leak during the investigation was revealed to be Richard Armitage? Scooter Libby was found guilty of a procedural crime and not leaking. That means he "perjured" himself because he said that he could not remember a certain meeting. The prosecutor knew that Armitage was the guy because Armitage came forward and said so.

"On the July 3 edition of NBC's Today, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol claimed: "Scooter Libby does not deserve to go to jail. I would remind Joe Wilson that Scooter Libby did not leak Valerie Plame's name. Richard Armitage told Robert Novak, we now know, about Valerie Plame's name, so this was an investigation that should never have happened. There was no underlying crime." Kristol was referring to former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, Plame's husband, who reportedly issued a statement saying that "the president's actions send the message that leaking classified information for political purposes is acceptable" and that "Mr. Libby not only endangered Valerie and our family, but also our country's national security."
Media Matters-notorious liberal website

In case you don't remember it was revealed that Wilson was a big time liar when it came to doing his job.
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Old 06-09-2012, 12:11 PM   #19
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Its pretty simple:

So when he leaks the bin Laden assassination pictures in early November he has culpable deniability.
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Old 06-09-2012, 12:40 PM   #20
i'va biggen
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Was odd her name was leaked right after her husband came back from Iraq,and stated there were no WMDS.
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Old 06-09-2012, 01:21 PM   #21
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Her husband came back from Niger and said that Hussein was not trying to buy "yellow cake".

I mean think about it Ekim, how does a diplomat go to Iraq and search the entire country and discovers no WMDs? Do you know how stupid this makes you sound? What about the UN team that was looking for them?
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Old 06-09-2012, 01:37 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
Was odd her name was leaked right after her husband came back from Iraq,and stated there were no WMDS.
WRONG. Wilson went to Niger in 2002 to investigate whether Saddam had tried to purchase yellow cake uranium and came back and claimed that Saddam had not. His claim was later debunked by the Senate Intelligence Committee in a bipartisan report.

I see JD already beat me to the point.
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Old 06-09-2012, 03:39 PM   #23
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Its okay. Everyone beats Ekim. It is a scandal.
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Old 06-09-2012, 04:53 PM   #24
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Ekim...did you even know that the leak during the investigation was revealed to be Richard Armitage? Scooter Libby was found guilty of a procedural crime and not leaking. That means he "perjured" himself because he said that he could not remember a certain meeting. The prosecutor knew that Armitage was the guy because Armitage came forward and said so.

"On the July 3 edition of NBC's Today, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol claimed: "Scooter Libby does not deserve to go to jail. I would remind Joe Wilson that Scooter Libby did not leak Valerie Plame's name. Richard Armitage told Robert Novak, we now know, about Valerie Plame's name, so this was an investigation that should never have happened. There was no underlying crime." Kristol was referring to former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, Plame's husband, who reportedly issued a statement saying that "the president's actions send the message that leaking classified information for political purposes is acceptable" and that "Mr. Libby not only endangered Valerie and our family, but also our country's national security."
Media Matters-notorious liberal website

In case you don't remember it was revealed that Wilson was a big time liar when it came to doing his job.
Victoria Toensing, the woman who co-wrote the law, that was supposedly violated, when Valerie Plame was supposedly outed, said that the law was not violated. Valerie Plame was not a covert agent. Joe Wilson used to tell people that she worked for the CIA. She couldn't be outed because she wasn't in.

John Ashcroft should have told George Tenet to pound sand when he asked for an investigation of Valerie Plame's so called outing. Patrick Fitzgerald wasted several million dollars investigating a non-crime. Scooter Libby was prosecuted just so Patrick Fitzgerald could save face. The perjury charge against Libby never made sense. Why would he lie? He had nothing to cover up.
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Old 06-09-2012, 05:05 PM   #25
i'va biggen
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spin it you can't win it
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Old 06-09-2012, 05:07 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by NiceGuy53 View Post
WRONG. Wilson went to Niger in 2002 to investigate whether Saddam had tried to purchase yellow cake uranium and came back and claimed that Saddam had not. His claim was later debunked by the Senate Intelligence Committee in a bipartisan report.

I see JD already beat me to the point.
What makes the whole story even more ridiculous is that the Democrats claim that Bush lied about Saddam Hussein trying to buy yellow cake, in his State of the Union speech in 2003. All Bush ever did was quote British intellegence reports that stated the yellow cake purchase allegation. The British have stood behind their intelligence report to this day.
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Old 06-09-2012, 08:19 PM   #27
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Ekim...did you even know that the leak during the investigation was revealed to be Richard Armitage? Scooter Libby was found guilty of a procedural crime and not leaking. That means he "perjured" himself because he said that he could not remember a certain meeting. The prosecutor knew that Armitage was the guy because Armitage came forward and said so.

"On the July 3 edition of NBC's Today, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol claimed: "Scooter Libby does not deserve to go to jail. I would remind Joe Wilson that Scooter Libby did not leak Valerie Plame's name. Richard Armitage told Robert Novak, we now know, about Valerie Plame's name, so this was an investigation that should never have happened. There was no underlying crime." Kristol was referring to former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, Plame's husband, who reportedly issued a statement saying that "the president's actions send the message that leaking classified information for political purposes is acceptable" and that "Mr. Libby not only endangered Valerie and our family, but also our country's national security."
Media Matters-notorious liberal website

In case you don't remember it was revealed that Wilson was a big time liar when it came to doing his job.

It was a while back and I slipped on where he came from with his report.
I was thinking of Iraq when he serves as a director to ambassador April Gilaspi ,and was the last to meet with Saddam.When he received a letter sent to all from Saddam stating anyone harboring enemies would be executed he appeared in a news report with a noose around his neck,and said if he was to be executed he would bring his own fucking rope.He had a 100 Americans saved in the embassy,and helped thousands to escape .Was called a hero by GHWB.
He then came back from Africa with the report there was no indication of a sale of yellow cake,when his wife saw on the news the Bush administration was still reporting a sale,was when he had his report of the misinformation being reported,then was when she was outed.
Patric Fitzgerald reported there were four leaks
Richard Armitege
Scooter Libby
Karl Rove (who admitted in his book he met with Novac and when Novac asked if Wilsons wife was CIA he said he had heard that)
Aril Fleisher

Scooter lied TOFTT got a fine and a little jail time ,which was pardoned By GWB who had said he would fire anyone who outed a CIA agent.LOL the whole ting was swept under the rug.
any attempt for the Wilsons filing suit people has been stop by the courts,even the Obama Administration has stop it...
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Old 06-09-2012, 08:44 PM   #28
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
It was a while back and I slipped on where he came from with his report.
I was thinking of Iraq when he serves as a director to ambassador April Gilaspi ,and was the last to meet with Saddam.When he received a letter sent to all from Saddam stating anyone harboring enemies would be executed he appeared in a news report with a noose around his neck,and said if he was to be executed he would bring his own fucking rope.He had a 100 Americans saved in the embassy,and helped thousands to escape .Was called a hero by GHWB.
He then came back from Africa with the report there was no indication of a sale of yellow cake,when his wife saw on the news the Bush administration was still reporting a sale,was when he had his report of the misinformation being reported,then was when she was outed.
Patric Fitzgerald reported there were four leaks
Richard Armitege
Scooter Libby
Karl Rove (who admitted in his book he met with Novac and when Novac asked if Wilsons wife was CIA he said he had heard that)
Aril Fleisher

Scooter lied TOFTT got a fine and a little jail time ,which was pardoned By GWB who had said he would fire anyone who outed a CIA agent.LOL the whole ting was swept under the rug.
any attempt for the Wilsons filing suit people has been stop by the courts,even the Obama Administration has stop it...

Bob Novak found out that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA, from Richard Armitage, Colin Powell's butt boy at the State Department. Richard Armitage knew about Valerie Plame's employer because Joe Wilson had told multiple reporters. Valerie Plame's employer was not much of a secret.

From Sweetness-Light.Com:

A month before Bob Novak published Valerie Plame’s name and disclosed that she worked at the CIA in a department that monitored weapons of mass destruction, the gossipy Richard Armitage at the State Department already knew all about her.

When asked how he knew about Plame, Armitage said he knew because Joe Wilson was "calling everybody" and telling them. And by "everybody" Mr. Armitage certainly meant reporters.

With that in mind it is an easy step to suppose that it was Mr. Joseph C. Wilson IV himself who first "outed" his wife as a CIA officer.


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Old 06-09-2012, 10:05 PM   #29
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I give ekim no credence at all on anything.
He has stated his desire to live under a totalitarian government and that makes him a stooge.

Holder is a criminal that should be prosecuted plain and simple. He has lied and obstructed justice at the very least.. He should be in the penitentiary.
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Old 06-09-2012, 10:37 PM   #30
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LOL Jim Jones would have loved you guys.I love the way you ignore history and spin it your way.
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