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Old 06-07-2012, 03:48 AM   #1
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Default Tired of being attacked

How long and at how much of a emotional and financial expense to me is this going to be allowed to continue? I am constantly under fire from the same people over and over on this board. I do NOT misrepresent myself in any way. The pictures I put up in Dallas Provider Ads most recently were in no way, shape or form edited. I am scared to adjust even the slightest thing on my pictures for fear of attack. How is this fair? Other girls can edit their pictures...why can't I?
When I was in chat earlier tonight I was attacked and dogpiled so bad I was left sobbing and shaking.
It has been stated by Soulmanike that I am legit and real and it is obvious that this is a deliberate attempt to discredit me and ruin my business. That Dallas seems to have a free rein and that it wouldn't be allowed if was down south. He stated that was his opinion. He posted that in Dallas Coed.
Since then the attacks have continued. Specifically from Ze and more recently Boltfan. I have feelings and I care deeply about my reputation. Enough damage has been done already...there are hobbyists who will never see me because of it. Fake reviews on me have been allowed to stay up. I have had proof that a review was a fake the only one I asked be took down and it was removed and then put back up. No one asked to see the proof that I had it was not real. All that did was draw more attention to it. There are 2 other reviews besides that one that are huge fakes but they are old and at the time I did not know I could contest a review.
This is how I make a living. I am honest and enjoy what I do. I have never tried to scam anyone or rip them off. My pictures are true depictions of my actual appearance. I have a lot of bills and responsibilities. I fear that with the latest wave of fresh attacking I could possibly go under. By that I mean literally not able to keep a roof over my head. It's wrong and it's unfair and I am begging for something to be done about it. If not I will be forced to guest my account and I really don't want to do that. I have made many dear friends here and I enjoy many things about ECCIE other than the attacks.
Literally, I physically and mentally can't stand to go through this anymore. It's more than I can take. I don't know specifically what can be done...but isn't there something, Please???
Mercianna Mondragon
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Old 06-07-2012, 04:12 AM   #2
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Over/under on non staff responses?

If rambro stays banned much longer you can be the official eccie martyr.
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Old 06-07-2012, 07:16 AM   #3
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Martyr? NO. I am not giving my life for ECCIE.
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Old 06-07-2012, 07:53 AM   #4
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Hooker have been hooking since Eve charged Adam by the apple, I doubt one web site will diminish business all that much.

You could always move to the trailer park, I hear business is booming there.
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Old 06-07-2012, 09:13 AM   #5
Duke of G
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Originally Posted by mercianna View Post
How long and at how much of a emotional and financial expense to me is this going to be allowed to continue? I am constantly under fire from the same people over and over on this board. I do NOT misrepresent myself in any way. The pictures I put up in Dallas Provider Ads most recently were in no way, shape or form edited. I am scared to adjust even the slightest thing on my pictures for fear of attack. How is this fair? Other girls can edit their pictures...why can't I?
When I was in chat earlier tonight I was attacked and dogpiled so bad I was left sobbing and shaking.
It has been stated by Soulmanike that I am legit and real and it is obvious that this is a deliberate attempt to discredit me and ruin my business. That Dallas seems to have a free rein and that it wouldn't be allowed if was down south. He stated that was his opinion. He posted that in Dallas Coed.
Since then the attacks have continued. Specifically from Ze and more recently Boltfan. I have feelings and I care deeply about my reputation. Enough damage has been done already...there are hobbyists who will never see me because of it. Fake reviews on me have been allowed to stay up. I have had proof that a review was a fake the only one I asked be took down and it was removed and then put back up. No one asked to see the proof that I had it was not real. All that did was draw more attention to it. There are 2 other reviews besides that one that are huge fakes but they are old and at the time I did not know I could contest a review.
This is how I make a living. I am honest and enjoy what I do. I have never tried to scam anyone or rip them off. My pictures are true depictions of my actual appearance. I have a lot of bills and responsibilities. I fear that with the latest wave of fresh attacking I could possibly go under. By that I mean literally not able to keep a roof over my head. It's wrong and it's unfair and I am begging for something to be done about it. If not I will be forced to guest my account and I really don't want to do that. I have made many dear friends here and I enjoy many things about ECCIE other than the attacks.
Literally, I physically and mentally can't stand to go through this anymore. It's more than I can take. I don't know specifically what can be done...but isn't there something, Please???
Mercianna Mondragon
I'm sorry you feel emotional about your treatment here. It think that is the first issue. You are taking your business personally. You take every comment you don't agree with as a personal attack. You bring your personal life, problems, legal issues, and financial issues here. This really isn't the place for that. This isn't a place for personal lives.

You, and ONLY you are responsible for your financial success here. You have a history of less-than-stellar reviews, accusations of misrepresentation, and a general history of over-reaction and drama. And your continued "defense" causes more issues than the issues themselves.

To the issue of your pictures: Anyone who is at all familiar with photography or digital manipulation of photographs can see the touch-ups and corrections you've made to your photos. You are correct:this is not uncommon. The question isn't "why can't you?" but rather "how much is too much?" You are in a public marketplace, and your product is being judged. It's not personal against you. It's business, and each will make up their own minds as to your level of fidelity. People have pointed out factual information, as well as a few snide remarks, but in general, you insist that everyone agree with you about your pictures, and that frankly, will NEVER happen.

This community has a very low tolerance for misleading information. The whole purpose of the board is "information exchange." It's about being able to sort the many scammers on both sides of the hobby from the legitimate providers and clients.

You have attempted to show your genuine nature. You have posted pictures in defense, thrown moderator names, and made quite a fuss over the issue. At some point, you have to let the chips fall. People will and have formed their opinions. You cannot please everyone.

As for chat: if there was an issue, you should report it via a screen shot, and/or refer to the date and time the indecent happened so we can look at the chat logs.

From reviewing your posts, no one has "attacked" you. Just because you don't agree with an opinion, or don't like someone's presentation of facts, or if you get emotional about a response from someone on the internet, doesn't mean members here are violating the rules, or even coming after you personally.

So no, it is not "obvious" that there is some attempt to "ruin your business."

This is a community, with a variety of opinions. If someone wants to participate in the community, they need to decide if it's right for them. Not everyone will get along. Not everyone will find this the right fit for them.

I am sorry you haven't been able to find a place here. I am sorry that the path you've lead has caused you so many issues. We want our members to enjoy their time here, and find a value in ECCIE.

(Apologies to monkmonk for screwing up his odds)
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Old 06-07-2012, 09:43 AM   #6
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I just spent an hour reading your most recent reviews, both positive and negative. I came back to your thread to find that Duke has addressed the issues pretty much the way I see them.

There is a consistent theme in your "no" reviews. It doesn't have as much to do with your photos as it does with your perceived disinterest in the appointment. Perhaps you should ask your "no" reviewers how you could improve your level of service. That would certainly result in more positive feedback than a public pity party blaming everyone else when you have a bad day.

Just my opinion.

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Old 06-07-2012, 10:43 AM   #7
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I responded to your PM and I will respond here.

If you feel what I asked in chat is an attack on your business and you personally perhaps you need to step away from this business, this life, or this board. YOU were already attacking another member when I arrived in chat and my simple question and comment pushed you over the edge. This is an edge that you, and only you, control. Responding to other members when they joke about wanting to see ass instead of horse pictures (which by the way, is quite a funny pun) with a "Shut the fuck up" is no way to sell yourself. You perceived the room turned on you when, in fact, you started the dust up.

Take ownership.

Stop playing the victim.
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:09 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by mercianna View Post
How long and at how much of a emotional and financial expense to me is this going to be allowed to continue? It is not the moderators' nor the owners' responsibility to ensure your emotional or financial health. That is up to you. You control this. You can fix it by simply sucking it up like a big girl and stop posting rebuttals to every perceived and/or real insult. Half the guys don't care about the opinions of the critics and half the critics don't care about your pain and suffering. I don't say this to be mean, I simply point out what should by now be painfully clear to you. Therefore, if you can't silence your critics through responding to every real and/or false criticism, then do something novel and don't say anything at all. The more you feed a troll the more perverse pleasure he/she will get from your anxiety. I am constantly under fire from the same people over and over on this board. You are constantly critiqued because you constantly deny you edit your photos when any third-grader who's ever spent five minutes on the interwebz can discern unaltered from altered photography. Admit it and walk away from the keyboard. Embrace your editorial choices or your body in it's natural splendor. Either way, just accept whatever choice you make and the consequences that come from that choice. I do NOT misrepresent myself in any way. The pictures I put up in Dallas Provider Ads most recently were in no way, shape or form edited. Great, looked at that ad and those photos are not half bad, especially the two that were in focus. I am scared to adjust even the slightest thing on my pictures for fear of attack. How is this fair? Other girls can edit their pictures...why can't I? You can, you just have to accept criticism that comes in reviews. If more than one client you've actually seen says your photos are not representative of your actual appearance, either he's right or you're right. Either way, decide who was right and take the appropriate response (change the photos or remain silent so as to not draw out further scrutiny and criticism).
When I was in chat earlier tonight I was attacked and dogpiled so bad I was left sobbing and shaking.
It has been stated by Soulmanike that I am legit and real and it is obvious that this is a deliberate attempt to discredit me and ruin my business. That Dallas seems to have a free rein and that it wouldn't be allowed if was down south. He stated that was his opinion. He posted that in Dallas Coed.
Since then the attacks have continued. Specifically from Ze and more recently Boltfan. I have feelings and I care deeply about my reputation. Enough damage has been done already...there are hobbyists who will never see me because of it. Fake reviews on me have been allowed to stay up. I have had proof that a review was a fake the only one I asked be took down and it was removed and then put back up. No one asked to see the proof that I had it was not real. All that did was draw more attention to it. There are 2 other reviews besides that one that are huge fakes but they are old and at the time I did not know I could contest a review.
This is how I make a living. I am honest and enjoy what I do. I have never tried to scam anyone or rip them off. My pictures are true depictions of my actual appearance. I have a lot of bills and responsibilities. I fear that with the latest wave of fresh attacking I could possibly go under. By that I mean literally not able to keep a roof over my head. It's wrong and it's unfair and I am begging for something to be done about it. Stop posting rebuttals. Post ads and flirt. That's ALL you have to do to increase your business. If not I will be forced to guest my account and I really don't want to do that. I have made many dear friends here and I enjoy many things about ECCIE other than the attacks.
Literally, I physically and mentally can't stand to go through this anymore. It's more than I can take. I don't know specifically what can be done...but isn't there something, Please???
Mercianna Mondragon
See above in RED
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