Well, I might as well add my $.02 as several others have done. So here goes...

The reality of it all is, people have different schedules and differing points of view. For many people, asking a provider for services at 1:00am is certainly not out of the question. Many upscale providers offer very late night/early morning appts. and it doesn't have to be a trailer-trash-bash, low class thing, if the setting is done at that kind of hour due to whatever circumstances. I think even the hour notice isn't horrid to think possible, and, you just never know until you ask. Especially since she had no prerequisite hours of notice listed. It isn't usually a possibility, since we all (most of us men) know what kind of time it takes any woman to get ready or make it through the door, once prepared.

Again, possibilities are always there, since she didn't originally specify what times she would not take appointments, the after 4:00pm outcalls, leaves it open-ended and not inappropriate to ask. You never know, her original 1:30am appt. may have just cancelled and she's burnt out on crappy late-night television.

Although he may have a very slim chance of pulling this off, we all know that it surely isn't out of the question, and I doubt he meant any disrespect by sending the inquiry. On the flipside, I wouldn't want to ask any woman to be out and about, for any reason, at that hour. Unless I was there as her personal escort and bodyguard, of course!

I too, am impressed by her change of attitude and modifying specifics in the showcase to help minimize future issues.

No more hostility folks... Lets just all get along...