I appreciate AlluringAva's observations about chat. Surely she speaks accurately. There will be many men, I suppose, who want to engage in "dirty talk" (for free) during chat sessions. But I think there would be a lot of others (including me) that would be polite and not engaging in dirty talk. For some, the chat might turn in that direction if it appears there will be an in-person session between them. Even here, there will be differences in approach. I doubt that I would chat about sexual details--past or future. I am more interested in learning a lady's personality, (non-sexual) experiences, and interests, and in trying to figure out if we would probably like each other. I also might chat about screening, location, available times, and similar details. I can probably figure out something about a lady's looks and type of session from her gallery and reviews. I don't need, and am not into, phone sex. If the lady appears attractive to me and seems likeable and approachable, I think the sexual quality of a session would take care of itself.
There are at least two different types of chat. One is just social chat. I would think that many men and most of the ladies have neither the time for nor the interest in this if there is not already some relationship established. I would enjoy this, but most likely only after some connection has first been established--such as if we already have met. The other type of chat is reasonably related to setting up details for a hobby session, or asking for information about the session. I suppose that more men and women would have the time for and interest in this--but even here, I've noted that some providers don't want any communications before a session other than the direct setup details.
The foregoing is based just on what I think, and not on actual experience. I've never chatted online with a provider.
Originally Posted by alluringava
I never got any client from chat. All they wanted was free dirty talk in private messages and a lot of bullshit. I go in there once in a blue moon just to talk and have fun though.