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Old 04-25-2012, 04:44 PM   #1
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Default G-Spot structure defined. . . or maybe not.

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Old 04-25-2012, 07:53 PM   #2
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The g spot is an urban myth.
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Old 04-26-2012, 01:03 AM   #3
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I'm somewhere in the middle of the G-spot argument. I tend to think of woman's sexuality as not being located in one spot unless that spot is the clitoris.

But it's not even there if a woman happens to be some of the bunch that orgasm easily with penetration. So it's not this simple equation that some believe it to be.

Also, it can be annoying when a man tells me that he's going to find my G spot for me. Oh well ... it's late and I don't have much else to state.

Interesting topic, Rylstone. Hope you're doing well!

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Old 04-26-2012, 06:11 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
The g spot is an urban myth.

That's funny P, you hit mine yesterday just fine.

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Old 04-26-2012, 08:11 AM   #5
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Default So?

Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
The g spot is an urban myth.
And to that I counter with this.


If it's proven I'll make sure Cracked puts it in their yearly Urban Myth article. Now to respond to the actual article:

Personally I am offended by the closed-minded-ness this discovery has shown. Now is it the G-spot? I don't know. But who cares? He discovered something in place in a woman's vaginal wall that wasn't known about before. The majority of human sexuality is myth and rumor. And the sad part is that currently most of those rumors are perpetuated (sp, I'm tired so my spelling sucks) by those who wish us to never actually have sex unless we are trying to create more people. I applaud the doctor for wanting to do further study than the basic cross-section pictures. No one's sexuality boils done to one spot. Any mand who acts like an on/off switch is probably one shallow SOB.

I actually have a theory on the G-spot. You see science has discovered the reproductive nervous system is developed before gender is assigned in the fetal stages. This is the reason men have nipples and women have a clitoros (hint, if they went male it would have been a lot bigger and would be blamed for getting them into trouble.) Now, men have a prostate, supposedly, stimulating it brings guys to orgasm like no one's business. This implies the prostate is connected to the sexual nervous system. And since that is laid down before gender is assigned those nerves had to go somewhere. I theorize that the G-spot is where women put the nerves that were going to belong to the prostate they never got. Makes sense since men have nipples and women have a clit instead of a penis for the same reason.

But if it does exist so what? It could be possible that the women who don't think they have one actually do, and it just doesn't do anything for them. When boobgasm thread shows up there are some women who swear by them and others that say it never happens to them. The G-spot might be the same deal.

But whatever may be the case the only way we will know is through more research. And getting pissy at researchers for wanting to know more is just silly and ignorant.
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Old 04-26-2012, 09:41 AM   #6
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hmmm, everytime I touch a certain someone's gspot, I end up getting soaked!
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Old 04-26-2012, 01:04 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
That's funny P, you hit mine yesterday just fine.

Now I am baffled. The g spot is on my back? Well shoot that explains a lot as to why my back is so sensitive.
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Old 05-06-2012, 08:19 PM   #8
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My ex definitely had a g-spot. different orgasms when that was stimulated versus just clitoral or just f*ing. Anyone who says they don't exist ... sorry but you're wrong. maybe not every woman has one? maybe not every man can find one? fwiw of the women I've been with so far only my ex had one so easily and reliably found and stimulated.
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Old 05-25-2012, 04:16 PM   #9
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I've been with two ladies for sure that had a very sensitive spot the greatly aided orgasms and even squirting in one on more than one occason. I think these were g spots.
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:46 PM   #10
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My experience is this:

1. The G-spot is real (and effective). You know when you find it. It has a distinctive feel and it gets a distinctive reaction when effectively stimulated.

2. I don't know if it exists in all women or is just more developed in some. It certainly isn't the same size or sensitivity in different women.

My research is far from complete!
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Old 05-26-2012, 07:47 AM   #11
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I didn't even know that I had g-spot until about 10yrs ago.

Late one night, after a very long day at work, my husband (ex now), rolled on top of me and inserted his cock ever so slowly. I really wasn't into it, but as he continued his soft long strokes, but never withdrawing the head, I experienced a sensation that I had never felt before. Didn't take long before I exploded all over his cock.

So yes, there is a g-spot. just have to take your time to find out where it is.
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Old 05-26-2012, 10:02 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
My experience is this:

1. The G-spot is real (and effective). You know when you find it. It has a distinctive feel and it gets a distinctive reaction when effectively stimulated.

2. I don't know if it exists in all women or is just more developed in some. It certainly isn't the same size or sensitivity in different women.

My research is far from complete!
I'm SO glad someone else said that! Being married twice, I found it fascinating that there were such differences between my ex and my current wife. My ex had her hardest orgasms when I was deep inside. My wife hardly needs penetration, and it's the angle and pressure that make the difference. And what I noticed when touching was that sometimes, when it's really hot, there's a particular place that feels diffent -- a bundle of nerves -- a little rougher, mayber, and very tactile. For my ex it was rare and very deep. For my wife, far more often and barely inside.

No, I don't think it reduces a woman's sexuality to a "switch". In the article I think Whipple TOTALLY misses the point. In my limited experience, it's like any other erogenous zone. It's not magic and it doesn't kick in unless there is other arousal going on. But at least for some women, it's there. And it's definitely a lot of challenging fun to try to find it
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Old 05-27-2012, 08:09 AM   #13
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Agree with Lust4 on doing additional research. Perhaps a government grant would be in order for us guys?
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Old 05-27-2012, 01:02 PM   #14
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Default So you think it is a myth?

It is definitely not a myth, because mine has been found plenty of times..

here is a link to the original thread for more reading......

The G-spot: some think it’s a myth; others are convinced that it’s not only real, but it’s also highly effective in triggering mind-blowing female orgasms. While the scientific community may still be divided on the G-spot’s existence, ask any woman who has had a G-spot orgasm, and she’ll tell you that it’s definitely there, and she wants you to stimulate it.

Locating the G-spot can be an epic quest. It can be remarkably easy to find in some women, while in others it’s almost impossible.

Different sexual positions stimulate women differently, therefore, from the positions listed below, in what position have you had the mind-blowing orgasm?

Rear-entry positions are some of the most reliable when it comes to stimulating the G-spot during intercourse. You can try it doggy style or in the spooning position for a more relaxed option. In order to have the greatest chance of success with a rear-entry position, your cock should rub against the front wall of the PU**Y. You can try lifting her hips a little and thrusting in a downward motion to perfect this G-spot position.

Many women prefer positions in which they are on top. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that when she’s on top, she’s in control. Woman-on-top positions, like cowgirl and its variations, are great for hitting the G-spot because the woman can angle her hips just right, allowing her to find the arrangement that feels best to her. She can try leaning forward or back while adjusting the speed and pressure applied to the G-spot.

The right rotation
Rotated Woman is a tantric sex position that is excellent for stimulating the G-spot. Start by lying flat on your back with her straddling you, facing away. Then she should carefully lean down until she can grab your ankles and is lying on top of you. Once in position, she can move up and down or circle her hips in a figure-8 pattern. The angle makes her vagina tighten up, so the rubbing of the penis provides intense G-spot pleasure. She may also get some clitoral stimulation in this position, so she can have the best of both worlds.

Heels over head
Positions in which her feet are on your chest or shoulders are also great G-spot positions. In tantra, this position is referred to as The Flower Press. Start off like you would if you were using the missionary position, then once you have penetrated her, she should lift her legs up and back until they are pressed against your chest or over your shoulders. You can lean against her thighs for support while she grabs your hips and brings you closer for maximum penetration. This G-spot position works because of the angle of the penis as it enters and the depth it can reach.
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Old 05-27-2012, 09:59 PM   #15
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Oh what do you know?

Its much like the female orgasm ... There has been talk about them, yet mo one knows for sure.
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