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Old 05-23-2012, 03:07 PM   #1
Tiffani Jameson
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Default For the gents: does a lady's need affect your decision to schedule with a lady?

Catching up on my ECCIE et al reading today, and what I've noticed is when a lady says something to the effect that she's not desperate for the money, or that she's not in this for the money, someone will say they'll keep that in mind, or that they'll take it into consideration when making their choices.

Then there are times when ladies just flat out say they need some bill help, or they'll offer some special that's meant to send you all stampeding in their direction.

Are you turned on or off by either approach?

Thanks for your input.
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:10 PM   #2
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Greatttttttt Question Girly!!!
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:13 PM   #3
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If you say that no need to look to you for specials. So yes it does.
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:25 PM   #4
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IMHO- i think that a lady that doesnt beg.. or states that she isnt desperate for money says that she obviously manages money well and can take the time to screen thoroughly..she doesnt just take any dick and think about that bill during boink. Bigger chance she isnt faking but rather is mentally full into said boinkfest.

one that is desperate may not screen well.. putting both at risk. She may just put on a show not really enjoying her time but rather thinking about that "Bill" that needs paid stat.
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:25 PM   #5
Tiffani Jameson
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Originally Posted by Bloodhound View Post
If you say that no need to look to you for specials. So yes it does.
Thank you for your response! Let me clarify:

You're saying it's a turn off when she's not desperate because you can't get specials?

I'm not talking about some HDH darling. I'm talking about someone who's PRESUMABLY already in your price range. What is such a turnoff about her not being desperate, especially if she's accessible to you?

If you'd care to elaborate....
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:40 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by LusciousLacy View Post
IMHO- i think that a lady that doesnt beg.. or states that she isnt desperate for money says that she obviously manages money well and can take the time to screen thoroughly..she doesnt just take any dick and think about that bill during boink. Bigger chance she isnt faking but rather is mentally full into said boinkfest.
Thank you darling!

I don't think that a woman should beg either, and it should be visible when a woman is doing well, and managing her money. But it seems that we can't win for losing. Either way we (as companions) play it, there's a bit of negativity. I figured you put yourself on the table so to speak, and regardless of financial need, if someone liked you, they contact you.

Simple as that.
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:40 PM   #7
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I only know of a few select people that dont need money. None of those people are on the board. WE ALL NEED MONEY and some of us need well you know, lets just say "activity".
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:48 PM   #8
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If the lady is one that I have been watching or have seen before and had a good visit, then a plea for some financial help in the form of a special catches my eye. Alternatively, if I have no idea who the lady is, I may do some research and determine if she is someone I would like to see and if so, I may move her to the front of attention. (Maybe I am just a sucker or something).

When a lady says she is not desperate for money or is doing well, the chance of me seeing her is about the same as seeing anyone else I am interested in.
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:58 PM   #9
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If she is someone that I would like to see anyway and she says that she is currently needing an infusion of cash, then I might make the jump due to the idea that she would then see me as a person that is someone she can trust. That helps make a more friendly encounter. Of course that presumes that the need for cash is not to jump bail and skip town.
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Old 05-23-2012, 04:08 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by rcg001 View Post
If she is someone that I would like to see anyway and she says that she is currently needing an infusion of cash, then I might make the jump due to the idea that she would then see me as a person that is someone she can trust. That helps make a more friendly encounter. Of course that presumes that the need for cash is not to jump bail and skip town.
Let's not hope that's the case! LOL

So your goal is to be available for a lady in her time of need to kind of help you become a regular of hers when she's in need of cash, am I correct? That then leaves things open to negotiation for future needs for cash infusion.

Hmmm interesting.
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Old 05-23-2012, 04:14 PM   #11
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Tiffani asked...
When a lady says something to the effect that she's not desperate for the money, or that she's not in this for the money, someone will say they'll keep that in mind, or that they'll take it into consideration when making their choices.

Then there are times when ladies just flat out say they need some bill help, or they'll offer some special that's meant to send you all stampeding in their direction.

Are you turned on or off by either approach?

for me, one definite turn off, whether here in a post or via some form of pm or email or text, is..."say baby, i could sure use some money for <insertWhateverItIsThatSheDesp eratelyNeedsMoneyFor>. how about you cum over to see me?"

two women have done that to me. i removed them from my lists. another one asked me to front part of her fee for an upcoming visit. i declined and just saw her when it was our appt time.

unless i explicitly ask, i dont care and dont want to know what you [the generic you, not the tiffani you] use your income for. just like i dont think it's any of the provider's business where i get my income.

another definite turn off - telling me how much money you made last year, how many cars you have, how many people you are supporting, how many vacations you took last year. in a way, saying you are desperate for money just barely falls into this category.

discussion of money, in my opinion, is majorly putting out fires of passion.

i'd rather discuss when and where we can meet and what we're going to do once we get there.

after consulting w/ a woman, if there's a connection, we might talk about things, but rarely do i want to discuss money. and only if i am explicitly interested in her financial well being.

imo, offering specials is a whole different thing. as long as it isnt confusing or bogus, specials are great. specials i like - birthday day or month, shorter times, throwdown thursdays, super moon, braum's brought out pumpkin ice cream, ... i'll let others speculate why she's offering them. if i've visited her before or want to check her out, i may take her up on her offer. if no, i'll pass w/out comment.

btw, these days, i've gone green and dont use a white envelope.
i might put the consulting fee in a special card, but am passing on the envelopes.
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Old 05-23-2012, 04:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Invisible1 View Post
If the lady is one that I have been watching or have seen before and had a good visit, then a plea for some financial help in the form of a special catches my eye. ...
in my eyes, a special is not always a plea for financial help.
a plea for financial help is just that - a plea. it is not a special.

Originally Posted by rcg001 View Post
If she is someone that I would like to see anyway and she says that she is currently needing an infusion of cash, then I might make the jump due to the idea that she would then see me as a person that is someone she can trust. ...
someone she can trust??? seriously???
or just trust that she can hit you up the next time she's in dire straits!!

to me, a plea for cash/financial help tells me she doesnt have a rainy day fund stashed away. now, $1000s for medical help is different. but 300, 500 for car, rent, phone - she should be planning for that.

an emergency on someone else's part does not make it an emergency on my part.
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Old 05-23-2012, 05:04 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post

discussion of money, in my opinion, is majorly putting out fires of passion

i'd rather discuss when and where we can meet and what we're going to do once we get there.

after consulting w/ a woman, if there's a connection, we might talk about things, but rarely do i want to discuss money. and only if i am explicitly interested in her financial well being.
The bad thing is, it's a turn off for me too, so I don't know why I'm so guilty of it. I will definitely work on this. Although I don't think it's appropriate to discuss finances in any way, especially giving breakdowns and such, I find that it's easy to let little things slip in conversation, and you're just not aware of how people feel about it.

Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
btw, these days, i've gone green and dont use a white envelope.
i might put the consulting fee in a special card, but am passing on the envelopes.
I'm glad you're doing your part to reduce your footprint, darling.
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:32 PM   #14
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Yes, it is a huge turn off for me to beg, or talk about how much the money is needed.

Half hour or 15 minute rates turn me off as well.
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:53 PM   #15
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I was pm ing a provider I had seen before and she was saying she had been really dead and she needed me to do an hour appt to make up for something I had said to her in a PM. Dumbass me took her up on it. I enjoyed the visit, and I genuinely liked her so I didn't mind helping out. Then, she left the business, so maybe it wasn't such a great visit. Hopefully it helped her get on with her life in some other profession.
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