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Old 05-22-2012, 09:03 AM   #16
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judges have ordered women sterilized, this guy should have been done years ago.

After the first few, how dumb do you have to be to keep knocking up women who know your real name?
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Old 05-22-2012, 09:25 AM   #17
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by jackbeingbad View Post
judges have ordered women sterilized, this guy should have been done years ago.

After the first few, how dumb do you have to be to keep knocking up women who know your real name?
Sterilization for a woman is tubal ligation. It's analogous to a vasectomy for a male. It's not the same as castrating a male; they don't take the woman's ovaries. Norplant accomplishes the same thing as "tying the tubes" as long as the implant stays in place.
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Old 05-22-2012, 11:05 AM   #18
I B Hankering
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Default At least he has a good job.

In Sunday's news:

Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie made a frantic call to police in New Jersey after receiving the following text messages from his wife Terricka Cason Cromartie.

“God forgive me, I don’t want to die. What have I done?” and “I cut my wrists. I took those pills.”

“There’s a problem at my house. She’s bleeding. She cut her wrists,” Cromartie told the dispatcher.

When no one answered the bell or phone at 21 Fairfield Ave., cops broke down two doors with an ax and sledgehammer, ran upstairs and found Terricka in bed with her two daughters.

Terricka confessed she had faked the suicide try because she thought Cromartie — who has 10 kids, including eight with seven other women — was “cheating on her.”

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Old 05-22-2012, 07:46 PM   #19
dilbert firestorm
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sigh??? some people don't really think about what they're about to do. like
terricka's phone call for instance
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Old 05-22-2012, 08:12 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Castration goes too far and isn't necessary. The better system is mandatory Norplants for the females, after the first illegitimate baby. No Norplant, no welfare. If they remove the Norplant or refuse the implant. No welfare. The current system pays people to breed out of wedlock babies. It has created a permanent underclass of Democrat voters.

Why not just provide free birth control? You Rush Limbaush loving right wingers get your panties in a wad when that is an option , yet you do not mind giving it to them after they have had a kid?

Hot Damn , I'm not a smart man but that is some crazy ass logic to me.
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Old 05-22-2012, 08:58 PM   #21
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They can get free birth control, WTF. They don't use it.
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Old 05-22-2012, 09:23 PM   #22
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WTF wants to take away the future Democratic base.

Walk into any Planned Parenthood WTF and you can walk out with a big handful of free condoms. Guaranteed. The women are walking into the WIC offices instead! They don't have to worry about their gasoline or their rent and soon their healthcare!

That slut from Georgetown only fooled you!
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Old 05-22-2012, 09:59 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
WTF wants to take away the future Democratic base. Yes and the GOP base too. It would help to have poor ignorant folks from having babies until they are on sound monetary footing.

Walk into any Planned Parenthood WTF and you can walk out with a big handful of free condoms. Yes you can and you idiotic Tea Baggers want to end this practice! Guaranteed. The women are walking into the WIC offices instead! They don't have to worry about their gasoline or their rent and soon their healthcare!

That slut from Georgetown only fooled you!
That slut was right to ask for birth control. The guys have their Viagria covered.


The majority of Americans who receive welfare checks are not Black. The majority of those who receive welfare checks are White people.

More, you want more...here are more myths, debunked.

The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six times shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time

Do you have a mortage? I don't hear you griping about that subsidy!
The tax subsidies benefit the middle-class and upper-class sections of the American population, sections which involve high numbers of Whites.

The Deductibility of Mortgage Interest on Owner-Occupied Housing was the largest homeownership tax subsidy in 2006, constituting 44.1 percent of such tax spending and 43.4 percent of total homeownership assistance. The top income quintile (or richest 20 percent of the population) claimed the vast majority of benefits at 81.5 percent—more than four times the share of the lower four quintiles combined.
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Old 05-22-2012, 10:11 PM   #24
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STF, wtf tangent are you off on now? Could you just ONCE stick to the topic?
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Old 05-22-2012, 10:27 PM   #25
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Default WE have welfare in many different forms in this country.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
STF, wtf tangent are you off on now? Could you just ONCE stick to the topic?
I don't slow down for retards, sorry you can't keep up.

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Old 05-22-2012, 10:31 PM   #26
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LOL! Yeah, right. That's it.

You throw around more strawmen than the San Francisco Repertory Ballet performing the Wizard of Oz.
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Old 05-22-2012, 10:33 PM   #27
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Are you sure you are Hetro

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Old 05-22-2012, 10:44 PM   #28
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Why not just provide free birth control? You Rush Limbaush loving right wingers get your panties in a wad when that is an option , yet you do not mind giving it to them after they have had a kid?

Hot Damn , I'm not a smart man but that is some crazy ass logic to me.

They have the babies on purpose. The government pays them to do it. The more they have, the bigger the welfare check. The alternative to sterilization is to just get rid of welfare. Go back to the way it was before LBJ cranked the system up back in the sixties as a way of buying votes. Black illegitimacy was twenty percent in the fifties before the welfare state began. Now it's seventy percent. It's gone up for other races too.

We are going bankrupt. We will have to shut down or cut way back on the welfare system in the next few years. When we do, I suspect there will be rioting.
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Old 05-22-2012, 10:44 PM   #29
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It's hetero, and yes. Nice dodge, you have questioned my sexuality in response to my pointing out you posted an irrelevant post in response to my pointing out you said something stupid. That's the typical playground retort. I expected no more from you.

Being you can't understand a reasoned response, I shall respond to you at the intellectual level you do understand.

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Old 05-22-2012, 11:04 PM   #30
joe bloe
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Default Of course more whites are on welfare

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That slut was right to ask for birth control. The guys have their Viagria covered.


The majority of Americans who receive welfare checks are not Black. The majority of those who receive welfare checks are White people.

More, you want more...here are more myths, debunked.

The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six times shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time

Do you have a mortage? I don't hear you griping about that subsidy!
The tax subsidies benefit the middle-class and upper-class sections of the American population, sections which involve high numbers of Whites.

The Deductibility of Mortgage Interest on Owner-Occupied Housing was the largest homeownership tax subsidy in 2006, constituting 44.1 percent of such tax spending and 43.4 percent of total homeownership assistance. The top income quintile (or richest 20 percent of the population) claimed the vast majority of benefits at 81.5 percent—more than four times the share of the lower four quintiles combined.
Blacks are dramatically more likely to be on welfare than whites. Approximately 9.7% (one in ten) of whites are on welfare. Approximately 33.7% (one in three) of blacks are on welfare. Blacks are approximately three and one half times more likely to be on welfare than whites. It may be the actual number of whites on welfare is greater than the number of blacks. That's because whites are 63.7% of the population and blacks are 12.6% of the population. There are more than five times as many whites as blacks.

I've heard liberals make this specious argument many times before. Just saying that there more whites on welfare than blacks as if that lays to rest some sort of unfair stereotype. Mark Twain said that there three kinds of lies: there are lies, there are damn lies and then there's statistics. Misleading with statistcal data has long been a favorite tactic for the left.
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