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Old 05-17-2012, 08:09 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by bustyamy View Post
P.S. Lesbianbob is sexy as hell, built like a brick and I'll do him any day of the week!
Oh hell yea..he is a yummy , yummy man..!!! and fun to ride all day long..give me a comfy teddy bear of a man anyday...
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:14 PM   #137
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[quote=essence;2703009]I didn't post because I don't have much to add, but I agree with WU. I hesitate to log onto eccie nowadays because I see all these avatars of obese women. Turns me right off. Haven't called an escort for years. Ever since KLK left town (and Creole Lady). They knew how to work their bodies.

Nicki, can you please put some clothes on?

UMMMM no NIKKI will not, because this is a board where WE all can advertise how we chose... IF YOU don't like it.. you do not have to look at it. THAT simple.. YOU GUYS have turned this in to a miserable place to be.. not us.. hell we are here doing business and having fun. WHICH is what you should be doing also. So, I will be here, along with the countless other CURVY, BBW, THICK, FAT, BIG girls.... and there are more and more joining this site every day.. so maybe if it bothers some of you soooo much, you should find some where else to vent...

Have a great night..
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:17 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Get rid of fat chicks and the guys who like fat chicks won't exist either...just sayin'...
I'm sure I can say some ugly things, but I am not the only one. And yes I do tend to say things in the heat of the moment, you would to if you were being called names. As would anyone. I'm done with this thread, WU go with the provider that makes your dick hard, as I will see the hobbyist who think I am hott! Nuff said, end of story
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:20 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston View Post
Oh hell yea..he is a yummy , yummy man..!!! and fun to ride all day long..give me a comfy teddy bear of a man anyday...
He gave me a workout today, YUMMY!!!! And a great sense of humor, a great person He can come eat crackers, cookies, chips or anything us fat girls like, up in my bed anytime
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:37 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
I started this thread to say that being fat is nothing more than a personal indicator of laziness and a cultural indicator of a disease. One of which is easy to fix, the other will only be fixed when the government has to step in and fix it for you which they will.

.....changes the fact that you are personally lazy and a disease in our society...

.... it's just facts...
Sorry Wakeup....Your "facts" are not entirely facts, but rather common perception of what the common public perceives to be "facts." There is a great deal of truth that (calories in > calories out) naturally increases fat cells in a similar way to what animals do to adjust for changes in climate.. ie. Hibernation.

However, you appear to be ignoring obesity as it relates to genetic, psychological, and socioeconomic factors.

The facts are actually worse.. But at least progress is being made in the understanding of the disease.

Studies have proven there is such thing as FAT GENE..ie., PCSK1(controls appetite), KLF14, BDNF or brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and lipin (an protein catalyst directly linked to the formation of triglycerides(fats)) Abundance and/or mutations of these genes have been proven to be directly linked to metabolic disorders including obesity.

Also there are certain food additives/preservatives that can effect fluid retention and metabolic rate in some people...ie.. MSG, Sodium Sulfite, Sodium Benzoate...etc..

Sleep deprivation, stress, and depression are also linked obesity...

I would get more into the socioeconomic factors, but don't want to stir up any shit that others may find offensive..

Hell, there's plenty more shit too.... lol...

As for those that need to eat more than others though, it does come down to the whole calorie game.. I think in this case the first step is to be educate yourself on what exactly you're eating. If your able to tolerate eating low calorie foods(vegetables, mushrooms, etc.), you could actually consume more food to fulfill your appetite so you don't feel starved but end up greatly decreasing your daily calories as well causing you to loose weight. If your like me, and refuse to give up meat (hamburgers, steak, chicken sandwiches), try to lower sugar and carb intake(drink water not soda and forget about potatoes, french fries, and pasta). But what works for me may not work for others. There are many apps for smart phones that you can use to log/look up food and daily activities as well as exercise regimens. Just being aware of what your doing could help shape your mind into accepting better eating/drinking habits. BTW.. SEX is a great exercise... if only it were offered in gyms, the world would be so much more skinny...





Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post

I'm not throwing in healthy types of foods, exercise regimens, any of that. Almost everyone can lose 5% of their body weight by doing nothing more than counting their calories and sitting on the couch being a lazy fuck. Once they see how easy that it, it instills an urge to do more.
TRUE!!! the calorie game is a big part of it as is education. I'm just saying its also not that simple for some folks. Also there some carry a little extra weight very well. However, there is nothing sexy about being outright obese. IMHO And if the government steps in, I think there primary objective should be through education which they are already starting to do.
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Old 05-17-2012, 09:47 PM   #141
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You may not remember what you told me a few weeks ago...but I sure do!! I found it interesting at the time and even more so now!!

Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston View Post
Oh Bob you just earned yourself some serious Brownie Points...hell I may be "fat" but it dosnt stop some people from sticking their tounges down my throat !!!!!
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:14 PM   #142
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Wakeup... Just read the original post. Looks like you did brush on genetics.... my bad..

But anyway.. yeah society is geared to cater to fat habits. Shortened lunch breaks, fast food, drive-thu windows, microwave dinners, canned foods, candy every holiday, candy for kids to say "good job" Huge fuckin platters at restaurants..... all that shit. At least now organics and healthy foods are being pushed as well.. Unfortunately there are many gimmicks susceptible for the untrained eye. Its just to bad that most healthy foods are overpriced.

Anyone else a fan of "SuperSize Me" the documentary??

Reminds me of coming back to Houston after a spending a week on South Beach.. BIG change of scenery...
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Old 05-18-2012, 03:21 AM   #143
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Originally Posted by bustyamy View Post
No, No, No. Hobbyist don't count. The only ones that count are the ones wqho have guts enough to pot their real pics on their profiles. I am not saying I don't need to lose a few pounds, but to be a stick NO THANK YOU. I like curves. But till I get a few things paid off, and have time to recuperate from a boob job (after losing mine from weight loss), then this is me. When or if I do, a boob job will follow. I will be busty Amy one way or another lol. But really someone who has a few extra pounds and CAN fit through the front door why the name calling? I mean I understand what you are saying about the weight thing. I'm not lazy at all, I am active and fuck hard. Anyone who has seen me can tell you I am not lazy. I like food. Right now I'm pretty young, but soon I'll do something about it IN MY OWN TIME! Thanks for your concern!

P.S. Lesbianbob is sexy as hell, built like a brick and I'll do him any day of the week!
I really don’t like to take things to a personal level, but since you have attacked guys that buy pussy, your client base, and arguably the main existence of this board, I do have to point out the following. You keep making excuses for not losing weight. “If I lost weight, I might need a boob job.” Have you looked at your showcase lately? Have you considered the following: If all of your showcase pictures that include your tits, involve you either propping up your tits with your hands or your elbows, perhaps that boob job is long overdue?
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Old 05-18-2012, 06:44 AM   #144
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I just blame Wake Up's wife. Cooking brussel sprouts nekkid as warped Wake Up. That must mean brussel sprouts cause dain bramage.
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Old 05-18-2012, 07:33 AM   #145
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I blame my wife too, but I didn't eat any of her brussel sprouts that night. If you think that pic looked good, you should see the video of later...just sayin'...

No, I didn't get into socioeconomic factors, simply because those are adjustable. I'm very aware of the link between economic level and obesity, but again, I'm not sold on the correlation being only related to cost per calorie considerations. The whole conversation goes somewhere I don't want to debate, not because I will offend someone, but because I don't want Ramblo to come back from being banned and launch into a Grape Soda and Skittles argument...
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Old 05-18-2012, 07:38 AM   #146
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All they're doing is rationalizing their obesity. "lots of guys like me fat", "I'd lose my boobs", "I used to be thin", "I'm very healthy I'm just fat"...pathetic excuses to try and cover up the fact that they did this to themselves and they're simply too lazy to fix it.

As JaD said...you'll pay for it soon...live in ignorance about your health as long as you want, you're killing yourselves, and I'm paying for it...have a nice day...
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Old 05-18-2012, 08:41 AM   #147
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As someone who let his weight get out of control and then had to work hard through diet and exercise to get back to a healthy weight I can tell you it can be done. It takes discipline, self-control and changing the way you look at food. Your body is a machine. Food is the fuel. Stop looking at food as anything other than fuel and you will loose weight.

As an incentive to lose weight, look at what Valerie charges for an hour of her time and what you larger ladies charge for yours. You may be the best lay in the world, but not very many people will pay premium dollars for the pleasure. Whereas, Valerie and ladies who take care of themselves physically do have phones that are ringing off the hook constantly and they charge $300 plus an hour. Think what a great dig it would be to WakeUp if you lost a bunch of weight and became more popular than his fuckslut/wife.
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Old 05-18-2012, 10:12 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by houtex06 View Post
Think what a great dig it would be to WakeUp if you lost a bunch of weight and became more popular than his fuckslut/wife.
Whatever it takes to unfuck themselves.
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Old 05-18-2012, 10:47 AM   #149
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Happy Friday, hope everyone is having a great day My client base is fine, I love my clients and show them very well when they come around. If I was trying to offend it wouldn't be my client base, it would be the ones making ugly comments. Gotta get ready, my schedule is pretty full
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Old 05-18-2012, 10:57 AM   #150
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I regret wading into this, but here goes. I won't comment on WU's entire premise or delivery style, but I will attempt to put some of the arguments in perspective. There is no judgmental undertone in my musings, just the observation of someone obsessed with boiling issues down to their logical and factual base.

Yes, there is a correlation between socioeconomicss and obesity. Yes, genetics can be a factor. Those are facts. However, they beg a couple of simple questions. If those things are the primary, or even major, contributors to obesity then why is the epidemic getting worse? Are people's genes deteriorating? Why is it that the poor used to be less obese instead of more? Historically, lower income groups worked more physical labor intensive jobs and ate home cooked meals which tend to be more healthy than 'eating out' all the time. If genes are to blame then why is the epidemic more pronounced here than in other countries and/or regions of the world? Are our genes being affected by our citizenship?

It is impossible for me to cast an objective glance at the data and not conclude that there is something cultural to the phenomenon.
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