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Old 05-17-2012, 02:17 PM   #1
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Default For Those in Kansas

Great Gov y'all got. He hates women.

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Old 05-17-2012, 03:52 PM   #2
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I know. I'm seething about this bs.
If a pharmacy stocks a product, they should sell it. Point blank.
I doubt too many pharmacies will refuse to sell birth control or the morning after pill because they know their customers will just buy it elsewhere and they won't want to lose the money.
AND... Sam Brownback has daughters himself so wtf?
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Old 05-17-2012, 09:24 PM   #3
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It's Kansas. Dinosaurs roamed with cavemen here. Didn't you know you were mere carriers for the unborn? Then after you're born...fuck you! Medicare? Repeal it because it's unconstitutional. Medical insurance reform, make sure it's watered down and then...repeal it! Medicaid? Fuck those poor sick kids! Women pregnant from a rape? Carry your little bastard, and we won't give you your meds if we disagree with you so STFU! And when your kid is born? We're gonna fuck them over too! Normal states put people in jail for fucking kids and women who don't want it, but not in KANSAS! We put the fuckers in the Capitol and Governors mansion.

Not that I have any strong feelings on the subject.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:21 PM   #4
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People go to church once a week but log on to
Facebook every day. Lobby your friends and change their votes. Target the stupid country hicks because they're screwing it up for the rest of us. Soon Brownback* and his ilk will BE dinosaurs.

*brownback is caused by rolling around in santorum, post coitus.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:22 PM   #5
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Would you force any other vendor to sell a product or perform a service that they felt was against their morals? Would you want a law forcing a particular restaurant to serve liquor?

No pharmacist should be forced to dispense birth control. If you don't like that, find one who will. No doctor should be forced to perform abortions. If you want one, find a doctor who will. (By the way, I am opposed to outlawing abortion, so there would be a doctor who would perform that for you.)

It's called freedom. Get used to it. Not everyone has to live their life to your satisfaction.
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Old 05-17-2012, 11:12 PM   #6
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It's the obligation of a pharmacist to dispense the prescriptions that are legally authorized by a physician. If he has a problem with this, then he should find a different profession.
Comparing liquor and restaurants to prescriptions and pharmacists is an apples and oranges analogy.
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Old 05-18-2012, 12:11 AM   #7
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Where does anything say that? If the pharmacist decides to fill the prescription, s/he is obligated to do it right, but there is nothing anywhere that says any pharmacist has to fill every prescription.

Of course, if the pharmacist does not fill certain prescriptions, it is likely that s/he will lose business, and if word gets out, may go out of business. But it is still their choice.

Very few pharmacists will opt out of filling birth control prescriptions, so it is more of a tempest in a teapot. I doubt if birth control will be that hard to find.

Yes, this is grandstanding by the Governor for the benefit of his evangelical supporters. But not a big deal.
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Old 05-18-2012, 02:03 AM   #8
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Would you deny a Muslim the religious right not to sell pork? This is about personal religious freedom. Don't you think you can find a Walmart to buy your birth control? How about a library that refuses to carry Playboy? Or a discount store that doesn't want to carry Maxim, Penthouse, or Hustler?

Walmart does reserve the right to not carry certain CDs by certain artists. Once you break down the organizations then you have to start on the individual. How many providers will not service black men? Quite a few. What if someone told you that you had to service any and all comers (cummers?)?

Remember personal freedom is what this country used to be about.
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Old 05-18-2012, 04:26 AM   #9
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Doctors aren't forced to do abortions, in fact doctors can refuse to perform any test or surgey they don't want to perform. Not sure where you got that from.

The picture of the Kansas Gov almost made me laugh. He just looks like a giant douche bag.
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Old 05-18-2012, 06:08 AM   #10
i'va biggen
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I guess a pharmacist doesn't have a oath like a doctor.
Cog and JD you guys would have made great puritans
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Old 05-18-2012, 06:22 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by jayhawkrobbie View Post
It's the obligation of a pharmacist to dispense the prescriptions that are legally authorized by a physician. If he has a problem with this, then he should find a different profession.
Comparing liquor and restaurants to prescriptions and pharmacists is an apples and oranges analogy.
Incorrect. There are lots of pharmacies that do not carry legally authorized prescriptions - I know this from recent personal experience. So, if a pharmacist has a certain religious or moral objection to carry RU-486 because of its affects, that's the pharmacist's right. If they decide that carrying contraceptives is morally objectionable (which, IMHO is a stupid idea) then that is his right.

As COG said, if a pharmacy does not carry the prescription you want, go find one that will. If a physician does not want to perform a procedure because of moral objections or a hospital does not allow certain procedures because the procedure violates tenents of their faith, then find one that does allow it. It's called freedom of choice, both for the patient AND the provider.

You get the government you choose - and the consequences that come from it - both on the state and federal level. So if you don't like it, change it at the ballot box. However, I doubt you'll have much of an impact - Kansas is considered the most conservative state in the Union, followed closely by Nebraska. Only the Kansas City, Lawrence and Wichita areas are considered remotely moderate, and these (other than the college crowd in Lawrence) lean towards the conservative side of moderate.

Doesn't it seem like the libs clamour for tolerance, yet are the most intolerant when someone does something to which they object? I guess tolerance is in the eye of the beholder.
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Old 05-18-2012, 07:51 AM   #12
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Funny how a lot of conservatives are only concerned about the life of a baby, until it is born.
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Old 05-18-2012, 08:01 AM   #13
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It is my right to walk into a pharmacy and buy birth control, where a pharmacist is an EMPLOYEE and is obligated to sell me what I want to buy from his place of employment.
If he is a volunteer, and not getting PAID by the pharmacy to sell me what I want to buy, then by all means, don't sell it to me.
If you don't want to be forced to sell something that goes against your religious morals or whatever, find a different job. There are tons of other places to work where you will never have to even look at birth control.
Some small towns only have ONE pharmacy. You're going to suggest that they drive into a different town to obtain what they need?
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Old 05-18-2012, 08:14 AM   #14
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Birth control pills aren't only taken to prevent pregnancy's, but also to regulate a women's period among other reasons.

In most cases, the pharmacy isn't owned by the pharmacist him/herself, so they do have an obligation to fulfill the prescriptions.

What bothers me is this.......its all easy to defend (COG/JD) until it starts to affect you. Right now its only affecting a certain percentage of women, but what happens when it starts affecting you and your drugs that you might need to live or to live comfortably?
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Old 05-18-2012, 08:17 AM   #15
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Birth control also reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
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