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Old 05-12-2012, 12:37 AM   #1
Da Hottie Roxi
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Default 35 Brutally Honest Reasons Women Say No To Sex (and why their men seek hookers)

I found this on another board and I thought it was funny!

Saw this article and it made me laugh. I wanted to share

Taken from The Stir:

1.Because you didn't do the dishes.
2.There is a weird smell coming from your butt.
3.You flirted with the waitress and it made me upset.
4.I feel fat and I am so not in the mood.
5.I have B.O. so I don't want you near me.
6.You have B.O. and I don't want you near me.
7.I didn't brush my teeth.
8.It smells like you didn't brush your teeth.
9.You aren't paying enough attention to foreplay.
10.I really don't want to give you a blowjob and I know that's what you like first and I just. can't. do. it.
11.Because I don't want to do it the minute you walk in the door like you expect.
12.Because you've been a pervert all day and it's annoying.
13.I'm hungry -- and not for sex.
14.Because I'm tired.
15.Because groping doesn't turn me on.
16.You're drunk and I'm not.
17.I don't feel sexy.
18.Because I have no interest in sex at all.
19.I slept with someone else earlier in the day.
20.I just want to be alone.
21.Everyone's been up my ass all day, the kid, the dog, the cat, I don't want you there, too.
22.Because you're being an asshole.
23.Because you're being rough in a mean way.
24.I masturbated today. I've had enough.
25.Because I can't orgasm and I don't feel like faking it right now.
26.Because you aren't hard and I'm tired of trying.
27.Because loafing around the house in your boxers while you scratch your balls doesn't make me hot.
28.I'm on my period.
29.Because I wish the time you just spent playing your Xbox you were playing with me instead.
30.Because you don't want to do it how I want and I don't feel like explaining.
31.I fantasized about an ex today. I can't do it with you right now.
32.Because I'm cranky.
33.Five minutes ago you were basically ignoring me. Now you want to have sex? No.
34.Because I just showered and don't want to get dirty.
35.Because I don't think you love me
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Old 05-12-2012, 06:23 AM   #2
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Amazing how many of these I have heard.
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Old 05-12-2012, 07:18 AM   #3
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How about Just the top reasons men say screw it and go to escorts:
1) I work 60-70 hours a week, not taking commute into account, so that you can be a housewife, our family can be supported, you can get all the nice little things you want, plus help clean the house and yard and spend my weekends doing all the home improvement projects that you desire, and when I ask for a 10 minute bj, you act like its putting you in such a bind
2) I'm tired of competing with the phone and tv for your attention the few hours I'm home and awake. Why only a few hours? See reason above
3) Just because you've gained some weight doesn't mean that I don't want to see you naked or feel your body next to mine
4) The boxers I'm walking around in are the gay looking ones you replaced mine with because you said these were more appealing
5) If he's just a friend like you claim then why do you average over 100 texts and more than 30 minutes of talk time per day with him, yet when I stop to call and talk I get voicemail and over an hour of wait time before a call back?
6) You say I go to bed to early. Again see reason 1, and try to cut out the additional 40-50 texts to your "friend" that happen each night after I go to bed

Sorry, hit a nerve
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Old 06-07-2012, 10:27 AM   #4
Lovely Callie
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I hit the ground laughing at 31. So wrong but funny nonetheless.

24 is a personal fav tho
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Old 06-07-2012, 11:11 AM   #5
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How about you dont even hear any of those anymore
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Old 06-07-2012, 03:04 PM   #6
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Im sorry ladies but I have to feel for msimms because I can relate there!
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Old 06-13-2012, 09:10 AM   #7
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Number 5 on msimms list would be grounds for immediate divorce for me (actually went through the exact same thing myself, that's why I'm not married anymore)

No man other than your husband deserves that much time and attention, and if they are spending that much time talking to another man then its not innocent and just friendly...
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