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Old 04-13-2010, 01:27 PM   #16
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Groupon? Can you explain....

About the PX90? What is so unique about it? If you eat a strict diet and do heavy workouts for 60-90 mins a day doesn't it make sense that you're going to lose weight no matter what kind of plan you are on? Just do the math - take in less calories than what you burn and weight is going to disappear. My problem is the motivation to work out for 60-90 mins every day. What makes the PX90 special?
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Old 04-13-2010, 02:29 PM   #17
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Groupon... it's like a coupon they do once a day if enough people sign up for it.

some damn good deals. www.groupon.com
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Old 04-13-2010, 06:24 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by travelling_man View Post
My problem is the motivation to work out for 60-90 mins every day. What makes the PX90 special?

Its not that P90X is special... It is a good set of solid routines that take the guess work out of what you need to work on. Even with everything i have learned over the years about workouts. I find it hard to create a solid routine that i will work everything out and keep motivated. One thing that they emphasize on P90X is " Just Hit Play" ... It is easy to get a good workout by just popping in a dvd and get to work... It makes it that much easier than driving out to the gym, waiting for equipment to use, and not have people rushing you or slowing you down.
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Old 04-28-2010, 10:38 PM   #19
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Their basic theory is "muscle confusion". So the activities vary. From Wikipedia:

"...combines a variety of exercise styles including strengh training, cardio, stretching...bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, plyometrics (jump training),yoga and kenpo (Japanese martial arts)."
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Old 04-29-2010, 08:48 PM   #20
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thanks for all the infor.Plan to start up soon..
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Old 04-30-2010, 01:38 AM   #21
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P90X works extrememly well for me. I have never been able to do it for 90 days straight because of time constraints and other commitments. I average around 4 workouts a week and it keeps me in shape. I started about a year ago and lost about 20 lb.'s in the first two months. Since then I have maintaned my weight while eating and drinking whatever I please. The best part is I don't have to leave the house to do it.
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Old 05-03-2010, 10:44 PM   #22
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P90X to what I've seen really works, but it's not for the faith of heart. It's quite hard and demanding. I hear its really ment for people who is arleady mostly in shape and just looking to tone up.
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Old 05-05-2010, 09:51 AM   #23
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It is legit.I have a female friend who did it.She was 38 and had the body of a 20 yr old.It is hard though.i tried it. get ready to have your ass kicked if you are not already in good shape.
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Old 05-05-2010, 02:48 PM   #24
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P90X is legit only because it's what we should all be doing. It's a bunch of freakin hard workouts. There is no secret to the workouts, just lots of hard work. Anyone who can does the routines on a regular basis will get in really great shape This isn't any 10 minute a day workout. If you did all the body part routines, you'd be working out half the day. If you look hard enough you can find all the videos online to download for free.
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:48 PM   #25
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My friends used P90X. Different routines challenge your muscles, forcing them to grow.
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Old 06-16-2010, 12:21 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by cptjohnstone View Post
for us fatboys what are talking about

nvrmind, go back to eating ur hero sandwich....
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Old 06-19-2010, 02:32 PM   #27
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Its an awesome program!! It combines high impact aerobics, with circuit training, yoga (don't laugh that shit is hard) and a phase meal plan that moves from adkins to south beach to balance....be prepared it isn't easy I am in week for 4.
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Old 06-19-2010, 03:11 PM   #28
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Started P90X in March and finished my first go around in early June. Great results lost 20lbs and lost a few inches around the belt area. All I remember is the first couple weeks I was on the program my muscles were just screaming because you do confuse them as the info states-LOL. I am now working on a hybrid workout with Insanity and that program is killer. Pushes you to the limits for sure. The program is tough but worth it if you stay dedicated and follow the diet plan you will see results.
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Old 06-21-2010, 06:12 PM   #29
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Noelle, You are going to have to send us some post workout pics for us to judge... sweaty pics preferred thanks,,
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Old 06-21-2010, 06:50 PM   #30
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as kind of a fitness guy myself, I would say that the "secret" behind P90X isn't much different than that of most "decent" workout systems. In the end, people "buy into" the idea that following something will guarantee results. So they do it, and stick to it, and say "yeah, it's legit!". In reality, they are just following a pre-planned framework of basic fitness principles. It’s really that simple. Eat right, workout right, and see results.

Step 1 - eat right

Nothing magic here. Lowering your caloric intake will yield results, even if you DON'T workout. But, lowering your caloric intake, in addition to "cleaning up" your type of intake, really makes a difference. Trust me when I say that there is a nutritional and metabolic difference in taking in 2,000 calories from cookies, ice cream, cokes, etc. vs. taking in 2,000 calories from lean meats, fish, and vegetables.

In addition, the frequency of your meals also affects your bodily functions (energy, etc.). The old standard "3 squares a day" is really not good for you. It's better to split those "3" into "6" by eating something small every couple of hours. It helps your body to maintain consistent blood sugar levels instead of the highs and lows caused by the "big 3".

2 - physical fitness

It's no secret that your body will react positively to physical exertion (stronger muscles, more tone, greater cardio capacity, lower blood pressure, etc.). It's also no secret that your body adapts to the same routine if done over and over. So, P90X accomplishes 2 things. It causes you to exert a tremendous amount of physical activity (stressing your body in a positive way), and it also continually changes your routines so that your body can't adapt and go into coast mode.

I see people in the gym all the time, and have seen them for months and years on end, and they never look like they are getting anywhere. And, I'll notice they are always doing the same thing. Again and again. They think "cardio will make me skinny" when in reality, the quickest way to physical change is by adding in resistance training to strengthen your muscles. Your muscles are what burns calories, and by your entire body being more physically active, you will shed pounds quicker, be more tone, and see more results vs. just cardio.

I’ll also add that it is a complete MYTH that women who lift weights will get “bulky”. The fact of the matter is that women get “leaner” when lifting. They do not possess the chemical compounds (i.e. testosterone, etc.) that males do that build bulky muscle. Women who do bulk up take a LOT of supplements to achieve their results, and they also lift in a muscle building manner (read: heavy weight, lower reps). So, women should NEVER shy away from resistance training out of fear of bulking up. Finding resistance levels that they can do reps of 15 to 20 per set is ideal for tone (vs. picking a weight that is heavy and you can only get in 4-8 repetitions per set).

Anyways, if you would like to discuss this topic more in private, feel free to PM me.
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