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Old 04-26-2010, 03:33 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon View Post
This business is just too intimate and personal to contrast or analogize it to a typical buyer/seller transaction; so all those comparisons are meaningless...
As one who spent some time drawing analogies and making comparisons earlier in this thread I don't know why you're saying that, HughJ.

In fact, the reasons you give for being okay with it are the same reasons you'd be glad if any service provider said, "You might be better served going elsewhere." (a) You don't want to spend money on something less than satisfactory, and (b) a service provider who will turn away a sale rather than provide inferior service indicates a concern for customer satisfaction.

Where's the difference?
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Old 04-26-2010, 03:45 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by jfred View Post
As one who spent some time drawing analogies and making comparisons earlier in this thread I don't know why you're saying that, HughJ.

In fact, the reasons you give for being okay with it are the same reasons you'd be glad if any service provider said, "You might be better served going elsewhere." (a) You don't want to spend money on something less than satisfactory, and (b) a service provider who will turn away a sale rather than provide inferior service indicates a concern for customer satisfaction.

Where's the difference?
I had quit posting on this thread BUTT, jfred, what the heck are u talking about? You're making zero sense.
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Old 04-26-2010, 03:47 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Donnie Brasco View Post
I had quit posting on this thread BUTT, jfred, what the heck are u talking about? You're making zero sense.
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Old 04-26-2010, 04:18 PM   #94
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Well since two smart gents don't understand what I was saying I can only assume that it will be incomprehensible to the hoi poloi.

Here's what I was saying: HughJ said that the intimate nature of the services provided, i.e. fucking, means that one can't compare buying sex to other, more "typical", buyer/seller transactions.

Two of my 3 earlier posts on this thread (and a number of others' posts) did exactly that -- draw analogies between sexual service and other types of service. Following me so far?

HughJ says such comparisons are "meaningless." I thought, and still think, that such analogies or comparisons are valid and helpful.

And (here's the tricky part) it seems to me that HughJ actually thinks so, too, since the reasons he gave for not objecting to a provider saying, "Maybe you should find someone else...etc" are the very same reasons one would appreciate any service provider (doctor, lawyer, mechanic, what-have-you) saying the same thing.

In other words, they are comparable and analogous despite the intimate nature of the services. So, even though I understand HughJ's notion that sex is especially intimate, I don't understand his reasoning that there is no valid comparison between that and other services.

Does that make sense?
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Old 04-26-2010, 04:40 PM   #95
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I got it the first time.
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Old 04-26-2010, 05:03 PM   #96
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Honesty is the best thing.
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Old 04-26-2010, 05:13 PM   #97
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JF my point is that personal chemistry is not nearly as important, or even necessary with my doctor, lawyer or mechanic, but it is with a provider/client. That makes the transaction much different.

However, if buying tires is the same for you as buying sex, then you're probably happy as a clam riding a flat tire.
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:31 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon View Post
JF my point is that personal chemistry is not nearly as important, or even necessary with my doctor, lawyer or mechanic, but it is with a provider/client. That makes the transaction much different.

However, if buying tires is the same for you as buying sex, then you're probably happy as a clam riding a flat tire.
HughJ, I think you intended that last remark as an insult, and I'm not happy about that. All I've done is to disagree with you. Why get an attitude?

In fact, for me buying tires is like buying sex in some ways, and in others it's different. Chemistry with my tires means nothing to me, except that I want good chemistry to be included in their development. So I'm wit' ya on that.

But all you're really saying, it seems to me, is that different kinds of service providers might have different kinds of reasons for suggesting a guy go elsewhere for service. That's not exactly news, as they say.

Otherwise the analogy holds true.
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Old 04-26-2010, 10:16 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by jfred View Post
Well since two smart gents don't understand what I was saying I can only assume that it will be incomprehensible to the hoi poloi.

Here's what I was saying: HughJ said that the intimate nature of the services provided, i.e. fucking, means that one can't compare buying sex to other, more "typical", buyer/seller transactions.

Two of my 3 earlier posts on this thread (and a number of others' posts) did exactly that -- draw analogies between sexual service and other types of service. Following me so far?

HughJ says such comparisons are "meaningless." I thought, and still think, that such analogies or comparisons are valid and helpful.

And (here's the tricky part) it seems to me that HughJ actually thinks so, too, since the reasons he gave for not objecting to a provider saying, "Maybe you should find someone else...etc" are the very same reasons one would appreciate any service provider (doctor, lawyer, mechanic, what-have-you) saying the same thing.

In other words, they are comparable and analogous despite the intimate nature of the services. So, even though I understand HughJ's notion that sex is especially intimate, I don't understand his reasoning that there is no valid comparison between that and other services.

Does that make sense?
Got it. I so hate to admit it butt, I agree wih you 100%.
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Old 04-27-2010, 07:14 AM   #100
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Honesty is indeed the best thing. I have been turned down many times out in the real world by girls at bars and such, was I upset.... of course but at the same time I would rather walk away with my cash then have a cold worthless mechanical experience. I agree that a provider has the right to cancel, and I agree that a pre appointment off the clock drink or lunch would be a great idea. With all that has been said already in this post i know im just reiterating what has been said. I think it would all come down to the maturity of all involved. If the girl has a sweet disposition and spells it out in an easy to the ego (as we all know a guys ego is delicate) way then the guy should as a gentleman respect her choice and move on to his next choice.
Hence why the pre appointment meeting would serve both well. Guys these ladies see plenty of men that they may not normally see if they were dating so it's not like everyone would be turned away. I'm not old, or fat, however am bald, and i think im a relatively handsome guy, and yet i face rejection plenty. Im used to it as im sure every guy on here is. These ladies have gotten used to settling for us, and we as "gentleman" should get used to being occasionally turned away. Its no different out in the real world.
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Old 04-27-2010, 08:39 AM   #101
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Honesty works. Most of the providers (notice I said most) that post and advertise here offer more of a quality service. It probably would be more difficult to provide that same quality of service if the chemistry is completly missing. So it comes down to what you are looking for in a session, the fantasy or just a release. Ok I've said my piece and back under my rock I go.
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Old 05-07-2010, 02:10 PM   #102
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Funny, I just posted an alert in KC about this today.....I refused service to a gentleman bc he was more than 50lbs overweight, and looked/smelled like he had been camping for several days. My website CLEARLY states in the etiquette section my client restrictions, and that I do not see clients that are more than 50lbs overweight, and will refuse or delay service to anyone not properly groomed or showered. He was pissed and proceeded to harass me for the next three days, stating that I should just "Do my job bc that is why he is paying me to do and I am supposed to do whatever he wants " LMAO.....well I don't get on here much these days, but most of you that have been around know me and my "don't take shit from anyone attitude". I told him simply that I am not a Burger King, you can't have it your way, and I have the right to refuse service to anyone, without explanation, just as all other businesses.

I just refuse to subject myself to seeing anyone or doing anything that compromises my standards. The money is not worth, the way I would feel about myself after. Just as not every provider is for all guys, not every guy is for one provider. Guys should be honest (esp on their p411 profile) about their age, race, weight or any other factors that they think may be an 'issue" during an appointment, and ladies should be clear on their websites if they have any certain restrictions as well....I would much rather turn someone down via email bc they were not "my cup of tea" than the embarassment and inconvenience (for both parties) of turning them away at the door
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Old 05-07-2010, 03:46 PM   #103
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I'll never understand the mindset of a strange minority of my fellow hobbyists who seem to feel they are entitled to service from any provider simply because they have cash, versus recognizing that they are paying for the privilege of being with a woman that they otherwise would never have a shot with in this lifetime.

It does work both ways though, because there are a lot of nasty (looking/smelling/acting/talking) providers who feel they're entitled to $200/hr simply because they were born with a vagina and their pimp tells them that they're beautiful.

This great site helps us sort through that stuff.
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Old 05-07-2010, 05:43 PM   #104
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+1 on Hayden's comments.
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Old 05-08-2010, 04:18 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
recognizing that they are paying for the privilege of being with a woman that they otherwise would never have a shot with in this lifetime.
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