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Old 05-05-2012, 11:35 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by notdeadyet View Post
Does anyone REALLY care out any of this stuff -- i.e., the threADs, the banter, etc? Or is everyone just stoking the fire for . . . fun, or because there's nothing better to do, or...whatever?

I'm not complaining about the entertainment value of the posts, but am curious about the reality of it all.

Aren't the only important parts of this board the ads (thre- or otherwise) and the review sections?
I just wanna say that im not part of the sisterhood... but ST has had her share of attacks...on me. She just does it behind the scenes so that she keeps the guys thinking she is classy innocent victim. I know this from personal experience. And she does it so much that i think these ladies just got fed up. Remember.. some ladies are more outgoing and say whats on their minds... while others let you THINK they are classy while creating hell behind the scenes or GIVING free things out to recruit WK who will do their dirty work for them...

Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
I have a ladyboner!

Oh, and that fucking gif gave me seizure too... who needs a vibrator!
To be honest.. I kind got aroused too. Been trying to avoid the drama but im telling ya.. ST is NOT the classy lady behind the scenes.. shes just smart enough to have her posse (or pussy) do the dirty work.

I have much more respect for someone who is real.. i may not agree to how they present it.. but they are still real.

Furthermore.... its like girls that post on BP with links to ECCIE... um..duh!! i know LE are all over eccie.. but why invite more? We know they love to bust the BP girls. So why in Gods name would you post on YouTube... anything about P411 and a handle and then advertise a free session? Id say... keep that video to your own website.. and then that will not only get more men to visit your personal site... but probably more bookings.
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Old 05-05-2012, 11:38 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Tony Patella View Post
Another glowing example of subtlety and class by one of Dallas "so called"' finest....
TNT Angie is about as subtle as a F5 tornado. However, you know where she stands, without a doubt. If you ever get lucky enough for TNT Angie to see you ... you will understand why she is a wonderful provider.
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Old 05-05-2012, 11:38 AM   #78
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New contest, lets see how many pissed off chicks can come up with
the most contradictions on this thread. The winner gets a hard cover
copy of Sybil.
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Old 05-05-2012, 11:48 AM   #79
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This is some funny shit.

where is the eccie octagon, I have a gallon of wesson oil and some 6 mil platic sheets
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Old 05-05-2012, 11:56 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
This is some funny shit.

where is the eccie octagon, I have a gallon of wesson oil and some 6 mil platic sheets
I just saved money now that I don't need to order the fight tonight.
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Old 05-05-2012, 11:57 AM   #81
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Like I said some people on this board get away with anything. Boltfan, I dont know why you say some of the things you do. Remember discretion is the main reason for being on this board and you think I am someone else, get a life and leave me alone. I dont mess with you and yet you continue to say things about me. Where are the Mods now?
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Old 05-05-2012, 12:05 PM   #82
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Eating lunch?
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Old 05-05-2012, 12:08 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
This is some funny shit.

where is the eccie octagon, I have a gallon of wesson oil and some 6 mil platic sheets

And remember the winner gets a free session with Bojulay.
Which will be broadcast on youtube.
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Old 05-05-2012, 01:50 PM   #84
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Default Well, Fuck Me, Fucking Fuck...

Tangie, there is plenty of "know better" to go around. We could start with the slanted OP but now (after 82 replies to the OP) something like most of the facts begin to appear - well, that may be an overstatement. I don't know the object of Glenna's desires nor do I want to. But, I do know a half-assed, snotty, worthless attack ad when I see one. Other than the "kneel before~Glenna~" remark, I was building on observing that the "contest" was little different from others before it by other providers. In and of itself, not a cause for a threAD about a threAD. Of course there was more to all of this than met the eye and I wanted to see if more of the actual agendas from either or both sides would surface.

The next time you "die," please leave better help in charge. If this behind the scense skirmish is trotted out for public display, then it's realistic to expect to deal with inquiring minds. Myself, I'm just truly agahst and dismayed that there's swordplay and bomb throwing behind the scenes. Shocking, shocking shocking - tisk, tisk.

Hope you get the 4zip and develop and expand on the opportunities that can come from it (the second, harder part). Portable knowldege and skills are the only true power the unrich have.
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Old 05-05-2012, 01:51 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by durango95 View Post
Like I said some people on this board get away with anything. Boltfan, I dont know why you say some of the things you do. Remember discretion is the main reason for being on this board and you think I am someone else, get a life and leave me alone. I dont mess with you and yet you continue to say things about me. Where are the Mods now?
I have a decent amount of points that prove I don't get away with everything. Discretion is ancillary these days to many here, which was a talking point of this and the other thread.

Discretion means I wouldn't dream of outting you to the board or anyone else for that matter. You haven't done anything to harm anyone so no need for drastic measures. That being said, if you make a statement such as you did, I am going to call you (as I would anyone else when I know the facts) on your blatant two faced stance. Sorry you don't like your hypocrisy being pointed out.
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Old 05-05-2012, 03:56 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
TNT Angie is about as subtle as a F5 tornado. However, you know where she stands, without a doubt. If you ever get lucky enough for TNT Angie to see you ... you will understand why she is a wonderful provider.
It's still no excuse for her post. If she isn't handed a lengthy timeout for it, that speaks louder than her attitude. I will have to take your word for what a "wonderful provider" she is, because thankfully I will never know first hand. And the same goes for the OP. This is the third time in a month that she's attacking other providers. That shit gets old and is divisive in any *community*. The cancer needs to be removed.

And say they "don't care" so it shouldn't be very difficult.
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Old 05-05-2012, 04:11 PM   #87
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I prefer to not read arguements among screaming 2 year olds, who are busy learning how to use all the bad words like 12 year olds, and throw them at each other in an absurd manner. Unfortunately, as a staff member it is sometimes my job to do so.

I have read some, not all of this thread and have reached some conclusions:
Everyone knows everything.
Everyone else knows nothing.
Everyone else lies all the time.
Most members seem to be deseving of all the stupid nasty names.
Many members have been ordained to let the others know who they are, what they have done, and what their new names are.
There is more thin, sensitive skin here than on the head of a d**k, or inside a p***y.
Self control is unheard of.
Most members have not read the Forum Guidelines.
There are not enough points on the exterior of a porcupine to go around.

This line of incredibly childish behavior can stop here and now. What insults can be thrown out that have not already been done? Or we can start to strip the porcupine as required.

Let's have fun and spare the poor porcupine. He didn't do anything to us.

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Old 05-05-2012, 05:44 PM   #88
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post
YES, I died (you fucking fuck wad jerk asshole - yeah...play that one off)

I left and put her in charge while I was gone - and you guys are being total douche bags.

No one is listening to the all and powerful Ze. Fuck all you bastards to the 3 rings of hell with a 9 inch long and very wide hot poker. No, I'm not doing it for you - the devil himself will.

Randy and Patella - you guys are being complete assholes. Fuck both of you. (and Randy - you should know better than to be such an outright asshat)

You all know that ST has a penchant for being threAD like in her postings and her blatant disregard for discretion in yet another "contest" is bullshit. She can post this shit on her OWN website and post the results in her WEEKLY ADS.



I have NO AGENDA. I have no use to come here and kiss people's asses. I never have, I never will.

When I'm on here, I am just me. When I make a mistake, I admit to it.

YOU FUCKS ARE SO USE TO BEING TOLD EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR BY FAKE ASS BITCHES, that when someone is being genuine or calling someone out on their bullshit - you go left on them.



I'm outta this mother fucker. 4.0 GPA is way more important than following up on this shit - but since I was hearing about this from several of my friends in hobby land, figured I'd come put my .02 in.

And TXGENT - a special fuck you to you. You are in no way a Gent, and as a pure blooded born and raised Texan, I disown you from the Great State of Texas. Us ladies aren't gonna put up with fucks like you saying you are either.
Here's a special reply just for you: Boom!
Stay classy!

Edit: At least this thread has one positive. It finally got me curious enough about Sweet Treat to check out her showcase. Damn she's young and curvy and beautiful!

Is professional jealousy the reason behind some of the unkind attacks on her?
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Old 05-05-2012, 06:23 PM   #89
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Damn She is hot!, thanks for that pic Waldo, Oh i forgot TNT you has as much class as your friend Kayla ! NOT LOL Sorry i will have to pass even though you said fuck me!!!! Not my type of well i cant say lady so not sure what to say.
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Old 05-05-2012, 06:36 PM   #90
Tony Patella
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Originally Posted by TXGENT View Post
Damn She is hot!, thanks for that pic Waldo, Oh i forgot TNT you has as much class as your friend Kayla ! NOT LOL Sorry i will have to pass even though you said fuck me!!!! Not my type of well i cant say lady so not sure what to say.
TX Gent...don't Waldo for the pic...thank the OP, and a couple of other ladies perpetuating the thread for making you aware of ST!
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