Well I try to stay clear of drama, but it creeps in occasionally usually work related. I don't have many home issues have to say things are quite peachy.
The problem is when ladies are having problems and/or drama the men feel like they can be a super hero and save the day. All men I think have this super hero complex. We are taught from a young age that men need to be the hero and women need to be saved. Look at all the fairytails.
I know that I don't need a knight to come in a save me and I think that hurts my business sometimes. I guess I could act like I need help, but then I wouldn't be me. I am a strong and independent woman. I keep my problems to myself unless I have no other choice because in all honestly as far as this goes I feel like you are coming to escape from reality and they last thing you need is me pouring my problems on your lap. Life is difficult for everyone and people take lots for granted. I have a roof over my head, my kids don't need for anything, we are healty, and I have a pretty wonderful life. I may want more in my life, but I need for nothing. People can be selfish and some never learn, but if things were easy we would never appreciate what we have.
Once you stop running on the treadmill and take a look at what is really going on in this world you take a whole different view. My community has been hit by a tragedy, but we are coming together for someone we never even knew to find answers and make things right. So were are really compassionate people and when things get rough we come together as a community even here. This is something thats ingrained in us, but we also have a survival mode built in.
You are never given anything you can't handle, but we are always tested.
Ok off my serious self and back to the fun loving person I am

I know I went way off topic, but there is alot going on here

You just have to stop and think sometimes.