Date: 5-2
Provider: Blazing Summer
Phone: 316-350-7366
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Wichita
State: Kansas
Address: Supposed to be Kellogge and Rock area
Appointment Type: -
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None
Session Length: Booked 1 hour
Fee: $225
Hair Length and Color: ?
Age: ?
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: A noob to the hobby, after reading several reviews about Summer, I decided to take the plunge. I booked an hour and drove 35 minutes to meet her. I clled as I was pulling off Kellogge and she said she wasnt sure if i was coming. (I was about 5 minutes late) I asked if that was OK and she said "You're fine, I needed to shower anyway." At this point the phone cut off. I tried to call back and on the 4th try she answered and saod "I tried to call you back!" and either the phone cut off again or she hung up. I tried calling back several times and she refused to answer. I left a messaging asking why she stood me up after I told her I had to drive 35 minutes. I guess I didnt get robbed or meet a girl with fake pic's....dbut oes this mean I get a T-shirt?? At $3.50 a gallon I think i deserve it!
Recommendation: No