Originally Posted by Go4it
You ever been totally broke? You ever not had a place to lay your head? You ever not had a decent meal in a couple of days? You ever NOT had a car to be able to drive to that REAL job? You ever NOT have any education to be able to even get that REAL job? Let's see -- minimum wage 6.50 hr (?) times an 8 hour day = $52 less taxes. Seems to me like having sex for $40 gets to sounding pretty good.
Be careful what you say you would or wouldn't do until you been there.
I completely agree. During the years of me doing this, I've often seen what I call the "Hierarchy of Harlots" and it bothers me when I see it.
Which means, to me, ladies think that they're better than such and such because they charge more. Or they're not working in the streets. Or they're charging $500 instead of $200 (I see this one personally a lot.)
Basically, we're all the same. The parameters are different. And believe me, if it were necessary to get food on the table, I would be holding one of those cardboard signs on the street corner saying, "Will fuck for food". Well, perhaps not really, but you know what I mean.
I liked how Tiffany responded. I generally do.

Let's not be so quick to judge.
Also, the fabric of this business is changing. Because women are getting into escorting by the droves these days, it's causing the prices to spiral down because they just don't know better. If you can make a hundred bucks by having sex with a man, why work at Walmart, right?
Add to that the flux of sugarbabies on the market, and now it's time to just shake my head.
Hope that helps with my perspective, TXGENT!!!