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Old 04-30-2012, 10:38 AM   #1
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Default Question for the Ladies and Gents

I know there will ALWAYS be takers of providers that advertise really LOW , basement bargin specials, but it got me thinking today after seeing so many ads on BP , they are on eccie as well that post on BP, would you see a lady that advertise 40 or do you think they have to be deseperate. Myself i would be afraid to see someone that advertise that low thinking it might pull everyone and anyone{revolving door} at that price and what i am coming in after. Neighbors seeing so much traffic, etc.
Ladies does it make you think you are going to have to lower your prices to compete or does it make any difference on your biz when they run specials like that? Just curious and wondering if the prices are going to get to the 20 point they way it is going on there. i would be afraid to see anyone at that price of all the things they would be exposing theirselves to, JUst curious what anyone else thinks.... Ladies and gents i would like to hear your opinions.
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Old 04-30-2012, 11:56 AM   #2
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i have not had to lower my prices.. i came in at the same rate i am now. As long as a chick brings her A-game and make it worth her rate.. she shouldnt have to lower. i think that anyone that would do it for a basement rate... you should be prepared for a cockroach filled incall, stinky hoohaw.. or something alert worthy... (why is she THAT desperate?) id also expect to walk through a revolving door... and probably a good chance she is so desperate for a dollar that she recycles her covers....
Or perhaps its just something to get you through the door... and then you get the wonderful "anything more than touching my left tit will cost more" conversation...
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Old 04-30-2012, 06:11 PM   #3
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Thanks for the response Lacy, Seems we think the same about it. I think if i was a lady and had to charge 40 special i would just get a real job before i would charge that, but what do i know. maybe enough 40's for them gets them the money they want.
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Old 04-30-2012, 06:37 PM   #4
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You ever been totally broke? You ever not had a place to lay your head? You ever not had a decent meal in a couple of days? You ever NOT had a car to be able to drive to that REAL job? You ever NOT have any education to be able to even get that REAL job? Let's see -- minimum wage 6.50 hr (?) times an 8 hour day = $52 less taxes. Seems to me like having sex for $40 gets to sounding pretty good.

Be careful what you say you would or wouldn't do until you been there.
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Old 04-30-2012, 07:48 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Go4it View Post
You ever been totally broke? NOPE.. ITS CALLED SAVINGS! or some can simply go get welfare. Hell i hear u can get free internet now with welfare. You ever not had a place to lay your head? NOPE... worse case.. go to a shelter. You ever not had a decent meal in a couple of days?NOPE.. worse case.. go to a shelter You ever NOT had a car to be able to drive to that REAL job? NOPE its called a bus You ever NOT have any education to be able to even get that REAL job? NOPE no excuse for lack of education... hell they give it away like pez candy anymore. Let's see -- minimum wage 6.50 hr (?) times an 8 hour day = $52 less taxes. Seems to me like having sex for $40 gets to sounding pretty good.

Be careful what you say you would or wouldn't do until you been there.
Its called planning and saving. Its called not having bad habits.... Luckily I was smart enough to grab education and have enough common sense to save... And i raised kids, alone, with not a penny of welfare or begging.

Most of the basement prices are desperate girls in need of a "forbidden topic" fix... or they have a pimp taking their money.
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Old 04-30-2012, 08:17 PM   #6
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Lacy...you are so right! I think you and I have a lot in common. My parents have taught me to plan well for the future and save. Where I grew up, we don't get any help from the government and everything has to be paid in cash (houses and cars). Buying on credit wasn't popular! I'm sure it's different now. But I like to save and not live beyond my means.
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Old 04-30-2012, 08:24 PM   #7
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You Seemed alittle pissed GO, CHill, just getting some different thoughts, i have to agree with the ladies. Minimum wage 7.25 now by the way.
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Old 04-30-2012, 11:48 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by LusciousLacy View Post
As long as a chick brings her A-game and make it worth her rate.. she shouldnt have to lower.
BOOM! My thoughts exactly.

Originally Posted by LusciousLacy View Post
i think that anyone that would do it for a basement rate... you should be prepared for a cockroach filled incall, stinky hoohaw.. or something alert worthy... (why is she THAT desperate?) id also expect to walk through a revolving door... and probably a good chance she is so desperate for a dollar that she recycles her covers....
Or perhaps its just something to get you through the door... and then you get the wonderful "anything more than touching my left tit will cost more" conversation...
Let's not be so quick to judge. We are talking about two different types of people. Lacy, if you or I EVER offered a $40 special, people would be in shock. But you're talking about women who are obviously in a different frame of mind at the moment. They're hungry and obviously desperate and feel there's no other way. You know what I say, if they knew better they would do better.

I wonder if it works in reverse too. If any of the $40 girls learns a few things and stops banging her head against the wall, and puts her rates up to $300, she would still have a problem. What if our rates jumped to 1K/hr? Of course we'd expect a fair amount of haterade, but as long as we could command it, fuck'em, right? We all come from somewhere, and it's not our job to judge this woman's path.

In some circles, and even some towns, at $300/hr you may as well be a BP girl, because you are a HIGH VOLUME, In-and-Out Burger ass bitch. What if this thread was about 1k/hr girls offering $300 specials? We would be on the ass end of that stick, defending ourselves saying that we do everything a 1k/hr chick does, and they're the idiots for spending so much.

My thoughts? I feel like she's either doing what she feel she has to do, or what she's told to do. It doesn't bother me, because the men will patronize who they want to patronize. PLEASE don't be disillusioned otherwise. The men who see women at 1k/hr will see a girl at 300/hr, and if she's hot enough, at $40 for a BnG. Whatever floats your boat honey.

Just as long as it isn't me. The day I put up an ad for $40 you better come to Dallas and slap me. On the rear. REAL hard. And give it a little rub between each blow. I'm putting up my ad tonight...
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Old 05-01-2012, 04:22 AM   #9
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Ok so heres my opinion is doesnt matter how much you save or
how smart you are things happen !!!! Beyond your control some-
times...... Its been my expeirence to never say never!!!!!!!!!
Been there Done that!!! We live in the real world.........
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Old 05-01-2012, 07:16 AM   #10
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Tiffani- something to really think about.. thanks! I know some areas, ladies can charge $1000.. so I guess they would look at me as the cheap girl...LOL

But still.... costs of supplies as well as hotel or even cheap motel... How many $40 appts would it take to cover expenses and than make a dollar?
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Old 05-01-2012, 10:07 AM   #11
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Somewhere on this board someone indicated that $40 simply covers the door fee and everything else cost extra. No surprise so many guys get ripped off or paying more than advertised. It could just be a ploy to get the guy over then up sell like hell. I feel sorry for the girls no matter what. Clearly she has some ulterior circumstances.
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Old 05-01-2012, 10:14 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jaci View Post
Ok so heres my opinion is doesnt matter how much you save or
how smart you are things happen !!!! Beyond your control some-
times...... Its been my expeirence to never say never!!!!!!!!!
Been there Done that!!! We live in the real world.........
I agree with you completely. Never say never. For example: Anyone can suffer a heart attack or diagnosed with cancer and your entire life savings will get wiped out for treatments, even with insurance plan. Life doesn't discriminate. But I believe having good habits and some planning will minimize the damage if things should happen.
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Old 05-01-2012, 01:09 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by LusciousLacy View Post
Tiffani- something to really think about.. thanks! I know some areas, ladies can charge $1000.. so I guess they would look at me as the cheap girl...LOL

But still.... costs of supplies as well as hotel or even cheap motel... How many $40 appts would it take to cover expenses and than make a dollar?
Originally Posted by sensualsanaa View Post
Somewhere on this board someone indicated that $40 simply covers the door fee and everything else cost extra. No surprise so many guys get ripped off or paying more than advertised. It could just be a ploy to get the guy over then up sell like hell. I feel sorry for the girls no matter what. Clearly she has some ulterior circumstances.
I think we got our answer right there. It's like playing the sucker bet. And some guys will pay extra and try to make the session work instead of walking out...
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Old 05-01-2012, 01:17 PM   #14
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And as the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for".

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Old 05-01-2012, 02:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess View Post
And as the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for".

I would normally agree... but i know a provider that charges much less than me and gives ultimate GFE! And i know one that is same rate as me... and she is a pillow princess who does not take care of herself at all....
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