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Old 04-27-2012, 09:56 AM   #1
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I know there have been many threads on newbies and the frustrations that come with this subject, but there are things that need to be said again and again.
Now please excuse me for being rude, cause I am really trying not to be rude I am just really frustrated.
Just as an example and the reason for this thread.. I was woke up 5 times last night between the hours of 1am to 4am. So I am working on very little sleep today.
IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE... PLEASE READ THE PROFILES CAREFULLY. NOT JUST LOOKING AT THE PICTURES!!!! My profile states my hours of availability. 6am to 3pm. what is there not to understand? it is in my signature line.
and what I find very annoying is when someone texts me with "hey beautiful what r ur rates?" and u get annoyed with me when i start asking questions??? come on. to save everyones time here... how does this sound? text a lady with... " hey beautiful... iam so and so on eccie and i saw your profile and wanted to learn more about what i need to do to come and see you."
doesnt that sound better?
I have taken off my profile my number for this reason. I am sorry for those that rely on getting my number on the site because they cant save it on their phone... but if you know me I am only doing this because I have been dealing with this for awhile and am tired.
I really dont think newbies read the thread they are given when they sign up here or take advice from others.. which is sad cause it would take 5 minutes to read and all would be happy.
can I add one more thing to my rant? New guys.... if you are on this site looking for a twentybbbj i think you have another thing coming. We are not crack whores here and this is not mocospace nor standing on some street corner. And if you do find someone for that, BEWARE.. you get what you pay for. So many alerts and warnings out there.
Okay there it is... ladies if you have something to add as far as what you have experienced or are frustrated with please chime in.
Thank you for all those people that are respectful,it does go a long way.

licks and kisses to all.

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Old 04-27-2012, 10:22 AM   #2
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Well said MsLuv .... I'm sure the newbies are just excited and wanting to get their hobby life started ... but ... you're absolutely right that a little research and reading of the profiles and showcases will usually give them all the information needed to decide on whether they would like to see the lady. Reading previous reviews is also a tremendous help. There's alot more to you ladies then your pics in the showcase. That being said, you are one fine lady and a great provider and I applaud your patience in dealing with the "newbies" out there.
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:38 AM   #3
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That's pretty much any retail service business. That's why there is mute and voicemail.

Last couple weeks, I have been leaving the f'ing phone at home when I am out and about. I will not be on call 24/7 and won't be tethered to the silly thing.
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:42 AM   #4
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with all do respect flinde.. i leave my phone on for my kids.. and my grandchildren where one has been having health issues so i dont have the luxary of shutting my phone off. i wish i could. and as far as retail biz.. i agree... but should also have some respect when u clearly sate your hours of being available.
maxx... thanks for your thoughts also.

licks and kisses to both of you
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Old 04-27-2012, 12:39 PM   #5
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Why not get a hobby phone

Straight talk @ Walmart -- 45/ month for unlimited everything
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Old 04-27-2012, 01:20 PM   #6
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i have thought of that before.. i just cant see me having more than phone. lol ...
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Old 04-27-2012, 09:57 PM   #7
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Come on fellas, she's not asking anything outrageous! Instead of telling her what she could or should do...simply respect the hours she's listed. Seriously, how many hobbyists DON'T HAVE a hobby phone? Yet, you guys have much more to lose. And, how would you feel...if we called you all hours of the day and night leaving you hobby messages...especially, between 1a-5a?
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Likinikki View Post
Come on fellas, she's not asking anything outrageous! Instead of telling her what she could or should do...simply respect the hours she's listed. Seriously, how many hobbyists DON'T HAVE a hobby phone? Yet, you guys have much more to lose. And, how would you feel...if we called you all hours of the day and night leaving you hobby messages...especially, between 1a-5a?

I see what your saying -- Just trying to offer a solution
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:24 PM   #9
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I agree with you compleatly even I post not newbie friendly they still call me and blow up my dam message box, its frustrating and annoying that some cant read and follow simple resquests. Or maybe they just care, I hate texts and I get sooo many of those saying exacally what you mentioned hey beautiful what are your rates wtf its aggrivating but I just start to ignore the dam texts and emails from newbies.
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:35 PM   #10
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Sorry you hardly got any sleep Mslove! Some people are weenies! U just can't fix stupid lol
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:47 PM   #11
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Thumbs up Do your homework = happy Providers = happy You!

Sorry for the sleep deprevation mslove. I have been woken up every 2 hours 6 times in the same night and it's like Nazi torture!

Originally Posted by Likinikki View Post
...simply respect the hours she's listed.
Good point. But no matter how many people do respect the hours mslove has posted, there's always going to be someone who doesn't read, jumps the gun, or simply doesn't care and will call her anyway. So to be even more effective, she needs to take additional steps.

Mslove, taking your phone number off your showcase was a really good idea. By only giving it to people who have earned it, you have drastically reduced the # of "discovery" phone calls you'll get. The drawback is that now you'll have more PM's or emails to wade through, but your PM's aren't going to wake you at 2a.m.

BoomShakaLaka brought up an excellent suggestion - getting a hobby phone. That is a standard Provider solution. Many providers have a separate phone and ONLY have it on when they want calls. This gives you ultimate control. But as you pointed out, this solution isn't for everyone due to the added expense.

Back to the PM solution. Many providers don't give out there number until after they've gotten all the "What are your rates?" and discovery PMs out of the way. They either do it when a concrete appointment has been set, or at the "reconfirm" of the apt. Then you are only dealing with hobbyists who are invested in you and have something to lose. They tend to be far more respectful that just "the curious".

Sad Fact: you can never "cure" Newbeism. As soon as the newness wears off, another guy comes along and takes his place.

Best Wishes,
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:50 PM   #12
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If I had a dollar for every time I have seen this topic on a board or have heard this topic discussed I could hobby with such wild abandon!

Not sure if such things are caused by a lack of common sense, a lack of respect or both. Either way, it is obvious that no gentleman gene is present.
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:58 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by mslovebjs68 View Post
i have thought of that before.. i just cant see me having more than phone. lol ...
But you're running a business, doesn't it make sense to have a business phone? You can get a throwaway at Walmart.

While I am email only here in the States, when I was in Vancouver I had 2 numbers (teehee, the last 4 digits of my work number even spelled MSOG - really cut down on the most popular question too).

Then only have your work phone on when you WANT to be taking work calls, and have a voicemail message that explains you are not available right now, to call back later, but they will need to have X Y and Z ready when they call back.

I'm not big on calling clients back unless they specifically left "safe" times in their message. Having them call me back always worked fine.

Last couple weeks, I have been leaving the f'ing phone at home when I am out and about. I will not be on call 24/7 and won't be tethered to the silly thing.
I'm the same way. I don't and won't answer my phone (or texts) whilst driving. That thing sits on silent in my purse I'd say at least 12 hours a day. I check it the same way I'd check my answering machine before cell phones

We all survived the 80s/90s (and before) without needing to be available 24/7. People called, left messages, and the world did not end. Shock of shocks.
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Old 04-28-2012, 06:42 AM   #14
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i think most that are responding with get another phone (hobby phone).
Point is there needs to be respect of what the provider has in her showcase. period.
That is why i posted this so newbies can see that it is not cool to just call or text someone, whenever they want or need. LOOK at the showcases.. READ the showcases... and everyone will be happier.
the other point i was making is the newbies will be upset if you answer the phone pissy cause it is 2am and your half asleep. really? when they cant read and your getting upset?
I want to thank everyone that has sent me pm's and offered some good points there and here in coed. much appreciated.

licks and kisses to all
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Old 04-28-2012, 09:23 AM   #15
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I understand what you are saying but people are dumbasses and dont read -- Hell I read and sometimes miss something that was said in what I just read

I do agree that more respect needs to be given--- PERIOD
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