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Old 04-23-2012, 11:12 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The logic was to get you to think.Since that did not seem to work , I will try and give you a paint by number view.

If there are three huge drivers of Federal spending (SS, Medicare and Defense)...which do you think has gotten us into the huge deficit mess?

I will give you a hint, SS and Medicare are in the surplus 2 TRILLION>

If you saved 2 million dollars and the rest of your family was 14 million in debt...would you think it funny that they kept blaming you for their debt?

Classic WTF logic. Someone disagrees and he insults. I get it, I understand it. I just think your "faith" that somehow the debt will be magicly repaid is comical. You can play a game with the numbers all you like, but your lefties had 2 years of a majority and nothing got done. The right had several years of majorities and nothing got done. Somehow this numbers shell game makes it all better? Edit to add, SS is not currently running a surplus, and is projected to consume your 2.6 trillion that really doesn't exist.
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Old 04-23-2012, 11:23 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Boltfan View Post
Classic WTF logic. Someone disagrees and he insults. I get it, I understand it. I just think your "faith" that somehow the debt will be magicly repaid is comical. You can play a game with the numbers all you like, but your lefties had 2 years of a majority and nothing got done. The right had several years of majorities and nothing got done. Somehow this numbers shell game makes it all better?
I agree that neither party has cut spending.

My point was that SS and Medicare have not been the reason for the debt, unless you use the logic that without the surplus we would not have spent as much. That is like saying if your brother had not made so much money , you would not have spent it. The fact is he did, cut your spending (Defense) and quit blaming your brother. Yes your brother (SS, Medicare ) needs to make adjustments to his spending too but he has run a surplus.
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:16 AM   #18
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The SS trust was combined with the general fund back in 1967 under LBJ and a democratic congress. There is no trust fund only IOUs. Look at it like this; two roommates, one with a box of money and the other living hand to mouth. The idiot of the two keeps borrowing from his roommates box of money until it is only staying even from the money being put in by the smarter roommate. A loan company contacts the smart guy and wants to know about his finances so he can buy a house. He looks in his box and sees a little cash and shit load of IOUs from his roommate. Can he honestly tell the loan company that he has the money that equals the IOUs? NO he can't! It was this kind of logic that got us into this trouble now. Banks and pensions funds were counting on the houses that they held an interest in keeping their value. Pack of fucking idiots!!!

and WTF, did you notice that this report completely forgot about the 2% payroll tax cut that Obama wants to claim. That comes off the back end of your SS payments. By forgetting this this report has disqualified itself from being serious.
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Old 04-24-2012, 05:35 AM   #19
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WTF gets the big picture wrong again......yesterday's financial news was reporting just the opposite!!!!!


WTFs story is fabrication by the news organization that sponsers the Democrats...NBC/MSNBC.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Hopefully my friends on the right will grasp that SS is not broke. Does it need adjustments? Yes...we live longer, so of course it needs to be adjusted.


“The redemption of those bonds can only occur out of current income,” explained Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad last year. “The general fund has been borrowing from Social Security and we've borrowed well over $2 trillion,” he said. “That money has got to be paid back. How's it going to be paid back? It's going to be paid back by the other general expenditures of the federal government having to be reduced to make way for the payments that we're going to have to make on those bonds.”
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Old 04-24-2012, 05:44 AM   #20
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Old 04-24-2012, 05:46 AM   #21
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without reading all of the posts, how much of that money is actually IOUs from the treasury?
What is the anticipated payout or liability of the SS to the expected beneficiaries.

SS may not be broke but the government that owes it is.
Just think what happens when the government continues to print money to pay the recipients. I believe it is called inflation and you can only jury rig the numbers for so long before they will rise up from their scooters and walkers and say enough.

How many times in the past 3 years have they changed the formula for inflation so to make it appear that inflation is in check when in fact it is not. The numbers released to the public and which COLAs are based on is bogus when compared to real life. The government is stealing from its citizens because there is a spending habit that needs to be stopped. The government needs t enter a 12 step program to stop the addiction. These are the things that no news media will talk about includng Fox. Wake up people the government is fucking you to death and stealing your money.
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Old 04-24-2012, 06:36 AM   #22
i'va biggen
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Until the left and right wing nuts start working together for the good of the country,and quit harping party lines we as a people are FUCKED
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Old 04-24-2012, 07:39 AM   #23
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Baloney. Where was all your jabbering when Pelosi/Reid/Obama controlled Congress and the White House, ramming Obamacare down our throats, trying to pass Cap N Trade, and running up a record $5 trillion in debt in under 3 years !

Only when the Democrats are on the hot seat; losing the arguements, do they cry "bi-partisanship"...............

Then they turn around and fuck middle class Americans !

Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
Until the left and right wing nuts start working together for the good of the country,and quit harping party lines we as a people are FUCKED
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Old 04-24-2012, 07:39 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The SS trust was combined with the general fund back in 1967 under LBJ and a democratic congress. There is no trust fund only IOUs. Look at it like this; two roommates, one with a box of money and the other living hand to mouth. The idiot (the Defense Industry) of the two keeps borrowing from his roommates ( SS and Medicare) box of money until it is only staying even from the money being put in by the smarter roommate. A loan company contacts the smart guy and wants to know about his finances so he can buy a house. He looks in his box and sees a little cash and shit load of IOUs from his roommate. The IOU's are similiar to the income from you job. People do not have enough money to buy a house but banks look at your income stream. That is how loans are made. You do realize that Gore ran on the promise to lock SS/Medicare. Can he honestly tell the loan company that he has the money that equals the IOUs? NO he can't! It was this kind of logic that got us into this trouble now. Banks and pensions funds were counting on the houses that they held an interest in keeping their value. Pack of fucking idiots!!!

If you could ever get it through your head that we have three main expenses by the Federal Government, SS, Medicare and Defense spending.

What you are admitting is that Defense is the one robbing both SS and Medicare. Yet you do not want to cut Defense spending.

btw, CuteOldGuy....do you now see why I think there is little hope for this country? A College teacher does not understand that Defense is the biggest expense this government has . He wants to cut spending but not Defense.
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Old 04-24-2012, 07:41 AM   #25
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The Democrats cannot be trusted to work "for the good of middle class Americans"....they must be discredited and defeated.

They are all about bigger defecits, bigger government, bigger bureacracies, bigger regulation. They oppose individual liberties, individual responsibilities, and the upward mobility of capitalism.
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Old 04-24-2012, 07:48 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
. The government is stealing from its citizens because there is a spending habit that needs to be stopped. .
Defense is what the government isd spending the money on.

2dogs, there are three huge drivers of debt on the Federal Government side. Defense, SS and Medicare.

Defense spending is why we are where we are. SS and Medicare have been in the surplus.

Do you people not understand simple Math?

Reagan and Bush Jr cut taxes ...so we now have 50% of Americans not paying any Federal income tax.

Reagan though 'fixed' SS/Medicare. He raised that tax on millions of middle class Americans. This has raised a huge amount of money or surplus into the Treasury. What has become of it? Defense spent it. Reagan increased Defense spending , remember.
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Old 04-24-2012, 07:53 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
WTF gets the big picture wrong again......yesterday's financial news was reporting just the opposite!!!!!


WTFs story is fabrication by the news organization that sponsers the Democrats...NBC/MSNBC.

Do you understan what you read? These are both the exact same stories.

Instead of looking at the biggest expenditure of the Federal government, Defense....this is a way to extract more money from you to continue spending on Defense.

They will adjust SS/Medicare so they can then take that surplus money and spend it on Defense.

That is exactly wtf Reagan did. The problem is that you can not get people to go along with this raid on SS/Medicare because you can not fool them with lower taxes. 50% already pay no Federal taxes. Something Reagan and Bush Jr are responsible for.

I understand the big picture.
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Old 04-24-2012, 08:01 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
The Democrats cannot be trusted to work "for the good of middle class Americans"....they must be discredited and defeated.

They are all about bigger defecits, bigger government, bigger bureacracies, bigger regulation. They oppose individual liberties, individual responsibilities, and the upward mobility of capitalism.
They must be defeated so Big Business can continue to transfer the wealth of this country into the hands of a few.

Do you know what the Gini coefficient is? I doubt it but it is on the rise in this country and that is not a good thing. It is on the rise because we have shipped out jobs overseas and because we shifted the tax burdend from Federal taxes to FICA type taxes.
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Old 04-24-2012, 08:15 AM   #29
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Again, WTF gets it wrong.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Hopefully my friends on the right will grasp that SS is not broke. But it is broke and going more broke sooner than expected. Again, WTF gets it wrong. It is the AFL-CIO and the left that doesn't want to change benefits. NOT the right !

Does it need adjustments? Yes...we live longer, so of course it needs to be adjusted. The conservatives are in agreement it needs adjusting...heck, even the Republican moderates say it does...again, it is the left that doesn't want to adjust benefits. They want to raise taxes on the wealthy again ! The right has proposed changes; what changes have the left proposed? None ! They continue to demonize Republicans who offer up their own solutions without offering any of their own....they want to play 3rd rail politics with SS (to their own political gains).


“The redemption of those bonds can only occur out of current income,” explained Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad last year. “The general fund has been borrowing from Social Security and we've borrowed well over $2 trillion,” he said. “That money has got to be paid back. How's it going to be paid back? It's going to be paid back by the other general expenditures of the federal government having to be reduced to make way for the payments that we're going to have to make on those bonds.”
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Old 04-24-2012, 08:47 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Again, WTF gets it wrong.
I got nothing wrong. What you fail to mention is DEFENSE. What would the liberals want to adjust SS/Medicare, programs that have a 2.7 TRILLION dollar surplus unless Conseratives quit raiding it to pay for their Defense pet projects?

What you fail to mention is Defense spending. You can not talk about SS/Medicare without addressing that issue. That is where all you Tea Party hicks get it wrong. You do not understand that Defense spending is why we have this huge deficitNot SS or Medicare! They are still in the SURPLUS.....even though Defense has spent their surplus.

So what you want is to adjust SS/Medicare so Defense can continue to spend it?
WTF is wrong with you. You want to spend retiree's saving on Defense?

Originally Posted by WTF
Hopefully my friends on the right will grasp that SS is not broke. But it is broke and going more broke sooner than expected. Again, WTF gets it wrong. It is the AFL-CIO and the left that doesn't want to change benefits. NOT the right ! They do not want to change benifits. Why would they if you do not change how Defense raids those surpluses? Do you not understand that is they make changes to SS/Medicare without changing the way Defense robs from it, why would they? Talk about somebody that does not understand the system. You take the cake. You have a piece of the puzzle and you think that is all their is to it.

Does it need adjustments? Yes...we live longer, so of course it needs to be adjusted. The conservatives are in agreement it needs adjusting...heck, even the Republican moderates say it does...again, it is the left that doesn't want to adjust benefits. Without adjusting Defense from robbing from it, why should they? They want to raise taxes on the wealthy again ! The right has proposed changes; what changes have the left proposed? None ! They continue to demonize Republicans who offer up their own solutions without offering any of their own....they want to play 3rd rail politics with SS (to their own political gains). Both sides demonize the other. You act as if only one side does it. I have said our form of government is outdated. So do not act as if I do not undersrtand.


“The redemption of those bonds can only occur out of current income,” explained Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad last year. “The general fund has been borrowing from Social Security and we've borrowed well over $2 trillion,” he said. “That money has got to be paid back. How's it going to be paid back? It's going to be paid back by the other general expenditures of the federal government having to be reduced to make way for the payments that we're going to have to make on those bonds.”
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