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Old 04-09-2012, 06:15 AM   #31
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Just don't try to "push" the condoms at 4:20 PM and I think you'll be OK Elisabeth.
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:23 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
There's no Texas state law that limits the number of condoms a person can possess. I haven't read every code of every city in the state, and have no intent to do so, but I haven't heard of any city in Texas with such a law, either. If there were such a law, I'd probably hear about it since my colleagues and I sit around in bars at night talking about condoms. A law like that would certainly rubber me the wrong way.

I don't know how to respond to such a silly comment, except to say that cops can't bypass the Fourth Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures with such tactics. As I've written many times before, any cop can arrest any citizen for anything, but the trick is making the charge stick. If a cop arrested someone for refusing to consent to a search, the charge would never be filed by the DA or grand jury, the cop could be disciplined, even terminated, and the cop and the city could be subject to a civil rights violation suit brought by the arrested person.
Perhaps it wouldn't hold up in court. However the cop on site at the time will use it to intimidate someone who may not know any better. Fighting it in court? Not unless you have lots of money.
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Old 04-09-2012, 08:14 AM   #33
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If condoms/toys/etc.are not in plain sight, like a trunk,bag/purse (SJ said u could carry 100,000 condoms and its still legal). How do they know you are packin 1000 condoms, or the bigest asdortment of toys ever seen in a vehicle. Are they displayed on the dash or in the rear window as advertisement ( I know this is not the case)? If they do not have probable cause to search, why is there a problem? Even if you had been ticketed or warned about the area you are in or you just were speeding, illegal U-turn, etc. (assuming you dont have any outstanding warrants) that alone is not enough for a search of your vehicle. So your passing through an area known for such activities, it the route you take on your way to wherever you are going. Where you are going is none of LE's business!
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Old 04-09-2012, 09:34 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
There isn't a reason to ship them. It's unnecessary work.

Last year, I flew quite a bit and there wasn't a problem with toys in my carry on bag. I flew probably 11-12 times last year and only once did they check my luggage.

And it wasn't for the toys although those have raised some eyebrows at times but generally, they looked as stoned faced as always. It was for a breakfast protein bar that I had thrown in there on a previous trip and had forgotten about it.

Once, they checked my suitcase because I had bought some attachments for my violet wand at a show in Chicago and basically they were shock cables. And when I acted slightly embarrassed, one of the ladies said that this was nothing. That they had seen worse.

Then she told me a few stories!!! These were along the lines of masculine gorgeous man has gigantic dildos and sissy clothing in suitcase. Wild stuff like that.

I've gone through security (many times) with bunches of condoms, floggers, hard leather paddles, dildos, vibrating eggs, tons of lingerie, etc. It's completely alright.

My question is more local with the idea of just HAVING 50-100+ condoms somewhere and possibly getting in trouble for it.

As someone who used to work for that agency, I have to tell you that they're absolutely right. Any toy that's big enough to make you stop and shake your head, or one that is clearly large enough to do damage is ALWAYS in a man's luggage. The bad ones are the ones that have been recently used and NOT cleaned. Which is why those folks ALWAYS wear gloves.
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Old 04-09-2012, 10:15 AM   #35
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OMG I can totally see Elisabeth stopping up the line while the security guys call over their buddies so they can see the screen. Then they all look up at elisabeth who just smiles.
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Old 04-09-2012, 11:21 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
OMG I can totally see Elisabeth stopping up the line while the security guys call over their buddies so they can see the screen. Then they all look up at elisabeth who just smiles.
Yes. That's me! It's about the only thing that you can do is smile. When they're asking supervisors to take a look, what can I possibly say?

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Old 04-09-2012, 03:30 PM   #37
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Old 04-09-2012, 03:38 PM   #38
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I think this stems from the old wives tale that having more than 3 condoms can equal a charge of manifestation. I've heard that rumor more than once over the years, but nobody has ever been able to provide the proof
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Old 04-09-2012, 04:18 PM   #39
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Maybe the way to bypass LE or airport security is to get creative and wear a fine tailored garment made of your condoms, such as these dresses by Trojan Paul Gaultier.

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Old 04-09-2012, 06:27 PM   #40
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But once you wear them ... they are used condoms.
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Old 04-15-2012, 03:59 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
Yes. That's me! It's about the only thing that you can do is smile. When they're asking supervisors to take a look, what can I possibly say?

I fly and carry condoms. I did get my bag checked once by a female TSA agent. She opened and saw the gold foil of about 20 rolled together. I said with a straight face that I was once a Boy Scout and learned to always be prepared. She had to look down to stop from laughing.

I am glad providers carry condoms at all times, a needed tool of the trade.
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Old 04-15-2012, 07:11 PM   #42
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I once was with someone shopping and they were replenishing supplies for an incall. Boxes of 12 Durex condoms at the freaking dollar store! Yes, they were only a dollar per box. So we grabbed them all and put all 47 boxes in the cart.

When we got to the check out counter, the clerk looked at all the condoms, then me, then back at the condoms, then again back at me with a look of puzzled amusement on her face and I simply responded saying, "I'm just lucky, I guess".
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Old 04-15-2012, 09:24 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth View Post
I once was with someone shopping and they were replenishing supplies for an incall. Boxes of 12 Durex condoms at the freaking dollar store! Yes, they were only a dollar per box. So we grabbed them all and put all 47 boxes in the cart.

When we got to the check out counter, the clerk looked at all the condoms, then me, then back at the condoms, then again back at me with a look of puzzled amusement on her face and I simply responded saying, "I'm just lucky, I guess".
Priceless story!!!

I do know that going up in the checkout lane at CVS with a bunch of sex supplies always raises the eyebrows. That's why I now prefer to order my condoms, etc., online.

I sincerely appreciate all of the responses and funny comments. It IS a relatively funny topic except for the fact that it's potentially harmful in terms of getting into trouble. Which must not be much of an issue in Texas.

However, it DOES seem to be an issue in other states.
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